IBPS topper strategy is here for you. The aspirants refer the success story of Ritik Ranjan from Ranchi, Jharkhand. In his success story he has mentioned the preparation strategy and methods. So follow this IBPS topper strategy of the succesful candidate, Ritik Ranjan.
IBPS Topper Strategy – Ritik Ranjan:
Hello everyone. My name is Ritik Ranjan from Ranchi Jharkhand who graduated in mathematics honours in the year 2017. Right from then I started preparing from bank exams and Finally I could clear three exams in 2019-2020.
- IBPS RRB CLERK (Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank) on 1st January 2020.
- State Bank of India Junior associate waitlist 1 on 20th February 2020.
- IBPS CLERK (Bank of India) on 20th may 2020.
I am sharing my success story so that fellow aspirant who are reading it can know my strategy. Hopefully my story will benefit them.
Preparation Strategy for different Subjects
I started preparing for bank exam in August 2017. I never took coaching. To get topic clarity, I followed various Youtube Channels.
As i was mathematics honours student. I did not found any difficulty in cracking this paper. But academics and Competitive exams are way different.To overcome this I solved 15-20 question of each topic from IBPS Guide mock test da
Rigorous practice 15-20 question of each topic from various websites including IBPS Guide, for mock test. For concept building, I followed video course of IBPS Guide. This strategy hepled me a lot.
The only mantra i followed for this paper is “Read,Read,Read and Grasp the theme”. I was always relied on reading newspaper at starting i used to read Times of India(6-8 months) and then switched to Economic Times. I used to write daily vocabulary and try to mug up them. For banking exam it is not necessary to learn grammar rule. I used to solve as much question as i can besides reading from different websites including IBPS Guide.
General Awareness:
A game changer in mains exam probably the difference between selected and non selected candidates in mains exam. For G.A. I followed IBPS Guide daily and used to solve quiz next day of current affairs i read the day before. Same for weekly and monthly. 2-3 weeks before mains exam i used cover Current affairs of IBPS Guide capsule and various websites. I did not prepared separately for static and banking awareness reading daily from IBPS Guide helped me.
Strategy For Attempting Preliminary and Mains Exams:
For Preliminary exams its all about speed and accuracy.Choosing right question at right time while appearing for exam. While preparing for preliminary exams Attempting mock test helped me It helped me to figure out my weak and strong area. I used to solve 2-3 mocks daily before 10-15 days before preliminary exams.
For Mains exams its all about accuracy not speed.Choosing right question at right time and not panicking while appearing for mains exams.While preparing for mains exam I used to solve mock test of mains exam by submitting without attempting any question and later solving it without any time limit because mains exams needs focus on concepts not on speed.
Advice to fellow Aspirant:
Believe in yourself . Do not lose hope any time while preparing for competitive exams. Rigorous practice and identifying strong weak area will help. “Success is not built on success it is built on failure and frustration”. I used to listen song “Itni shakti hamein dena data” and Hum Honge Kamyab ek din” whenever i felt low or depressed while preparing for exams.
List of Exams I appeared
2017/Journey Upto
- IBPS RRB PO-Prelims
- IBPS RRB CLERK- Prellims
- IBPS PO-Prelims
- IBPS CLERK(-Prelims (missed by 0.5 marks probably game changer for my preparation)
2018/Journey Upto
- SBI CLERK- Prelims +Mains
- IBPS RRB PO-Prelims+Mains
- IBPS RRB CLERK- Prelims+Mians
- IBPS PO- Prelims+Mains+Interview
- IBPS CLERK-Prelims(missed by 0.5 marks)
2019/Journey Upto
- LIC AAO- Prelim+ Mains
- SBI PO- Prelims+ Mains
- ESIC UDC- Prelims
- SBI JA-Prelims+Mains(selected in waitlist)
- IBPS RRB PO -Prelims+Mains+Interview
- IBPS RRB CLERK- Prelims+Mains(selected in Dakshin Bihar Gramin bank)
- IBPS PO- Prelims+Mains+Interview
- LIC ASSISTANT-Prelims+Mains
- IBPS CLERK- Prelims+Mains(selected in Bank Of India)
At last i would like to thank my teachers my family and my friends who helped me in tough times. Hopefully i will be probationary officer soon. Thank you.
Ritik Ranjan
Click Here – IBPS Topper Strtegy of Rohit Tilwani