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[WpProQuiz 6757]
Direction (1-5): In the following questions, the symbols ♥, ♥♥, ♦, ♣, ♣♣, and ♠♠are used with the following meanings as illustrated below. Study the following information and answer the given questions. In each of the questions given below statements are followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically does not follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
A ♥B – All A are B
A ♠B – No A are B
A ♣ B – Some A are B
A ♦ B – Only a few A are B
A ♠♠B – All A can never be B
A ♥♥ B – All A can be B
A ♣♣ B – Some A are not B
1) Statement:
Civil ♥ Majority
Majority ♦ Society
Society â™ Leverage
I) Civil ♥♥Leverage
II) Society â™ â™ Civil
a) If only Conclusions I follows
b) If only Conclusions II follows
c) If either Conclusions I or Conclusion II follows
d) If neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
e) If both Conclusion I and II follows
2) Statements:
Green ♥Yellow
Blue ♦Green
Blue â™ Orange
I) Green â™ orange
II) Orange ♥♥ Yellow
a) If only Conclusions I follows
b) If only Conclusions II follows
c) If either Conclusions I or Conclusion II follows
d) If neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
e) If both Conclusion I and II follows
3) Statements:
Sun ♦Earth
Earth ♦Moon
Moon â™ Mars
I) Sun♣♣Mars
II) Earth ♥♥Mars
a) If only Conclusions I follows
b) If only Conclusions II follows
c) If either Conclusions I or Conclusion II follows
d) If neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
e) If both Conclusion I and II follows
4) Statements:
Guava â™ Apple
Mango ♦ Papaya
Mango ♥Apple
I) Papaya ♣♣Apple
II) Papaya â™ â™ Guava
a) If only Conclusions I follows
b) If only Conclusions II follows
c) If either Conclusions I or Conclusion II follows
d) If neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
e) If both Conclusion I and II follows
5) Statements:
Computer â™ Mobile
Tablet ♦Laptop
Mobile â™ Tablet
I) Laptop ♥♥Computer
II) Mobile ♣♣Laptop
a) If only Conclusions I follows
b) If only Conclusions II follows
c) If either Conclusions I or Conclusion II follows
d) If neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
e) If both Conclusion I and II follows
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.
Eight friends J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are living on eight different floors of a building. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered as one, the one above that is numbered as two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered as eight. Each of them likes different games such as Badminton, Cricket, Carrom, Football, Hockey, Kho-Kho, Volleyball and Basketball but not necessarily in the same order.
J lives on fourth floor. N likes Hockey. Only one person lives between J and L. Only two persons live between the one who likes Cricket and the one who likes Carrom. Only one person lives between O and P. K likes Volleyball. O lives on an odd numbered floor. Only one person lives between K and N. Only three persons live between the one who likes Football and the one who likes Badminton. M likes Basketball but does not live on an even numbered floor. P lives above O. Q likes Football and lives on the floor which is immediately above the floor where L lives. N lives on the topmost floor. O likes carom.
6) Which of the following person likes Kho-Kho?
a) P
b) J
c) O
d) L
e) None of these
7) Which of the following combination is definitely true?
a) L – Cricket
b) M – Badminton
c) P – Carrom
d) N – Basketball
e) None of these
8) How many persons are there in between L and the one who likes Badminton?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these
9) Which of the following person lives on the floor numbered one?
a) N
b) O
c) M
d) Q
e) None of these
10) O likes which of the following games?
a) Cricket
b) Carrom
c) Kho-Kho
d) Football
e) Cannot be determined
Answers :
Direction (1-5):
1) Answer: A
2) Answer: B
3) Answer: D
4) Answer: B
5) Answer: A
Directions (6-10 :
J lives on fourth floor. Only one person lives between J and L. Q likes Football and lives on the floor which is immediately above the floor L lives.
Only one person lives between O and P. O lives on an odd numbered floor. P lives above O.
Only one person lives between K and N.
N likes Hockey. K likes Volleyball. Only three persons live between one who likes Football and one who likes Badminton.
M likes Basketball but does not live on an even numbered floor.
Only two persons live between one who likes Cricket and one who likes Carrom.
N lives on the topmost floor. O likes carrom.
6) Answer: B
7) Answer: A
8) Answer: D
9) Answer: C
10) Answer: B