MPPEB Sub Engineer Result 2021: MPPEB Sub Engineer Result 2021 Released!!! Direct link available here to download the MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Result 2020-21 PDF. Candidates who have attended the written exam conducted on 9th & 10th, December 2020 shall check here the merit list pdf.
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) has announced the notification for the engagement of the Sub-Engineer post. The MP PEB had invited the online applications for filling up 53 vacancies of Sub Engineer/Draftsman in the Group 3 category. For that, a lot of engineering graduates have applied and appeared for the selection process. The selection process is based on the written exam and document verification. As per the schedule, the MPPEB Sub Engineer Exam has been conducted on 9th & 10th, December 2020. The answer key for the same was uploaded on 14 December 2020. After that, the candidates are eagerly waiting to check the result. For that now the officials have released the MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Result 2021 PDF on its official site. So candidates shall refer to this and check the result pdf.
Check MPPEB Sub Engineer Result 2021
How to check MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Result 2021?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site of
- You will be getting into the official site.
- On the home page, there is a section regarding the latest updates.
- Under that find the exact link regarding the result – Group 03 Sub Engineer recruitment test.
- Click on that you will be redirected to the respective login page.
- Kindly given the login details and give the submit button.
- Now you will get the result pdf.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.