LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019: Life Insurance Corporation has officially out the recruitment notification for filling the vacancies of 570 Posts. Now, the applicants are waiting to show their whole potential to showcase the talent and hold the job in LIC. we are in such the special day of LIC AAO Prelims Exam 05th May 2019. All the aspirants who are appeared for the LIC AAO Prelims exam can check the detailed analysis of LIC AAO Exam. Further, applicants who are appearing for the LIC AAO Prelims Exam can check the detailed of a number of questions and level of questions asked in the exam. Also, applicants will get the idea about the exam through LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019. To know further information about the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 applicants can refer below.
Slot 1 |
Slot 2 |
Slot 3 |
Slot 4 |
LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern 2019
Aspirants who are appearing for the exam should know the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern. Here, the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Pattern 2019 are given. Further, the questions will be asked as the below pattern in LIC AAO Prelims Exam. Likewise, the level of questions asked in the LIC AAO Prelims Exam 2019 for all four slots is given below.
S.No | Section | No of Questions | Max Marks | Duration |
1 | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3 | English Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension |
30 | 30* | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 70 | 60 minutes |
LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 – Slot 1
Now, the LIC AAO Prelims Exam for the slot 1 is over. Applicants who are appearing for the exam can check the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 for Slot 1. Further, candidates can get the overall analysis of the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 of Slot 1.
Sections | Good Attempts |
English Language | 22-25 |
Reasoning Ability | 25-30 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 21-24 |
Total | 72-76 |
English Language (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Reading Comprehension | 8 |
Sentence Correction | 5 |
Jumbled Sentence | 5 |
Cloze test | 5 |
Error spotting | 7 |
Total |
30 |
Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Number Series (Missing Number) | 5 |
Quadratic Equation | 5 |
Data Interpretation (Table Based and Pie chart (time and work based) | 10 |
Caselet | 5 |
Application Sums | 10 |
Total | 35 |
Reasoning Ability (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Seating Arrangements
Circular and Linear Arrangement |
9 |
Coding Decoding | 1 |
Month Based and Department based |
9 |
Syllogism | 4 |
Inequality | 5 |
Direction | 3 |
Miscellaneous | 4 |
Total | 35 |
Our Sincere Thanks to: Ms. Pavithra and Ms. Sarojini
LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 – Slot 2
Now, this is the time to check the LIC AAO 2019 Prelims Exam Analysis of Slot 2. The exam is over. Further, candidates can check the details about the LIC AAO Prelims Exam and types of questions asked in the LIC AAO Prelims Exam are given below. So, candidates can check the details topic wise analysis from the below table.
Sections | Good Attempts |
English Language | 20-24 |
Reasoning Ability | 22-26 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 25-28 |
Total | 70-75 |
English Language (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Reading Comprehension Related to Economics | 7 |
Sentence Rearrangement | 7 |
Error Spotting | 6 |
Cloze test | 5 |
Find Either Mis-spelled Word or Grammatic error | 5 |
Total |
30 |
Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Number Series (Missing Number) | 5 |
Simplification | 5 |
Data Interpretation
Line Graph – 5 Pie & Table – 5 Caslet – 5 |
15 |
Application Sums | 10 |
Total |
Reasoning Ability (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Circular Seating (11 Persons facing centre) | 5 |
Month Based Puzzles | 5 |
Puzzles based on Pen, Laptop | 5 |
Parallel Row | 5 |
Syllogism | 3 |
Blood Relation | 3 |
Directions | 4 |
Misc | 5 |
Total | 35 |
Our Sincere Thanks to: Ms. Shalini
LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 – Slot 3
All the applicants can go through the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 for Slot 3. All the aspirants who are appeared for the LIC AAO Prelims Exam can check the detailed analysis now. Further, applicants can also find the number of questions asked under each pattern in each sections.
Sections | Good Attempts |
English Language | 20-25 |
Reasoning Ability | 25-30 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 18-22 |
Total | 68-74 |
English Language (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Reading Comprehension
Based on Insurance |
7 |
Misspelled Words | 5 |
Phase | 3 |
Cloze test (Old Pattern) | 5 |
Jumbled Sentence | 5 |
Error spotting | 5 |
Total |
30 |
Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Number Series (Wrong Number) | 5 |
Quadratic Equation | 5 |
Data Interpretation
Table Based with Vegetarian and Non vegetarian Line graph Based on things sold by outlets |
10 |
Caselet | 5 |
Application Sums | 10 |
Total | 35 |
Reasoning Ability (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Seating arrangement
Circular – 6 persons (Facing inside and outside) Parallel Row – 14 persons |
10 |
Month and Days based Box based |
10 |
Inequality | 5 |
Blood Relation | 3 |
Syllogism | 5 |
Miscellaneous | 2 |
Total | 35 |
Our Sincere Thanks to: Ms. Aarthi, Ms. Valarmathi, Ms. Kanimozhi and Ms. Sindhuja
LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 – Slot 4
All the applicants can go through the LIC AAO Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 for Slot 3. All the aspirants who are appeared for the LIC AAO Prelims Exam can check the detailed analysis now. Further, applicants can also find the number of questions asked under each pattern in each sections.
Sections | Good Attempts |
English Language | 20-25 |
Reasoning Ability | 26-29 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 19-22 |
Total | 70-75 |
English Language (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Reading Comprehension | 7 |
Para Jumbles | 6 |
Sentence correction | 5 |
Error spotting | 6 |
Single Filers | 6 |
Total |
30 |
Quantitative Aptitude (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Number Series (Wrong Number) | 5 |
Approximation | 5 |
Data Interpretation
Table Based Line Based |
10 |
Application Sums | 10 |
Data Sufficiency | 5 |
Total | 35 |
Reasoning Ability (Easy to Moderate)
Topics | No. of Questions |
Seating Arrangements
Linear Arrangement facing north Parallel Row – 14 persons
10 |
Box based Based on City |
10 |
Inequality | 5 |
Direction | 3 |
Syllogism | 5 |
Miscellaneous | 2 |
Total | 35 |