PGVCL Upkendra Sahayak DV List 2021: Documents & Choice Places

PGVCL Upkendra Sahayak DV List 2021: PGVCL Upkendra Sahayak DV List 2021 Released!!! Direct link available here to download the PGVCL Junior Assistant Document Verification List PDF. Candidates who are shortlisted from the examination conducted on 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 January 2021 shall check here the Document Verification list.

Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited (PGVCL) has released the notification for the engagement of the Upkendra Sahayak(Junior Assistant) post. A total of 881 vacancies were announced. A total of 65,526 candidates were applied for the exam. The written exam was scheduled for 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 January 2021. Then the answer key for the exam was uploaded on 28th January 2021. Then the result was released on its official site on 09th March 2021. Candidates who have qualified the written exam will be called for the Document Verification(DV) round. The DV round will be scheduled in the upcoming days. The Appointment order will be issued by the concerned Circle Offices of PGVCL after verification of the original documents and subject to fulfilling the requisite criteria.

Following candidates are informed to upload the scan copy of their original documents and fill up the choice place on or before 26.03.2021 (Time – 23:59) in the given link on our website.

PGVCL Upkendra Sahayak DV List 2021 PDF

Submission of Documents & Choice Places

How to Submit the Documents & Choice Places for PDVCL DV Round?

  • Candidates have to visit the official site of PDVCL.
  • You will be getting into the respective site.
  • On the home page, there is a link regarding submitting the documents & choice places.
  • Click on that you will be getting into the respective login page.
  • Kindly given the login details and give the submit button and choose your choice of places.

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