Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment 2021: The Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment 2021 Notification is given here!!! Details regarding the IAF Rally Eligibility, Vacancy, Selection Process & Apply Online are given here for your reference. Passionate candidates shall refer to this article and start to apply online.
The IAF(Indian Air Force) has released the notification for Recruitment of Airmen, for the year 2021, the Indian Air Force Rally 2021 will be conducted for various states. The Recruitment will be of Airmen in Group X and Group Y, Interested Candidates can Apply Online from the IAF Official Website airmen selection., The Indian Air force Rally Recruitment 2021 Apply Online for Delhi state will be released in short due course.
Page Contents
Download Indian Air Force Rally 2021 – Delhi
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment 2021 Notification and Exam Dates
The following table contains the IAF Rally 2020 Notification and Exam Dates, as provided by the Indian Air Force
Exam Events | Exam Dates |
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment Notification | 22 November 2020 |
Indian Air Force Rally Online Application Pre-Registration Starts | 27 November 2020 |
Indian Air Force Rally Online Application Pre-Registration ends | 28 November 2020 (5 pm) |
Indian Air Force Rally Date | 10 December to 19 December |
Exam Conducting Organization | IAF(Indian Air Force) |
Education Qualification | Senior Secondary, Diploma Holder, and Other Qualifications |
Exam Medium | Offline |
Posts | Airmen in Group X and Group Y |
IAF Rally Location | UP, Bihar, Delhi, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu |
Check Indian Army Rally Recruitment Notification
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment 2020
The following content contains the Age Limit, Pre Registration Date, IAF Rally 2020 Date, Indian Air Force Rally 2020 Address for the UP, Bihar, Delhi, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment – UP
The following table contains the Age Limit, Pre Registration Date, IAF Rally 2020 Date, Indian Air Force Rally 2020 Address for UP Candidates | Exam Events | IAF Rally Information |
1 | Pre-Registration | From 27 November 2020 (11 am) to 28 November 2020 (5 pm) |
2 | IAF Rally Date | 10 December to 19 December 2020 |
3 | Age Limit for UP Candidates | Candidates should be born Between 17 January 2000 and 30 December 2003. |
4 | IAF Rally Recruitment Address | Airman Selection Centre, Air Force Station Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) |
5 | Official Notification | IAF Rally UP Notification |
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment – Delhi and Uttarakhand
The following table contains the Age Limit, Pre Registration Date, IAF Rally 2020 Date, Indian Air Force Rally 2020 Address for Delhi and Uttarakhand Candidates | Exam Events | IAF Rally Information |
1 | IAF Rally Recruitment Address | Airman Selection Centre, Air Force Station, New Delhi. |
2 | Pre-Registration | From 27 November 2020 (11 am) to 28 November 2020 (5 pm) |
3 | IAF Rally Date | 10 December to 19 December 2020 |
4 | Age Limit for Delhi and Uttarakhand Candidates | Candidates should be born Between 17 January 2000 and 30 December 2003. |
5 | Official Notification | IAF Rally Delhi and Uttarakhand Notification |
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment – Madhya Pradesh
The following table contains the Age Limit, Pre Registration Date, IAF Rally 2020 Date, Indian Air Force Rally 2020 Address for Madhya Pradesh Candidates | Exam Events | IAF Rally Information |
1 | IAF Rally Recruitment Address | Airman Selection Centre, Shyamala Hills, Bhopal |
2 | Pre-Registration | From 27 November 2020 (11 am) to 28 November 2020 (5 pm) |
3 | IAF Rally Date | 10 December to 19 December 2020 |
4 | Age Limit for Madhya Pradesh Candidates | Candidates should be born Between 17 January 2000 and 30 December 2003. |
5 | Official Notification | IAF Rally Madhya Pradesh Notification |
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment – Bihar
The following table contains the Age Limit, Pre Registration Date, IAF Rally 2020 Date, Indian Air Force Rally 2020 Address for Jharkhand Candidates | Exam Events | IAF Rally Information |
1 | IAF Rally Recruitment Address Jharkhand | 10 Airman Selection Centre, Bihar, Patna (Bihar) |
2 | Pre-Registration | From 27 November 2020 (11 am) to 28 November 2020 (5 pm) |
3 | IAF Rally Date | 10 December to 19 December 2020 |
4 | Age Limit for Jharkhand Candidates | Candidates should be born Between 17 January 2000 and 30 December 2003. |
5 | Official Notification | IAF Rally Bihar Notification |
Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment – Tamil Nadu
The following table contains the Age Limit, Pre Registration Date, IAF Rally 2020 Date, Indian Air Force Rally 2020 Address for Tamil Nadu Candidates | Exam Events | IAF Rally Information |
1 | IAF Rally Recruitment Address Tamil Nadu | Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Pondicherry |
2 | Pre-Registration | From 27 November 2020 (11 am) to 28 November 2020 (5 pm) |
3 | IAF Rally Date | 10 December to 19 December 2020 |
4 | Age Limit for Jharkhand Candidates | Candidates should be born Between 17 January 2000 and 30 December 2003. |
5 | Official Notification | IAF Rally Tamil Nadu Notification |
IAF Rally Selection Process:
The Indian Air Force will conduct the selection process based on
(i) Physical Fitness Test (PFT):
PFT consists of a 1.6 km run to be completed within 6 minutes 30 seconds. Candidates shall also have to complete 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, and 20 squats within the stipulated time to qualify for the physical fitness test
(ii) Written Exam:
- All candidates who qualify PFT shall undertake a written test on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions.
- The written test will be objective type and the question paper shall be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for the English paper.
- Answers are to be annotated on the OMR sheet.
- Detailed procedure shall be explained before the conduct of the examination.
- The duration of the written test will be 45 minutes and shall comprise English as per the 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). CANDIDATES ARE TO QUALIFY IN EACH PAPER SEPARATELY
(iii) Adaptability Test-1
All candidates who pass the written test shall undertake adaptability test-1 on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. adaptability test-1 is to assess the suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied
geographic terrain, weather, and operational conditions
(iv) Adaptability Test-2
All candidates who pass adaptability test-1 will have to undertake adaptability test-2 as per policy in vogue. Adaptability test-2 is to select candidates who can adapt to the environment of the Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life
(v) Medical Examination:
Candidates who qualify for adaptability test -2 shall be medically examined in the month of December 2020 at Air Force Station, Tambaram. The medical examination shall be conducted by the Air Force medical team as per IAF medical standards and existing policy in vogue
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is the Online Pre-Registration Period for the Indian Air Force Recruitment Rally Recruitment 2020?
Ans. The Indian Air Force Recruitment Rally Recruitment 2020 Online Pre-Registration is from 27 November 2020 (11 am) to 28 November 2020 (5 pm).
Q2. What are the States in which Indian Air Force Rally 2020 will be held?
Ans. The IAF Rally 2020 Recruitment will be held in UP, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Delhi, and Jharkhand.
Q3. What is the Age Limit Qualification for Indian Air Force Recruitment 2020?
Ans. The Age Limit Qualification for IAF Rally 2020 Recruitment is Candidates should be born Between 17 January 2000 and 30 December 2003.
Q4. What is the Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment 2020 Date?
Ans. The Indian Air Force Rally Recruitment will be held from 10 December to 19 December 2020.