Every aspirant desires to appear in IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018 to become a banker in one of the public sector banks. A goal of getting a banking job as an IBPS Clerk is increasingly competitive in the recent years.
First and foremost, aspirants need to know the Exam Pattern and Syllabus of IBPS Clerk Recruitment before beginning the preparation.
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In the prelims exam, there will be the following three sections:
- Quantitative Aptitude (35 Questions)
- Reasoning Ability (35 Questions)
- English Language (30 Questions)
In order to get your seat in IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2018, you have to put your sincere efforts and dedication towards the preparation. Deep analysis and Planning help you to achieve your dream in a right manner.
You have to know the important topics that are to be covered for the prelims so that you can begin the preparation without any disruption. We are here to share the important topics of IBPS Clerk Prelims to help you in your exam preparation efficiently.
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Important Topics for IBPS Clerk Prelims:
Quantitative Aptitude
Simplification – 10 to 15 questions can be expected. Practice more on this topic as it is a very scoring topic. Aspirants should know the shortcuts and tricks to solve these questions in a fast way.
Data Interpretation – 1 to 2 sets can be expected based on the bar, line, table, pie, missing or caselet types. Try to solve the questions by looking at the questions instead of writing every time as it saves your time.
Number Series – Mostly 5 questions can be asked. Practice is the only key to become well-versed in this topic. It is assured that you can identify the pattern in seeing itself by means of continuous practice.
Quadratic Equations – you can expect 5 questions on this topic. You have to solve the equations to find the values of given variables.
Miscellaneous – 10 questions can be expected. It included Percentage, Profit & Loss, Partnerships, Ages, Average, etc. If you are good at basics, you can practice and attend these questions in prelims. It helps you to increase your scores in prelims exam.
Data Sufficiency – 5 questions can be expected. In this topic, aspirants are required to find whether the given statements are adequate to solve the questions or not.
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Reasoning Ability
Syllogism – you can expect 5 questions from this topic. The new pattern of reverse syllogism can also be asked in the exam. You should practice on both old and new pattern type of questions.
Coding – Decoding – 5 questions can be expected. Old or new pattern questions will be asked. You can expect word or sentence based coded questions.
Inequality – 5 questions can be asked. Be thorough with the concepts of direct and indirect equalities as this is a very scoring topic.
Alphanumeric / Number Series – 5 questions can be expected. It is an easy scoring topic. Practice more number of questions to avoid any mistake in the exam.
Data Sufficiency – 5 questions can be expected. Questions with statements will be given. Students need to choose which statement will be sufficient to answer the question.
Seating Arrangement and Puzzle – 10 to 15 questions can be asked from this topic generally. Questions will be based on linear, circular, square arrangement. Puzzles will be mostly on the floor, box, month, etc.
Input and Output – This topic may or may not be asked in the exam. It is good to practice some questions on this topic so it will help you to improve your scores.
Miscellaneous – 5 questions can be asked. This section includes the question from topics like direction, blood relations, order, and ranking, etc.,
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English Language
Reading Comprehension – One or two passages can be asked with synonyms, antonyms, and title based questions.
Fill in the blanks – 5 questions can be asked. Questions will be asked in single or double fillers.
Error Spotting – 5 to 10 questions can be asked. Aspirants need to find out the errors in the given sentences.
Para Jumbles – 4 to 5 sentences of a paragraph will be given. Rearrange it in a correct sequence to make a meaningful paragraph.
Phrase replacement – 5 questions can be asked. In these questions, a certain word will be highlighted. Students have to replace the word with an exact phrase.
Sentence Improvement – 5 questions can be expected on this topic. Highlighted sentences need to be improved as per the grammatical rules or else no improvement required.
Cloze Test – 5 to 10 questions can be expected. A passage will be given with a number of blanks and so students choose the right option for each blank. Good knowledge of grammar rules helps you to solve these questions efficiently.
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More Important Study Materials & Preparation Tips – IBPS Clerk 2018
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IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 – Exam Pattern & Syllabus
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