Important Banking Awareness Quizzes (Topic Wise) for Upcoming IBPS Exams 2017:
Dear Readers, Here we have provided the Important Banking Awareness Quizzes based on particular topic, which will help to understand and prepare in a better way. Candidates those who are preparing for upcoming IBPS Exams 2017 can make use of it.
Banking Ombudsman Scheme
1). The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was introduced under --------------------------
a) RBI Act 1934
b) Banking Regulation Act 1949
c) Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
d) Companies Act, 2013
e) Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002
Answer: b)
2. Banking Ombudsman Scheme was introduced in -------------------
a) 1987
b) 1989
c) 1991
d) 1993
e) 1995
Answer: e)
3. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was first time revised in -------------------
a) 1998
b) 2000
c) 2002
d) 2006
e) 2008
Answer: c)
4. The current Banking Ombudsman Scheme became operative from--------------------
a) 2002
b) 2004
c) 2005
d) 2006
e) 2010
4). The Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006, which has wider extent and scope than its previous versions, like online submission of complaints is possible
Answer: d)
5. Which of the following banks covered under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme?
a) Scheduled Commercial Banks
b) Regional Rural Banks
c) Scheduled Primary Co-operative Banks
d) Both a and b
e) All of these
5). All Scheduled Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks and Scheduled Primary Co-operative Banks are covered under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme
Answer: e)
6. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme was introduced under --------- of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by RBI
a) Section 35A
b) Section 38A
c) Section 39A
d) Section 40A
e) Section 42A
Answer: a)
7. Which of the following is the first country to introduce Banking Ombudsman Scheme?
a) USA
b) UK
c) Australia
d) Switzerland
e) India
Answer: b)
8. What is the need to introduce Banking Ombudsman Scheme?
a) To hears RBI complaint against banks
b) To hear banks complaint against government
c) To hears customer’s complaint against banks
d) To hears customer’s complaint against RBI
e) All of these
Answer: c)
9. The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by the --------------------------
a) Government of India
c) IBA
d) Committee under Finance minister
e) None of these
9). The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by the RBI
Answer: e)
10. The tenure period of Banking Ombudsman appointment is -----------------------
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years
e) 6 years
Answer: b)
11. Banking Ombudsman charge Rs ---------------- fee for filing and resolving customer's complaints.
a) 100
b) 125
c) 150
d) 200
e) None of these
11).Banking Ombudsman chargeno fee for filing and resolving customer's complaints.
Answer: e)
12. Whom does the RBI appoint for Banking Ombudsman post?
a) Reputed persons from SEBI
b) Reputed persons from Government
c) Reputed persons from Finance Ministry
d) RBI Chief General Manager
e) All of these
12).RBI used to appoint reputed persons from banking, finance, management, legal etc. sectors as Banking Ombudsmen. But now RBI has reserved it for its own Chief General Managers and General Managers.
Answer: d)
13. What is the maximum amount of compensation under Banking Ombudsman scheme 2006?
a) 1 lakh
b) 2 lakh
c) 5 lakh
d) 8 lakh
e) 10 lakh
Answer: e)
14. Who is the Appellate authority of Banking Ombudsman?
a) RBI Governor
b) Deputy Governor of RBI
c) Executive Director of RBI
d) General manager of RBI
e) None of these
Answer: b)
15. Any person can file a complaint before the the Banking Ombudsman, if the reply is not received from the bank within a period of--------------------------
a) 7 days
b) 15 days
c) 30 days
d) 60 days
e) 90 days
Answer: c)
16. If any loss suffered by the complainant then complainant will get Rs -----------------------
a) Rs. 5 lakh for any huge loss
b) Rs. 10 lakh for any huge loss
c) Rs. 1 lakh for any huge loss
d) Amount arising directly out of the act or omission of the bank or Rs. 10 lakh whichever is lower
e) None of The Above
Answer: d)
17. The Banking Ombudsman may award compensation not exceeding ----------------- to the complainant only in the case of complaints relating to credit card operations for mental agony and harassment.
a) 1 lakh
b) 2 lakh
c) 5 lakh
d) 10 lakh
e) None of these
Answer: a)
18. How many Banking Ombudsmen have been appointed?
a) 15
b) 17
c) 19
d) 20
e) 22
18). There are 20 regional offices of Banking Ombudsmen in India. The latest offices are opened Jammu& Raipur
Answer: d)