Important Topics for IBPS PO Prelims & Mains – IBPS PO Examination for this year has come up with 4300+ vacancies. This was one of the most expected exams of this academic year. Many millions of candidates have applied for the examination. The warfare is going to be the toughest among the millions. Everyone will have the confidence and determination to crack this IBPS PO Examination. But a slight gloom will appear for every aspirant. This is due to the difficulty level increasing day by day for scrutinizing the prominent candidates from among the millions. We are glad to post this article for benefitting every level of the candidates.
We have provided you with the Important Topics for IBPS PO Prelims & Mains examination. This will benefit you to make a proper study strategy to crack the examination. Prioritize the topics and spend extra time on important topics.
Important Topics for IBPS PO Prelims & Mains
Important Topics for IBPS PO Prelims
Dear Aspirants, there is no need to stress more than your ability in the prelims examination. IBPS PO Prelims Examination is only a gate pass for Main Examination. And there are no merit marks from prelims examination is added to the final consolidation. So hold your precious time to prepare for the Main examination parallelly. Do follow the article to know the important topics for IBPS PO prelims examination.
- English Language – 30 marks
- Quantitative Aptitude – 35 marks
- Reasoning Ability – 35 marks
Get More Details – IBPS PO 2019 Latest Exam Pattern
English Language
- Error Spotting – Should have sound knowledge in Grammar to score completely.
- Reading Comprehension – Make it a habit to read “English Newspapers, books, and journals” daily.
- Double/ Triple Fillers & Cloze Test – Learn daily 10 new words and sentence formation for the particular words and newspaper reading is mandatory.
- Para Jumbles – Reading habit makes you familiar with the identification of Subject, sentence continuity, emphasizing words and concluding the sentence.
Quantitative Aptitude
- Approximation – Learn the short-cut methods.
- Number Series / Wrong Number Series – By seeing the number series one should identify the methodology(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division or the combination), should be familiar with the squares and cube numbers.
- Quadratic Equation – Try to learn the shortcuts and practice more.
- DI & Caselet – practice ratio and percentage problems to solve these two topics with least time.
- Miscellaneous – choose the topics which are the most familiar to you from the miscellaneous topics (ages, ratio, boats & streams, train problems, partnership, probability, etc.).
- Direction, Blood Relation, Inequality – consumes time but easy to score complete marks.
- Puzzle & Seating – linear, circular, triangular, rectangular and sometimes hexagonal even, Floors, Tabular form, Blood Relations, etc.
- Syllogism – prepare according to the new pattern and also concentrate on reverse syllogism.
- Data Sufficiency – 2 to 3 conclusions based on the hard level.
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Important Topics in IBPS PO Mains Examination
IBPS PO Main examination requires preparation with all the topics. The mark scored from the Mains section will be calculated for the final merit list. So its most important to maintain accuracy. Prioritize the sections which are most familiar to you. And then choose the other sections. From the particular section choose the easy scoring part first even if are good at the topics which consume your time. Do follow the important topics that are to be prioritized as follows,
Data Interpretation & Analytics
- DI & Caselet
- Data Sufficiency
- Inequality
- Application Sums
- Puzzle & Seating
- Coding & Decoding
- Data Sufficiency
- Directions
- Blood Relation
- Miscellaneous
English Questions
- Reading Comprehension
- Error Spotting
- Para Jumbles
- Sentence Completion
- Fillers
- Association Pair
General Awareness
- Banking Awareness – Banking related terms, new banking policies, financial agreements, etc.
- Static GK – it is vast, but once you are strong in this section you can score high.
- Current Affairs – Prepare the Current affairs minimum of 4 months from the commencement of the examination
Get More Details – IBPS PO Syllabus
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