Important Banking Awareness Quizzes (Topic Wise) Day-147

Important Banking Awareness Quizzes (Topic Wise) Day-147:

Dear Readers, Here we have provided the Important Banking Awareness Quizzes based on particular topic, which will help to understand and prepare in a better way. Candidates those who are preparing for upcoming IBPS/SBI Exams 2018 can make use of it.

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Daily Practice Test Schedule | Good Luck

Topic Daily Publishing Time
Daily News Papers & Editorials 8.00 AM
Current Affairs Quiz 9.00 AM
Logical Reasoning 10.00 AM
Quantitative Aptitude “20-20” 11.00 AM
Vocabulary (Based on The Hindu) 12.00 PM
Static GK Quiz 1.00 PM
English Language “20-20” 2.00 PM
Banking Awareness Quiz 3.00 PM
Reasoning Puzzles & Seating 4.00 PM
Daily Current Affairs Updates 5.00 PM
Data Interpretation / Application Sums (Topic Wise) 6.00 PM
Reasoning Ability “20-20” 7.00 PM
English Language (New Pattern Questions) 8.00 PM
General / Financial Awareness Quiz 9.00 PM
  1. Where is the International Monetary Fund headquarters located?
  1. London
  2. Beijing
  3. New York
  4. Geneva
  5. None of these
  1. Where is the Asian Development Bank headquarters located?
  1. India
  2. Russia
  3. Philippines
  4. China
  5. None of these
  1. Reserve Bank of India headquarters located in which city?
  1. Hyderabad
  2. Bangalore
  3. New Delhi
  4. Mumbai
  5. None of these
  1. Where is the headquarters of World Bank located?
  1. Washington, D.C
  2. New York
  3. Geneva
  4. London
  5. None of these
  1. United Nations headquarters located in?
  1. UK
  2. USA
  3. Russia
  4. Switzerland
  5. None of these
  1. Where is the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development headquarters located?
  1. Italy
  2. Japan
  3. France
  4. USA
  5. None of these
  1. Headquarters of New Development Bank located in?
  1. India
  2. Russia
  3. Japan
  4. China
  5. None of these
  1. Where is the Fitch Ratings headquarters located?
  1. Beijing, China
  2. New Delhi, India
  3. New York, USA
  4. London, UK
  5. Both New York, USA and London, UK
  1. Where is the headquarters of CRISIL located?
  1. Mumbai
  2. New Delhi
  3. Bangalore
  4. Hyderabad
  5. None of these
  1. Standard & Poor’s Financial Services headquarters located in?
  1. Washington, D.C
  2. New York
  3. Tokyo
  4. Moscow
  5. None of these
  1. Central Statistics Office headquarters located in which city?
  1. Bangalore
  2. Mumbai
  3. Hyderabad
  4. Bangalore
  5. None of these
  1. National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) headquarters located in which city?
  1. New Delhi
  2. Mumbai
  3. Hyderabad
  4. Chennai
  5. None of these
  1. Where is the Nomura Holdings headquarters located?
  1. Russia
  2. USA
  3. UK
  4. Japan
  5. None of these
  1. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry headquarters located in which city?
  1. Chennai
  2. New Delhi
  3. Mumbai
  4. Bangalore
  5. None of these
  1. India Ratings and Research headquarters located in?
  1. Bangalore
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Mumbai
  4. New Delhi
  5. None of these


  1. The International Monetary Fund is an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C, USA.

Correct Answer is: e)

  1. The Asian Development Bank is a regional development bank established on 19 December 1966, which is headquartered in the Ortigas Center located in Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Correct Answer is: c)

  1. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s central banking institution, which controls the monetary policy of the Indian rupee, which is headquartered in Mumbai.

Correct Answer is: d)

  1. The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to countries of the world for capital programs. Headquarters of this institution located in Washington, D.C., United States

Correct Answer is: a)

  1. The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international cooperation and to create and maintain international order. Headquarters of United Nations located in New York City, New York, United States

Correct Answer is: b)

  1. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 35 member countries, founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. Headquarters of this organisation located in Paris, France.

Correct Answer is: c)

  1. The New Development Bank, formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, is a multilateral development bank established by the BRICS states. Headquarters of the organisation in Shanghai, China

Correct Answer is: d)

  1. Fitch Ratings Inc. is one of the “Big Three credit rating agencies”. Fitch Ratings is dual-headquartered in New York, USA, and London, UK.

Correct Answer is: e)

  1. CRISIL is a global analytical company providing ratings, research, and risk and policy advisory services. Headquarters of CRISIL located in Mumbai, India

Correct Answer is: a)

  1. Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC is an American financial services company. It is a division of S&P Global that publishes financial research and analysis on stocks, bonds and commodities. Headquarters of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services located in New York City, New York, United States

Correct Answer is: b)

  1. The Central Statistics Office (CSO) is a governmental agency in India under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation responsible for co-ordination of statistical activities in India, and evolving and maintaining statistical standards. It has a well-equipped Graphical Unit. The CSO is located in Delhi.

Correct Answer is: e)

  1. National Council of Applied Economic Research or NCAER is a New Delhi based non-profit think tank of economics.

Correct Answer is: a)

  1. Nomura Holdings, Inc. is a Japanese financial holding company and a principal member of the Nomura Group. Headquarters of this organisation in Tokyo, Japan

Correct Answer is: d)

  1. The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry is an association of business organisations in India. This organisation headquarters located in New Delhi, India

Correct Answer is: b)

  1. India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) is India’s Most Respected credit rating agency committed to providing the India’s credit markets with accurate, timely and prospective credit opinions. Ind-Ra is headquartered in Mumbai.

Correct Answer is: c)

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