Order and ranking is important topic in the reasoning ability section. Order and Ranking is an important logical reasoning chapter where the position or rank of a person from left/right or top/bottom in a row or column is to be determined. Also, the total number of persons is to be calculated according to the given position. Candidates can ace the order and ranking topic by practicing more questions from Order And Ranking For Bank PO Prelims exam PDF provided here. Generally, the questions from this topic need to find the total number of persons, the rank of a person, number of persons between two persons, minimum/ maximum number of persons in a row. Number of persons on either side of a particular person, the rank of a person after the positions are interchanged, and ascending/descending order of a person based on a specific category such as height, weight, academic rankings, etc.,
Candidates can cover most of the standard questions asked in the bank PO prelims examinations by practicing the Order And Ranking For Bank PO Prelims exam PDF. Here the solutions are provided with detailed explanations. Candidates can expect 3-5 questions in the bank PO mains examination from this topic. The question level will be tougher and tricky for the prelims examination. With good practice, candidates can score full marks on this topic with good accuracy. Utilize this Order And Ranking For Bank PO prelims exam PDF for effective preparation of this topic.
Order and Ranking for Bank PO Prelims (FAQ):
1) What is order and Ranking in reasoning?
Ans. Order and Ranking is an important logical reasoning chapter where the position or rank of a person from left/right or top/bottom in a row or column is to be determined.
2) What is the example of order?
Ans. The definition of an order is a position, rank, or arrangement of people or things. An example of order is people being served food according to when they arrived in a restaurant. An example of order is the names of fruit being listed by where their first letter occurs in the alphabet.
Direction (1-3): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Six persons – L, M, N, O, P and Q have different cibil scores. The cibil score of O is more than L, whose cibil score is more than M. Only two person’s cibil score is less than P. The cibil score of M is less than P. M’s cibil score is not the lowest one. The cibil score of N is more than both L and P. N doesn’t have the highest cibil score. 400 is the second lowest cibil score.
1) Who among the following person has the highest cibil score?
E.None of these
2) If the cibil score of L is 500, then what might be the cibil score of P?
E.None of these
3) If the sum of the cibil scores of M and N is 1200, then what might be the cibil score of O?
Direction (4-6): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Six cars – T, U, V, W, X and Y give different mileages. T gives more mileage than V. W gives more mileage than X, which gives more mileage than V. U gives more mileage than T. As many cars give more mileage than V as less than W. V doesn’t give the lowest mileage. U gives more mileage than W whereas X gives less mileage than T. The car which gives the second lowest mileage gives 50KMPL.
4) Which of the following car gives the highest mileage?
E.None of these
5) If the mileage of W is 70KMPL, then what might be the mileage of U?
B.Either (a) or (d)
E.None of these
6) If the sum of the mileages of V and U is 150KMPL, then what might be the mileage of W?
A.100 KMPL
C.110 KMPL
Direction (7-9): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven persons viz. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are participating in a competition in which each person drinks different quantity of juice and ranks accordingly. Only two persons are ranked higher than B, who ranks lower than D. A ranks higher than C but lower than F. E ranks higher than G, who doesn’t rank higher than C. Neither D nor E ranks first. E neither ranks higher than B nor less than A. The one who ranks second highest drinks 12 litres of juice and the one who ranks third lowest drinks 7 litres of juice.
7) Who among the following person ranks the first?
E.None of these
8) If both D and E drink 21 litres of juice and both A and G drink 11 litres of juice, then what is the total amount of juice drunk by E and G?
E.None of these
9) What is the possible amount of juice drunk by C?
Direction (10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven persons are participating in a running race such that each person runs for different distances. Only two persons run more distance than R, who runs less than M. Q runs more than O but less than N, who doesn’t run more than P. S doesn’t run more than O whereas P doesn’t run for the highest distance. The one who runs the second-highest runs for 8km whereas the one who runs the second-lowest runs for 4km.
10) Who among the following person runs the third-lowest distance?
E.None of these
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Answers :
Directions (1-3) :
O > N > L > P > M (400) > Q
1) Answer: C
2) Answer: D
3) Answer: B
Directions (4-6) :
U > W > T > X > V (50KMPL) > Y
4) Answer: C
5) Answer: B
6) Answer: D
Directions (7-9) :
From the given information, the following was obtained.
F > D (12L) > B > E > A (7L) > C > G
7) Answer: B
8) Answer: C
9) Answer: A
Directions (10):
From the given information, the following was determined.
M > P (8km) > R > N > Q > O (4km) > S
10) Answer: A
Direction (11-13): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven persons buy some quantity of juice. J buys more than P but less than M whereas N buys more than O but less than L. P buys more than L. K buys more than M. The one who buys the second least quantity of juice buys 3 liters whereas the one who buys the second highest quantity of juice buys 12 liters.
11) Who among the following person buys the highest quantity of juice?
E.None of these
12) What is the average quantity of juice bought by M and L, who bought double the quantity of juice than N?
A.6 liters
B.9 liters
C.5 liters
D.7 liters
E.Cannot be determined
13) If the sum of the quantity of juice bought by M and P is 17 liters and the difference between the quantity of juice bought by K and P is 9 liters, then how many liters of juice was bought by K?
A.11 liters
B.15 liters
C.14 liters
D.13 liters
E.None of these
Direction (14-16): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Six cows give different quantity of milk. S gives more milk than U but not as much as V. Only two cows give less milk than X. W gives more milk than U and T but not as much as V. As many cows give more milk than W as less than U. The cow which gives the maximum quantity of milk gives 32 litres whereas the cow which gives the second lowest quantity of milk gives 25 litres.
14) Which among the following cow gives the second highest quantity of milk?
