Input and Output Questions For Bank PO Mains Exam

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Direction (1-3): A number and word rearrangement machine rearrange step by step following a certain rule. Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.

Input:  216 576 Cover Method 343 Blink Heaven 784

Step I: dehmot 6 haenev 7 nlkib 24 vroec 28

Step II: 12 fcjkqr 21 jyglgt 48 pjmgd 56 xpqce

Step III: 12 24 21 30 48 20 56 29

Step IV: 15 18 24 27 60 18 67 18

Step IV is the final output.

Based on the rule followed find the output for the given below input.

Input: 225 Number Vertical 512 Country 441 216 Graph 256 Flight

1) Which of the following number is third from the right end in step III?






2) What is the difference between the second lowest and second highest number from step IV?





E.None of these

3) Which of the following correctly represent step I?

A.cemnur 6 gfihlt 8 rphga 15 vtrlieca 16 yutronc 21

B.6 fgihlt 9 bemnur rphga 15 vtrlieca 16 yutronc 21

C.bemnur 6 calretiv 8 fgihlt 15 rphga 16 yutronc 21

D.bemnur 6 fgihlt 15 vtrlieca 8 rphga 16 yutronc 21

E.None of these

Direction (4-7): A number rearrangement machine rearranges a given input into final output following certain rules. Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.

Input: 432896   739258   582679   837265   943276   827369

Step I: 234698 __(1)__ 268579 268357 __(2)__268379

Step II: 234698 268357__(1)__268579 327496__(2)__

Step III: __(1)__ 122435 122463 __(2)__ 62854 151472

Step IV: 49 __(1)__100 __(2)__ 225 64

Step V: __(1)__ Z __(2)__ Q __(3)__ Q

4) What comes in place of ___(2)__ in step V?





E.None of these

5) What comes in place of __(1)__ in step III?





E.None of these.

6) What comes in place of __(2)__ in step I?





E.None of these

7) What comes in place of __(1)__ in step IV?





E.None of these

Direction (8-10): Below questions consists of series of 6-digits numbers. Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions

Input: 275416 769541 836257 198352 659384 839672

Step I: 257146 571469 235768 235189 354689 237689

Step II: 235189 235768 237689 257146 354689 571469

Step III: 141 51214 111 7810 221 233

Step IV: 282 25607 222 3905 442 466

Step V: 36 100 144 256 289 400

Based on the above condition find the step-by-step output for the given input.

Input: 835796 675481 945386 273548 391275 412586

8) What is the difference between the second highest and the second lowest number from step V?





E.None of these

9) What is the sum of the second number from the left and second number from the right end in step IV?





E.None of these

10) Which of the following number is third from the left end of step II?





E.None of these

Input and Output Questions For Online Mock Test

Answers :

Directions (1-3) :

We have:

Input:   216 576 Cover Method 343 Blink Heaven 784

For step I: for number: cube root and the square root of numbers are taken and rearranged in ascending order.

For word: If the number of letters in the word is odd then, letters are taken in reverse alphabetical order, else if the number of letters is even then consonants and vowels are rearranged in alphabetical order within the same position, and then, all words are rearranged in alphabetical order.

Step I: dehmot 6 haenev 7 nlkib 24 vroec 28

For step II: For number: odd numbers are multiplied by 3 whereas even numbers are multiplied by 2.

For words: letters at the odd position are changed to the second succeeding letter, whereas letters at the even position are changed to the second preceding letter.

Step II: 12 fcjkqr 21 jyglgt 48 pjmgd 56 xpqce

For step III: The sum of the place value of the first and last letter in the alphabetical order is taken.

Step III: 12 24 21 30 48 20 56 29

For step IV: the digital sum of numbers at odd position numbers are added to the original number, whereas the digital sum of numbers at even position numbers are subtracted from the original number.

Step IV: 15 18 24 27 60 18 67 18

Based on the rule followed we have output for given input:

Input: 225 Number Vertical 512 Country 441 216 Graph 256 Flight

Step I: bemnur 6 calretiv 8 fgihlt 15 rphga 16 yutronc 21

Step II: 12 dcolwp 16 eynpgrkt 45 hekfnr 32 tnjec 63 asvpqle

Step III: 12 20 16 25 45 26 32 23 63 6

Step IV: 15 18 23 18 54 18 37 18 72 0

1) Answer: C

2) Answer: A

3) Answer: C

Directions (4-7) :

Input: 432896   739258   582679   837265   943276   827369

For step I: If the number is even, then even and odd digits are rearranged in ascending order within the same position, else if the number is odd, then first even followed by odd digits are arranged in ascending order.

Step I: 234698 357298 268579 268357 327496 268379

For step II: All the numbers are rearranged in ascending order from left to right.

Step II: 234698 268357 268379 268579 327496 357298

For step III: The product of the pair of digits is taken from left to right.

Step III62472 122435 122463 124063 62854 151472

For step IV: The difference between the sum of odd and even digits within the number is taken and then take a perfect square of the resultant.

Step IV: 49 1 100 64 225 64

For step V: the digital sum of numbers is taken and then the reverse alphabetical position of the letter from the English alphabetical series is taken.

Step VZ Q R Q

4) Answer: D

5) Answer: D

6) Answer: B

7) Answer: C

Directions (8-10) :

We have:

Input: 835796  675481  945386  273548  391275  412586

For step I: all the prime digits are rearranged in ascending order followed by all non-prime digits are arranged in ascending order.

Step I: 257146  571469  235768  235189  354689  237689

For step II: All the six-digit numbers are rearranged in ascending order from left to right.

Step II: 235189 235768  237689  257146 354689  571469

For step III: If the six-digit number is odd, then the difference between the 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and 5th and 6th digits are taken, else if the six-digit number is even then, the sum of the 1st and 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and 5th and 6th digits are taken.

Step III: 141  51214  111  7810  221  233

For step IV: If the number is odd then multiply by 2, else if the number is even divide by 2.

Step IV: 282  25607  222  3905  442  466

For step V: The digital sum of the numbers is taken and then the square of the numbers is rearranged in ascending order from left to right.

Step V: 36  100  144  256  289  400

Based on the above given rule we have the following output for the given input.

Input: 835796 675481 945386 273548 391275  412586

Step I: 357689  571468  354689  235748  235719  251468

Step II: 235719  235748  251468  354689  357689  571468

Step III: 128  51212  7514  221  211  12514

Step IV: 64 25606  3757  442  422  6257

Step V: 64 100 100 361 400 484

8) Answer: A

9) Answer: B

10) Answer: D

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