Important Days

National Doctors Day 2021 Theme: History And Significance, July 1st

National Doctors Day 2021 Theme: July 1st is celebrated as National Doctors Day to show gratitude to all the doctors who have selflessly aided human lives in times of their need and tirelessly worked for the health of their patients and also acknowledge the contributions of doctors to mankind. July 1st is also remembered as the birth and death anniversary of West Bengal’s second chief minister and a great physician Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. National Doctors Day 2021 Theme is celebrated all across the globe on different dates, the UN celebrates this National Doctors Day 2021 Theme on March 30, Cuba on December 3, and Iran on August 23.

National Doctors Day 2021 Theme raises awareness about the roles, importance, and responsibilities of doctors that they serve even in challenging circumstances. During the Covid-19 pandemic, doctors were the frontier of leading the battle without thinking of their lives, they worked 24 hours every day to help the nation overcome the Pandemic. Doctors have put their lives at stake to keep the nation safe and healthy; their roles towards serving the nation have no match.

Important Days

National Doctors Day 2021 Theme:

This year the theme of Happy Doctors Day 2021 is yet to be decided. When the authority publishes it, we will be updated soon.


  • Doctors day was established in 1991 by the Central Government to recognize the contributions of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy as he played an important role in the establishment of the Medical Council of India and the Indian Medical Association.
  • Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy was also awarded the highest civilian award Bharat Ratna.
  • It is truly said that we can’t see God but on Earth, the Doctor is like a God who cures us and gives us life to live in a better way.


  • Every year the Indian Medical Association announces the theme for Doctors Day.
  • The theme raises awareness about the violence happening with doctors across India even after the contributions of doctors towards our nation.
  • Various activities are organized to raise awareness of the priceless roles of doctors in everyone’s lives like a free blood test, random blood sugar test, ECG, EEG, blood pressure check-up, etc.
  • Camps are held to assess the health status, health counseling, health nutrition talks, and chronic disease awareness among poor people.
  • Discussion programs are organized across the nation to inform people of health check-ups, prevention, diagnosis, proper treatment of the disease, etc.

Govt Jobs 2021


Q.Which day is celebrated as National Doctors Day in India?

July 1. In India, National Doctors Day is celebrated on July 1 all across India to honor the legendary physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. He was born on July 1, 1882, and died on the same date in 1962, aged 80 years.
Q.Who is known as the father of medicine in India?
Sushruta is the most celebrated physician and surgeon in India. Though he practiced during the 5th century B.C., many of his contributions to medicine and surgery preceded similar discoveries in the Western world.
Q.What is the National Doctors Day 2021 Theme?
This year the National Doctors Day 2021 Theme is yet to be decided. When the authority publishes it, we will be updated soon.