A.Cow U
B.Cow T
C.Cow S
D.Cow V
E.Cow W
15) How many cows give more quantity of milk than Cow S?
16) If both S and V give 60 litres of milk and both W and U give 55 litres of milk, then what is the total quantity of milk given by both S and W?
A.60 litres
B.70 litres
C.58 litres
D.95 litres
E.45 litres
Direction (17-19): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below
Seven water bottles – A, B, C, D, E, F and G are of different heights. Bottle E is taller than G but shorter than F, which is not the tallest. Bottle C is shorter than A, which is shorter than D. Bottle G is shorter than C, which is taller than B.Only two bottles are shorter than Bottle E.Bottle A is the third tallest.The height of the second tallest bottle is 50cm and G is not the shortest.
17) If the height of bottle D is 10cm more than F, then what is the sum of the height of bottles D and A, if bottle A’s height is half of D?
18) If the height of bottle C is half of F and G is 10cm less than C, then what is the average height of C and G?
19) How many bottles are taller than C?
E.Can’t be determined
Directions (20) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions below:
There are six persons U, V, W, X, Y and Z with different weights. X is heavier than at least three persons but not the heaviest. Y is the lightest person among all. V is heavier than U but not heavier than all. W is heavier than Z who is the second lightest person. The heaviestperson’s weight is 110kg. The weight of the U is 70kg.V is lighter than atleast two persons.
20) Who is the second heaviest person among all?
Try Order and Ranking Questions For Online Mock Test
Answers :
Directions (11-13) :
From the given information, the following was determined.
K > M (12 liters) > J > P > L > N (3 liters) > O
11) Answer: C
12) Answer: B
13) Answer: C
Directions (14-16) :
We have the following conditions
V (32 litres) > W > S > X > U (25 litres) > T
14) Answer: E
15) Answer: B
16) Answer: C
V+S=60, 32+S=60 from here S = 28 litres
W+U=55, W+25=55 from here W = 30 litres
So, S+W= 28+30 = 58 litres
Directions (17-19) :
- Bottle E is taller than G but shorter than F, which is not the tallest.
_> F > E > G
- Bottle C is shorter than A, which is shorter than D.
D > A > C
- Bottle G is shorter than C, which is taller than B.
C > G,B
- Bottle A is the third tallest. Only two bottles are shorter than bottle E.
_ > _ > A > _ > E > _ > _
- The height of the second tallest bottle is 50cm and G is not the shortest.
D > F > A > C > E > G > B
17) Answer: A
18) Answer: D
19) Answer: D
Directions (20) :
Based on the given information, we have the final arrangement as follows
W(110kg) > X > V > U(70kg) > Z > Y
20) Answer: B
Direction (21-23): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.
Six persons viz., B, E, J, P, U and Y have different working experiences. Less than three persons have more experience than U. Only two persons are experienced between U and B who has less experience than P. Only one person is experienced between P and E, who has more experience than both P and Y. J is not experienced immediately more and immediately less than B. The one who has second highest and second-lowest experiences has 6 and 3 years experience respectively.
21) How many persons have more experience than E?
E.None of these
22) If the difference between the experience of E and U is 1, then the experience of P is__
23) How many years of experience did J have?
D.Cannot be determined
E.None of these
Direction (24-26): Answer the questions based on the information given below.
Five chocolate brands viz. Dairymilk, Kitkat, Munch, 5 star and Barone are rated as Rs. 5, 10, 12, 15 and 20, respectively. Four boxes viz. Box 1, Box 2, Box 3 and Box 4 are filled with some of these chocolates. None of the box contains all the five chocolates, as well as only one chocolate of each brand, is kept in the box. Dairymilk is kept only in boxes 1 and 4 whereas Barone is kept only in boxes 2 and 3. 5 star is kept in boxes 1, 2 and 3 whereas Munch is kept in boxes 1, 3 and 4. Kitkat is kept in boxes 1 and 4. Based on the total rate of the chocolates inside the boxes, these Boxes are arranged in descending order.
24) Which of the following box costs high?
A.Box 1
B.Box 2
C.Box 3
D.Box 4
E.Cannot be determined
25) Based on the quantity, which of the following box is the least?
A.Box 1
B.Box 2
C.Box 3
D.Box 4
E.Cannot be determined
26) What is the total cost of the Box 1?
A.Rs. 47
B.Rs. 35
C.Rs. 42
D.Rs. 40
E.Rs. 45
Direction (27-30): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions below:
There are six persons U, V, W, X, Y and Z with different weights. X is heavier than at least three persons but not the heaviest. Y is the lightest person among all. V is heavier than U but not heavier than all. W is heavier than Z who is the second lightest person. The heaviestperson’s weight is 110kg. The weight of the U is 70kg.V is lighter than atleast two persons.
27) Who is the second heaviest person among all?
28) If the sum of the weights of V and Z is 145 kg, then what is the possible weight of V?
A.80 kg
B.74 kg
C.72 kg
D.71 kg
E.None of these
29) How many persons are heavier than V?
30) Who is the lightest person?
E.None of these
Try Order and Ranking Questions For Online Mock Test
Answers :
Directions (21-23) :
21) Answer: C
22) Answer: D
23) Answer: C
Directions (24-26) :
Based on the given information, the boxes are arranged as follows.
Box3 (Rs. 47) > Box1 (Rs. 42) > Box2 (Rs. 35) > Box4 (Rs. 27)
24) Answer: C
25) Answer: B
26) Answer: C
Directions (27-30) :
Based on the given information, we have the final arrangement as follows
W(110kg) > X > V > U(70kg) > Z > Y
27) Answer: B
28) Answer: A
29) Answer: C
30) Answer: A