Important Computer Awareness Materials for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-2)

Important Computer Awareness for IBPS Exams 2017 (Day-2) – DBMS Part-2:
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Database Management Systems (DBMS) – PART 2

Users in Database:-
1. Naive User:-
Naive users are unsophisticated users who interact with the system by using permanent application programs (e.g. automated teller machine).
These naïve users are nothing to do technically, they just need to follow environment.
2. Application Programmers:-
Application programmers are computer professionals interacting with the system through DML calls embedded in a program written in a host language (e.g. C, PL/1, Pascal): These programs are called Application Programs.
In simple terms we can say that, one who develops applications (or) UI (User Interface) to work upon database falls in this category.
3. Specialized Users:-
Specialized users are sophisticated users writing special database application programs. These may be CADD systems, knowledge-based and expert systems, complex data systems (audio/video), etc.
4. Database Administrators:-
Database Administrators are those who are responsible for maintaining and structuring the database. These database administrators may be single person or group of people.
Access control and recovery management are responsibilities of database administrators.
Structure of DBMS:-
1. DDL Compiler:-
Data Definition statements are responsible for creation and deletion of database.
When the user inserts, deletes, updates or retrieves the record from the database, he will be sending request which he understands by pressing some buttons. But for the database to work/understand the request, it should be broken down to object code. This is done by this compiler. 
Data definition language of SQL (Structured Query Language) is
2. Disk manager:-
Disk manager is a small piece of code present on the host computer (client system) and responsible for input-output (I/O) operations.
3. Data Files:-
Data files are part of database, where they are stored (A portion).
4. Access control:-
Permission for GRANT& REVOKE commands are done by access control.
5. Data dictionary:-
A collection of information is said data dictionary.
eg: Meta data, database, relation and entities.
6. Query processor:-
The role of query processor is to convert the query into data manger readable form.
User Query —>  Readable form
1. What actually DDL compiler does?
  â€“ It coverts DDL statements into Tabular form.
2. DDL compiler stores data in which form?
3. Three commands of DDL language are:
4. Best example for naïve user is:
5. DDL stands for
  -Data definition language
6. GRANT& REVOKE are done by:
   -Access control
7. Database Administrators can be
(a). Single expert
(b). Group of experts 
(c). Both (a)& (b)
– Option  C

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