Top Bank Exams in India – List of Important Bank Exams India

Entrance examinations conducted by various banks in India are highly competitive. Every year, lakhs of candidates apply for these exams attempting to clear them in the first go.

If you’re seeking a job in the banking sector, here are a few important exams you need to be aware of.

Here is a list of top bank exams in India –

  1. RBI Grade B Examination

The Reserve Bank of India conducts Grade B examination annually to recruit eligible candidates for the position of Grade B officer in its various branches across the country.

The examination is conducted in two phases followed by an interview process.

Detailed Overview RBI Grade B

The Phase-1 examination–  The Prelims have four sections- General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, and Reasoning. The exam is conducted for a duration of 2 hours and is for 200 marks.

The Phase-2 examination has three papers-Economics and Social Issues (objective), English Writing skills (descriptive) and Finance and Management (objective). The total marks allotted is 300 and the duration is for 270 minutes.

RBI Grade B Practice Questions

The candidates are shortlisted for the interview process based on the aggregate marks obtained in phase 2 (paper 1 + paper 2 + paper 3). The marks allotted for this is 50.

RBI Grade B Syllabus Here

The final selection of candidates is done by considering the marks obtained in phase 2 exams and the interview process.

  1. SBI PO examination

The State Bank of India conducts entrance examinations to recruit Probationary Officers for its branches across the country.

The recruitment process happens in three stages- the Preliminary exam, the Main exam, and a Group Discussion/Interview.

Detailed Overview SBI PO

The Prelim examination is conducted for 100 marks and it consists of three sections-

  • Numerical Ability– Questions on Number series, Quadratic equations, Simplification, and Data Interpretation are included in this section.
  • English Language– Questions on Reading Comprehension, error spotting and correction, Sentence improvement, Para jumbles, Sentence completion, and Cloze test are included in this section.
  • Reasoning Ability– Blood relations, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Syllogism, Puzzle solving, Direction sense, and seating arrangements are some of the important topics covered by the questions in this section.

SBI PO Syllabus Here

Candidates should obtain the minimum cutoff score at least to qualify for the further rounds of the selection process. Also Practice SBI PO Mock Test Here

  1. IBPS PO examination

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts IBPS PO examination annually to recruit probationary officers for Public Sector banks such as SBI, NABARD, SIDBI, and many others.

The examination is conducted in two phases: Preliminary and Mains examination followed by a face-to-face interview process.

Detailed Overview IBPS PO

The preliminary exam is a 100 marks online-based test that has three sections. The three sections are- English Language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning ability. Sectional cutoff marks are applicable and the total number of questions is 100.

The Main exam is also an online examination that has 5 sections: Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, English language, Data Analysis and Interpretation, General Economy and Banking Awareness and English language. The total duration is three and half-hours with maximum marks of 225.

IBPS PO Syllabus Here

Only the candidates who qualify the mains and prelims examinations are eligible to attend the face-to-face interview, which carries 100 marks. The final merit list is prepared based on the marks obtained in the mains examination and the interview process.

IBPS PO Mock Test is Here, Practice Now.

We hope this post gives you some insight and helps you make the right career decision.

Thanks for reading!!!

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