List of Nuclear Power Plant in India – GK Update

Dear Aspirants, Collection of the Nuclear power plant in India is one of the most important Static GK topics for all competitive exams like Bank, Insurance, SSC, railway, UPSC etc. This collection includes the Nuclear power plant in India with their locations and their capacities. For every exam, there will be 1 question from this topic. Here we provide the important points about the nuclear power plant in India as brief.

Nuclear Power Plant in India:

  1. Nuclear power is one of the most important sources for generating electricity in India. It is the fifth largest source of electricity in India after Thermal (coal), Hydroelectricity (Water), and other renewable sources of electricity like wind solar etc.
  2. According to 2016 survey, India has 22 Nuclear reactors working at seven locations.
  3. Having the installed capacity of about 6780 MW and producing a total of 30,292.91 GW/h of electricity.
  4. Also, 11 more reactors are under construction to generate an additional electricity of about 8,100 MW.
  5. Responsible for the generation of nuclear power in India has been taken by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL).
  6. NPCIL is Managed and controlled by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.
  7. Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant is the largest Nuclear Power plant in India.

Important Points about Nuclear Power Plant in India:

  1. New Projects of Nuclear power Plant in India:

The Union Cabinet on May 18, 2017 has taken the proposal of the building of 10 new nuclear power plants to increase the electricity of about 7000MW to India’s nuclear power generation capacity.

  1. India and Russia signed a deal:

India and Russia signed a deal for setting up the last 2 units of Kudankulam nuclear power plant in Kudankulam (Tamil Nadu)

Points about Nuclear energy and Nuclear Power Plant in India:

  • Nuclear fission is the process done by the nuclear reactors to generate the electricity.
  • Fission is nothing but the splitting of atoms. From the splitting process, a large amount has been produced. This heat produces the steam, which is used by a turbine generator to generate the electricity.
  • It is an important clean energy resource because nuclear power plants do not burn fuel so they do not produce or emit any harmful greenhouse gas.
  • 31 countries having nuclear power plants. Mostly they are in South Asia, East Asia Europe, and North America.
  • A large amount of electricity produced through nuclear energy in France.
  • China is one of the fastest growing nuclear power programs with 28 new reactors under construction.

List of Nuclear Power Plant in India

S.No Name of the Power Plant Total Capacity


State Operator
1 Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant 2,000 Tamil Nadu NPCIL
2 Tarapur Atomic Power Station 1,400 Maharashtra NPCIL
3 Rajasthan Atomic Power Station 1,080 Rajasthan NPCIL
4 Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant 880 Karnataka NPCIL
5 Madras (Kalpakkam) Atomic Power Station 440 Tamil Nadu NPCIL
6 Kakrapar Atomic Power Station 440 Gujarat NPCIL
7 Narora Atomic Power Station 440 Uttar Pradesh NPCIL

Nuclear Power Plant in India under Construction are:

S.No Name of the Power Plant Total Capacity


State Operator
1 Kudankulam (unit 3 & 4) 2,000 Tamil Nadu NPCIL
2 Rajasthan (Unit 7 & 8) 1,400 Rajasthan NPCIL
3 Kakrapar (Unit 3 & 4) 1,400 Gujarat NPCIL
4 Madras (Kalpakkam) 500 Tamil Nadu Bhavini
5 Gorakhpur 1,400 Haryana NPCIL

Planned Projects of Nuclear power Plant in India are:


Name of the Power Plant Total Capacity




1 Jaitapur 9,900 Maharashtra NPCIL
2 Kovvada 6,600 Andhra Pradesh NPCIL
3 Kavali 6,600 Andhra Pradesh NPCIL
4 Kudankulam (unit 5 & 6) 2000 Tamil Nadu NPCIL
5 Gorakhpur 1400 Haryana NPCIL
6 Bhimpur 2,800 Madhya Pradesh NPCIL
7 Mahi Banswara 2,800 Rajasthan NPCIL
8 Kaiga 1,400 Karnataka NPCIL
9 Chutka 1,400 Madhya Pradesh NPCIL
10 Madras 1,200 Tamil Nadu Bhavini
11 Tarapur 300 Maharashtra –

Now you clearly understood about the Nuclear power plant in India with their total capacity, location and their operator. So please utilize this free article and score good marks in your examinations.

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