NIACL AO Preparation: Here we have given you the Subject Wise Tips and Strategies of NIACL AO Preparation. The New India Assurance Company Limited (NIACL) recruits Administrative Officers (AO) (Generalists and Specialists) in Scale I. It is one of the most sought-after jobs in the insurance sector. Candidates have started their online application process of NIACL AO recruitment.
NIACL had released a notification to recruit 300 Administrative Officers for the years 2021-22. Candidates should start their NIACL AO preparation as early as possible to get an edge over other competitors. Since last year NIACL has added a sectional time limit in each section, the same as any other banking exam, it becomes very important to have a proper strategy and planning for during the NIACL AO preparation.
Page Contents
NIACL AO Notification 2021: Important Dates
Event | Date |
Notification Released | 24th August 2021 |
Starting Date to Apply Online | 01st September 2021 |
The Final Date to Submit | 21st September 2021 |
Phase 1 Online Exam | October 2021 (Tentative) |
Phase-2 Online Examination | November 2021 (tentative) |
NIACL AO Exam Pattern
Before we get into the NIACL AO preparation strategy it is important to understand the exam pattern of NIACL AO.
NIACL AO Prelims Exam Pattern
Sections | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Time Duration |
English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 minutes |
NIACL AO Mains Exam Pattern
Sections | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Time Duration |
Reasoning Ability | 50 | 50 | Composite time of 2 hours |
English Language | 50 | 50 | |
General Awareness | 50 | 50 | |
Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
Complete NIACL AO Exam Pattern
NIACL AO Syllabus
NIACL AO syllabus is another important aspect of the NIACL AO preparation. Candidates must properly understand the syllabus of the NIACL AO exam. Below we have given an overview of the NIACL AO exam which the candidates can refer to.
Quantitative Aptitude
Data Interpretation, Number Series, Quadratic Equations, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration, Number System, Approximation, Average, Mixture and Allegations, Time and Work, Permutation & Combination, Data Sufficiency, HCF and LCM, Problems based on Age, Pipe and Cistern, Speed, Distance and Time, Partnership, Profit, Loss, and Discount.
Reasoning Ability
Seating Arrangement, Data Sufficiency, Alphanumeric Series, Direction and Sense, Puzzle, Coding-Decoding, Inequalities, Series, Input-Output, Blood Relation, Ranking etc
English Language
Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Sentence Improvement, Para Jumbles/ Sentence rearrangements, Double Fillers, Phrase Replacement, Spotting Errors.
General Awareness
- Banking Awareness Topics
- Insurance-related Terms and Topics.
- Latest Schemes of Government, Important Days, Countries, their Capitals and Currencies, Airports around the World
- Abbreviations related to Important Banking terms.
- Current Affairs of at least the last 6 months.
Detailed NIACL AO Syllabus Here
General Tips For NIACL AO Preparation
- Prepare a well-balanced strategy that contains prelims as well as the mains part of the NIACL AO preparation. Ignoring any one part may harm the final selection of a candidate.
- Always stick to the syllabus during the whole NIACL AO preparation.
- Refer to the previous year’s papers to understand the type of questions that are asked from any particular topic.
- Always keep on revising during your whole NIACL AO preparation of what you have studied earlier so that you do not lose grip on that topic.
- Try to make notes of important topics.
- Cover Daily Current Affairs from reliable sources.
- After the candidates have covered at least 70% of the syllabus, they should start giving full-length NIACL AO Mock Tests to understand their preparation level.
- Focus on speed as well as your accuracy during NIACL AO preparation of the prelims section.
- Insurance Awareness can be covered from any of the relevant materials available online.
- Try to improve on your weak areas before attempting the next mock.
- Time management plays an important role during your NIACL AO preparation.
Subject-Wise Tips & Strategy for NIACL AO Preparation
The NIACL AO consists of 4 subjects namely Aptitude, Reasoning, English & General Awareness. Candidates are having more passion for this job but they don’t have a perfect strategy to prepare. For that here we have given you the subject-wise strategy for NIACL AO Preparation. Kindly scroll down
NIACL AO Preparation For Quantitative Aptitude
The quantitative aptitude topics mainly include Data Interpretation, Arithmetic topics, Number Series, and Simplification & Approximation. Candidates should note down the below-mentioned tips during the NIACL AO preparation.
- The concepts and basics of every topic must be thoroughly covered.
- Start giving sectional tests and quizzes in order to attain speed which is an important part of the prelims preparation.
- Practice some calculation rituals daily.
- Practice quant questions daily.
- Try to cover scoring and most important topics first.
- If you are starting from scratch, you should cover topics such as Ratio and Proportion, Percentages which will be helpful in all the topics further.
- Find your weak areas through mock tests and try to improve on them.
NIACL AO Preparation for Reasoning Ability
The reasoning section mainly consists of puzzles and seating arrangements questions. Refer to the below-mentioned tips for the Reasoning section during the NIACL AO preparation.
- Cover the basics of every topic.
- Start with solving basic level questions and once you understand the concepts then you can move on to a bit higher level puzzles. In this way, you can keep on increasing the level of the puzzles.
- Practice previous year’s question paper to know the level of the questions.
- Solve the mock test in the topic as well as sectional-wise.
NIACL AO Preparation For English
The English section for the NIACL AO exam can be covered mainly by focusing on reading something daily. Below are some of the tips which a candidate can follow during NIACL AO preparation of the English section.
- Try to inculcate a habit of covering some new vocabulary words daily.
- Cover basic grammar rules and practice some questions on each topic daily.
- Attempt sectional mock tests.
- Candidates very weak in this section should start by reading any topic of their interest in English and slowly and gradually move on reading newspapers.
NIACL AO Preparation For General Awareness
General Awareness also plays a major role in the NIACL AO preparation. It carries an equal weightage in the mains exam as any other subject. This is a section that cannot be covered overnight and candidates should allocate some time daily for this section. Below are some of the tips for the General Awareness section.
- Cover the basic banking terminologies.
- Insurance-related terms must be covered for the NIACL AO exam.
- Current Affairs is the major part of this section, so try to cover daily current affairs.
- Try to make a note of daily important current affairs.
- Practice more quizzes.
Q: Is there the General Awareness section in the prelims exam?
A: No, the General Awareness section is in the mains exam of NIACL AO.
Q: Is the quants section tough in the NIACL AO exam?
A: Quantitative aptitude of NIACL AO is the same as any other banking exam. Candidates clear with the basics will not face any difficulty in this section.
Q: Are mock tests important during NIACL AO preparation?
A: Yes, mock tests play a major role in the NIACL AO preparation since it helps the candidates to know where they are lagging and where they need to improve upon.
Q: Should I give mock tests daily?
A: Candidates can give mock tests daily provided they are analyzing the mock tests and improving on their weak areas.
Q: Can I leave the general awareness section for the NIACL AO exam?
A: No, the General Awareness section covers equal weightage as any other section in the mains exam and it should not be ignored.