Important Computer Awareness for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-11) – MS Office Part-1:
Dear Readers, IBPS Exams are approaching shortly, we all knew that Computer Awareness is one of the important section, which will help you to increase your score easily.
Many of our followers were asking us to provide Important Computer Awareness Notes along with the model questions, here we have planned to provide the Topic wise Important Computer Awareness Materials on Daily basis, and also we will provide MCQs based on these topics daily. Kindly follow us regularly and make use of it.
MS Office- PART 1
It is a word processor and offers a variety of features such as speed, editing, and formatting options. Some other features include spell check, mail merge and link embedding. Another feature is word wrapping, which means that the processor automatically adjusts all text within the specified margins.
(a) Microsoft word is an excellent word processor that allows the user to create letter, resume, report and announcements.
(b) File Extension for MS Word: .doc or .docx
Header and Footer: Header and footer is text or graphics that appear on the top and bottom of a page. Header and footer contains the page number, the date of a company logo that is usually printed at the top or bottom of each page in a document.
Title Bar: The Title bar shows the name of the file and name of the program. In this there are three buttons on the right hand side: Minimize (to shrink the window down), Maximize (to make the window as large as it can be) and Close (to close the window).
Menu Bar: The Menu Bar is placed below the Title bar and it consists of various commands. File Menu: From File menu user can perform the functions such as Create a new document, open existing file, save files and print.
Home Tab: It provides options that can change the font, size, colour, alignment, bullets and numbering, organization and style of the text.
Insert Tab: It provides the option to insert Tables, links picture, clipart and symbols.
Page Layout Tab: It includes Themes, page setup, Page Background.
Ruler: It shows the width of the document which can be increased or decreased.
Workspace: It is the area where the text can be entered.
Thesaurus: It is used to find the synonym for a word in the document.
Spell check: It is used to check the spelling and grammar mistakes and also provide the possible alternative for incorrectly spelt word.
List of Commonly used key that have special functions in MS Word:
- Backspace key:This deletes letters backward.
- Delete key:This deletes letter forward.
- Shift key:This when press with another key will perform a secondary function.
- Spacebar key:This enters the space between the words or letters.
- Tab:This will indent what user type, or move the text to right. The default indent distance is usually ½ Inch.
- Caps Lock:This key when pressed , will capitalized every letter
- Control (Ctrl):This when pressed WITH another key, performs a shortcut.
- Enter:This either gives a new line, or executes a command.
- Arrow Keys:Used to navigate through a document or page.
- Ctrl +N– Starts a new Blank Document
- Ctrl +O- Display the open Dialog Box
- Ctrl +W- Close the Active Document
- Ctrl +S -Save a document
- Ctrl +P- Display the print Dialog Box
- Alt +Ctrl +I- Switch to and from Print Preview view
- Alt +Ctrl +P- Switch to Print Layout View
- Ctrl +F –Display the find dialog box
- Ctrl +H –Display the Replace dialog box
- Ctrl +G –Display the Go To dialog box
- Ctrl +Z –Undoes the last action
- Ctrl +C –Copy selected text and graphics to the office clipboard
- Ctrl +X –Cut selected text and graphics to the office clipboard
- Ctrl +V –Paste the post recent addition to the office Clipboard
- Ctrl +F9 –Insert a Blank field
- Shift +Enter –Start a new line in paragraph
- Ctrl + Enter- Insert a page break
- Ctrl + A –Selects the entire document
- Ctrl + D –Opens the font dialog box to change the formatting of characters
- Shift + F3 –Changes the case of letters
- Ctrl + B –Applies or removes bold formatting
- Ctrl + U –Applies or removes underlining
- Ctrl + I- Applies or removes italics formatting
- Ctrl + 1(one) –Sets a single line spacing
- Ctrl + 2 –Sets a double line spacing
- Ctrl + 5 –Sets 1.5 line spacing
- Ctrl + 0(zero) –Adds or removes one line space preceding a paragraph
- Ctrl + E –Switches a paragraph between centred and left alignment
- Ctrl + J –Switches a paragraph between justified and left alignment
- Ctrl + R –Switches a paragraph between Right and left alignment
- Ctrl + L –Applies left alignment
- Ctrl + M –Indents the paragraph from the left
- Ctrl + T –Creates hanging Indent
- Ctrl + Q- Removes a paragraph formatting