Important Computer Awareness Materials Tablet-2 (Day-30):
Dear Readers, IBPS Exams are approaching shortly, we all knew that Computer Awareness is one of the important section, which will help you to increase your score easily.
Many of our followers were asking us to provide Important Computer Awareness Notes along with the model questions, here we have planned to provide the Topic wise Important Computer Awareness Materials on Daily basis, and also we will provide MCQs daily. Kindly follow us regularly and make use of it.
- Name the most significant bit, which represent 1 and 0 for a positive number and negative number, respectively – Sign Bit
- Which coding scheme represents data in a binary form in the computer system? ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode are the most commonly used codes under this scheme – Binary Coding Scheme
- EBCDIC is a 8-Bit code with 256 different representations of characters. It is mainly used in mainframe computers.
- EBCDIC stands for – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
- BCD is a method that represents the decimal digits with the help of binary digits. It takes advantage that one decimal numeral can be represented by 4bit pattern.
- BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal
- This coding system is used to represent the interval storage area of the computers. In this system, every character is represented by a combination of bits.
- The Base or Radix of the decimal number system is 10
- The standard code the computer industry created to represent characters – American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) ASCII is a code used for standardizing the storage and transfer of information amongst various computing devices.
- It is required for representing more than 64 characters. At present, the mostly used coding systems are ASCII and EBCDIC
- The code is also known as Reflected Code – Gray Code

Full Forms:
- POP3 – Post Office Protocol Version3
- BGP – Border Gateway Protocol
- P2P – Point to Point Protocol
- PPP- Peer to Peer Protocol
- IP –Internet Protocol
- SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
- NTP- Network Time Protocol
- SIP –Session Initiation Protocol
- DHCP- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- IMAP4- Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4
Click Here for Computer Awareness Materials (Day-1 to Day-28)