IBPS SO Prelims Study Plan:
The IBPS SO Prelims exam dates are the 28th and 29th of December 2022. The competition will be surely very high. The total number of vacancies for this year is 1163. To use this opportunity you have to prepare without any diversion. For that, we have prepared an IBPS SO study plan for 20 days. In these 20 days, you can learn all the topics in an efficient manner. In such a way, enough time period is allocated for each topic. So take this as a challenge and complete the IBPS SO prelims study plan in a successful manner. The various posts in the IBPS SO recruitment are given below,
- IT Officer (Scale-I)
- Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I)
- Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale-I)
- Law Officer (Scale-I)
- HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I)
- Marketing Officer (Scale-I)
The study plan will be useful for candidates preparing for all these posts.
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IBPS SO Prelims Study Plan 2022:
For the IBPS SO Prelims exam, our experts have prepared an excellent study plan for 20 days. For preparation purposes, the banking aspirants can trust this study plan completely. Following this study plan, you can easily complete the full syllabus topics in a quick manner. Moreover, your preparation will be effective for all sections. So that your chances for entering the banking industry will become even brighter. In this twenty days IBPS SO prelims study plan 2022, ample time duration is given for each topic based on the difficulty level. Topics such as seating arrangement, puzzles, miscellaneous word problems, etc. will need more time for preparation. You can also make changes to this study plan according to your convenience if necessary. If you take more time for tougher topics, compensate the total time taken by completing the easier topics quickly. So that you can finish your preparation without any delay. This will create ample time-space for revision and mock test practice. Following this IBPS SO prelims study plan 2022 in a very strict manner will surely help you to finish your preparation soon. Also, you can cover the full IBPS SO syllabus without missing any single topic in each section.
20 Days Study Plan for IBPS SO Prelims:
We are providing for you the 20 Days IBPS SO study plan to make your preparation easy. Also, you can prepare in a quality way to score more marks in the exam. In such a high standard the study plan has been prepared by our experts. It also makes you cool, by avoiding the last-minute rushed preparation. This study plan is prepared in such a way that a suitable time duration is given to each topic based on the difficulty level of the topic. As there is sectional timing for the IBPS SO Prelims, candidates should also focus on their speed and accuracy. If you prepare without any study plan, you have to prepare random topics and rush until the last minute.
20 Days Study Plan for IBPS SO Prelims 2022:
Days | Reasoning Ability | Data Analysis and Interpretation | General Awareness
(For LA/RA post) |
English Language |
Day 1 | Coded Inequality and Syllogism | Data Interpretation
Bar and Line Graph |
Current Affairs (June) | Reading Comprehension
(New pattern) |
Day 2 | Attend mock test – 1 | |||
Day 3 | Weekly Revision – 1
Revise all topics (Section-wise) & Analyze the weaker areas |
Day 4 | Puzzle and Seating Arrangement | Application Sums
Part – 1 |
Static GK | Phrase Replacement |
Day 5 | Attend mock test – 3 | |||
Day 6 | Input and Output | Missing and Wrong Number Series | Budget and Monetary Policy Rates | Sentence Correction and Sentence Connector |
Day 7 | Attend mock test – 4 | |||
Day 8 | Coded Blood relation and Coded Direction sense | Application Sums
Part – 2 |
Current Affairs (July) | Cloze Test
(Old pattern and new pattern) |
Day 9 | Attend mock test – 5 | |||
Day 10 | Weekly Revision – 2
Revise all topics (Section-wise) & Analyze the weaker areas |
Day 11 | Order and Ranking and Miscellaneous | Application Sums
Part – 3 |
Current Affairs Revision – (August) | Sentence Rearrangement and Jumbled Sentence |
Day 12 | Attend mock test – 6 | |||
Day 13 | Coding and Decoding | Data Interpretation
Pie Chart and Table |
Current Affairs (September) | Most appropriate Synonym/Antonym |
Day 14 | Attend mock test – 7 | |||
Day 15 | Alphabet and numerical series | Quantity I and II | Banking Static GK | Sentence Improvement |
Day 16 | ||||
Day 17 | Data Sufficiency | Data Sufficiency | Current Affairs (October) | Sentence Matching
Column I and Column II |
Day 18 | Attend mock test – 9 | |||
Day 19 | Logical reasoning | Quadratic Equations | Current Affairs Revision – (November) | Error Spotting |
Day 20 | Final Revision
Revise all topics (Section-wise) & Analyze the weaker areas |
Importance of IBPS SO Prelims Study Plan 2022:
- Our IBPS SO IT study plan 2022 will suit the candidates preparing for that exam. Likewise, the candidates preparing for all the other posts can make use of this study plan.
- This is the perfect daily schedule to study and practice. So that, it will urge the students to not waste time for even a minute. Hence you can complete your preparation on time. This will avoid last-minute tension during the exam.
- The IBPS SO prelims study plan gives enough time for preparation. So that you can take time for practice to rectify your mistakes. So that you can learn the concepts in a thorough manner without any hurry. Hence in the exam, you can solve any type of difficult question with ease.
- All the topics from every section are scheduled by mentioning the time-space in the plan. So that if you follow this plan in a strict manner, there is no need of skipping any topic. As a result, your preparation will be in the high standards to clear any tough papers.
- Following our study plan will help you to finish your preparation well before the exam. So that you will have a lot of time to practice mock tests, online quizzes, etc. After these many practices, your success probability will go high.
So students follow our study plan in a very strict manner and practice more mock tests as possible. This is the trick to crack any tougher exam.
Download 20 days IBPS SO Prelims Study plan
Tips To Complete Study Plan:
This IBPS SO prelims study plan 2022 is for 20 days. Only if you follow in a correct manner you can complete it. Also, you have to practice mock tests side by side. If you are practicing a topic learn all the concepts in and out. Practice all the questions starting from low to a high level. If you have any weakness, rectify it by taking topic tests separately. So that you can improve your speed and accuracy for that specific topic. In this way complete all the topics in every section. Make sure that you are strong enough to take difficult and tricky questions in all the sections. After completing all the topics take full-length prelims mock tests. Only then you can learn time management skills. Do this practice until you get more confidence. Only after all these practices, your study plan will be completed in a perfect manner. Also, refer to IBPS SO previous year question papers
So candidates use this IBPS SO prelims study plan 2022 in an efficient manner. Also, follow the tips to score more marks in the exam.