IBPS SO Prelims examination is approaching very shortly, we hope that all aspirants you have completed your preparation and started practicing our Free Mock Test. Here we have given Important Last Minute Preparation Tips for IBPS SO Prelims 2017. Candidates those who are preparing for the examination can make use of it.
Last Minutes Preparation Tips for IBPS SO Prelims 2017
Dear Readers, IBPS SO (SPECIALIST OFFICER) examination is one of the important examinations conducted by IBPS. This exam is for selecting eligible candidates for various posts like IT officers; Agriculture officers, HR/ personnel officers; marketing officers, law officers, and Rajyabhasha adikari (scale -1).
As per the IBPS notification update, the online test for IBPS SO will be classified into 2 phases
- Preliminary Examination
- Mains Examination
IBPS SO Prelims examination is scheduled to be conducted during the 30th and 31st December 2017. Mains will be conducted on the 28th of January 2018.
- The Preliminary Exam score will not be considered to get into the final selection.
- Clearing IBPS SO examination not so tough and not so easy. You need a meticulous strategy to approach the exam.
- Last minute preparation is very important to approach the examination effectively.
- Don’t take approximations in answer while attempting questions because if you do not maintain accuracy, then your more attempts might go in vain
For Specialist Officers (Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer (Scale I), HR/Personnel Officer, IT Officer( Scale I):
Serial No | Sectional
topics |
Total no. of questions | Total Marks | Duration |
1. | Reasoning section | 50 | 50 | 120
minutes |
2. | English language | 50 | 25 | |
3. | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 | 125 |
For Specialist Officers ( Law Officer and Rajyabhasha Adhikari) Scale I:
Serial no | Sectional topics | Total no. of questions | Total marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning section | 50 | 50 |
120 minutes |
2 | English language | 50 | 25 | |
3 | General Awareness
(With Special Reference to Banking) |
50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 | 125 |
- You can attend the examination in two languages i.e. English and Hindi except the subject to English Language.
- For every incorrect response, 0.25 marks will be deducted as per negative marking.
Click Here for IBPS SO Previous Year Question Paper in PDF
Click Here for IBPS SO Prelims Free Online Mock Test
Tips for Aptitude to improve your calculation speed:
- The students must begin with basic and four pillars of the arithmetic to improve the calculation speed.
- By heart the multiplication tables up to 20 and also learn the square root values from 1 to 20.
- Sharpen your mental math skill and try to visualize the calculations in your brain so that you can save the time.
- The candidate should be free from the negative thoughts and try to solve the problems.
- Learn proper techniques and must apply on the spot.
Important Study Links for Quantitative Aptitude
TOP 50 Data Interpretation Questions
TOP 50 Application Sums
Complete Quantitative Aptitude Guide for IBPS Exams
TOP 1000 Simplification Questions
TOP 500 Quadratic Equations
TOP 500 Number Series Questions
TOP 270 Data Interpretation Questions
Tips for English language:
- Start with the topic that you are most comfortable
- If you are strong in English, you can first start with it. If you are not well in the English section, then you should solve it after the Reasoning and Quantitative sections.
- For Reading Comprehension Questions, You should understand the mean of passage first then try to answer.
- Practice with IBPS SO Prelims model papers for better Idea of the exact test.
Important Study Links for English Language
Error Spotting New Pattern Questions Asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017
Fill in the Blanks New Pattern Questions Asked in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2017
TOP 700 English Questions Based on New Pattern
Tips to solve Reasoning Ability:
- Strong Your Basic Reasoning Skills by Practice more.
- Don’t waste more time on a single topic.
- Your Score depends on your accuracy with speed.
- Try our IBPS SO Prelims mock test for reasoning.
- Also, Check IBPS SO Prelims Previous Year Papers
Important Study Links for Reasoning Ability
TOP 50 Puzzle Questions
TOP 50 Seating Arrangements
Exclusively On New Pattern Reasoning Questions
TOP 500 Puzzles
General tips to overcome from exam pressure:
- Accuracy is one of the key factors to crack any exam. It will make you solve multiple questions and make you score high.
- Manage your time efficiently and effectively.
- Don’t ignore any topic under IBPS SO Syllabus.
- Maintain a very good speed right from the beginning of the exam.
- Always start with less time-consuming topics first.
- Do not over-stress yourself at the last moment.
- Think with Positive attitude and Stay Calm.
- Examinations are a way to test your ability within a short time. So prepare well ahead strengthening all the basics, increasing your vocabulary ability and quick shortcuts to solve a question.
- Revise in the last week and make a checklist to make sure you have revised all the topics that you have studies. (This will make sure you don’t miss any topics in the revision as even a mark is more valuable in the Mains examination.)
- Take nutritious food and ample rest so as to recede the tension within you. Sleep early and avoid reading late into the night.
- Expect the Unexpected always. Don’t panic if you get a new pattern of questions in the exam. Try to attend them calmly.
- Always start with the section you are most confident and comfortable with. There is no absolute necessary to attend the questions in a continuous way.
- Switch sections that you well versed at the beginning and questions that are convenient to solve.
- Since this is a preliminary examination the questions are expected to be moderately easy. So try to answer as many questions as possible with accuracy. Remember there is negative marking.
- Managing your time to answer questions is very important.150 questions to be answered within a span of 120 minutes might be quite challenging. So answer the easier questions first to save time for the tougher ones.
- Don’t try to answer randomly at the last time since doing so may bring down your marks which will be a hindrance.
- Speed and accuracy is all that matters in an examination with limited time. So make the best use of it.