IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus 2021: IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus 2021 is given here in detail. Candidates can check out here the section-wise syllabus topics for the post of Executive. IDBI Bank (Industrial Development Bank of India) had released the IDBI Executive Notification 2021 with vacancies of about 920. The IDBI Bank has invited online applications from graduates who are having a passion to work in the banking sector. The IDBI Executive 2021 Online Application Link is now activated and interested candidates can apply till 18th August 2021. So eligible & interested candidates can start to fill in the online application and should be submitted within the last date. After the successful completion of the online application, candidates have to start the preparation process.
The recruitment process is based on the Online CBT, Medical Exam & Document Verification. Passionate candidates who are aiming to get posted as an IDBI executive, it is the right time to start your preparations. The initial stage of the preparation process is having the knowledge of exam pattern and syllabus. So, in this blog, we would discuss the IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2021, which is the first step on the ladder towards success.
Bank Mock Test Series
IDBI Bank Executive 2021 Overview
Name of an Organization | Industrial Development Bank of India |
Recruitment Name | IDBI Bank Recruitment 2021 |
Job Role | Executive |
Job Location | Various Locations |
Notification Released | 04th August 2021 |
Starting Date to Apply Online | 04th August 2021 |
The Final Date to Submit | 14th August 2021 |
The Last Date for Printing the Application Form | 02nd September 2021 |
Online Test Date | 05th September 2021 |
IDBI Bank Executive Selection Process:
The selection process for the post of Executive is based on
(i) Online Computer Based Test
(ii) Document Verification
(iii) Pre Recruitment Medical Test
IDBI Bank Executive Exam Pattern 2021:
S.No | Section | No of Questions | Max Marks | Duration |
1 | Test of Reasoning | 50 | 50 | 150 Minutes |
2 | Test of Working English Language | 50 | 50 | |
3 | Test of Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
- The above tests except for the Tests of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.
- Penalty for Wrong Answers – For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty to arrive at a corrected score. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
Document Verification & Pre Recruitment Medical Test:
The applicants, who are successful in the online test, would be called for document verification and Pre-Recruitment Medical Test. The number of applicants called for document verification and pre-recruitment medical test will also be at the discretion of IDBI Bank. Applicants qualifying both in the online test and declared fit in the pre-recruitment medical test shall be considered for final shortlisting.
Reference for the medical tests does not imply final selection, which may please be noted.
The final selection or offer of employment would be made based on the applicant’s marks in the online test, being found medically fit, and subject to fulfillment of all other eligibility criteria as stipulated in the advertisement.
IDBI Bank Executive Salary Details
IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus 2021:
The initial stage of the selection process involves the Online Computer Based Test. This written test comprised of 3 sections namely
(i) Test of Reasoning
(ii) Test of Working English Knowledge
(iii) Test of Quantitative Aptitude
Let’s have a look at IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus 2021
IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus 2021: Test of Reasoning
Puzzle | Seating Arrangement |
Verbal Reasoning | Computer Aptitude |
Blood relation | Ordering & Ranking |
Analytical Decision Making | Syllogism |
Coding & Decoding | Machine Input and Output |
Grouping & Scheduling | Miscellaneous |
Direction | Alphanumeric Series |
Inequality | Statement – Conclusions/Arguments |
IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus 2021: Test of Working English Language
Joining Sentences | Idioms and Phrases |
Sentence Completion | Error Correction |
Fill in the Blanks | Prepositions |
Antonyms | Synonyms |
Error Correction | Sentence Improvement |
Error Spotting | Substitution |
Active and Passive Voice | Sentence Arrangement |
Para Completion | Reading Comprehension |
IDBI Bank Executive Syllabus 2021: Test of Quantitative Aptitude
Simplification | Ratio and Proportion |
Approximation | Quadratic Equation |
Percentage | Data sufficiency |
Data interpretation | Boats and Streams |
Profit and loss | Mensuration |
Probability, Permutation & Combination | Simple interest and Compound interest |
Problems on Ages | Partnerships |
Time & Work | Speed, Time & Distance |
Pipes & Cisterns | Average |