Practice English Questions BASED on NEW Pattern (Phrase Replacement) Day-2 :
Dear Readers, We all knew that IBPS has introduced some new pattern English Questions the Examinations, many of our followers were requesting us to provide Practice Questions based on the new pattern, for that here WE have started providing Practice English Questions Based on New pattern. Kindly follow us regularly and make use of it, if you have any suggestion kindly use the comment section below.
[WpProQuiz 678]Direction (1-10): In given sentences phrase is represented in bold which may be incorrect so you have to find the correct phrase in place of that if the phrase is correct in the given sentences than mark no correction required as your answer.
1)To understand how the human mind works, I passed my Netflix password to my friend, to watch Black Mirror, an ongoing British TV series on the impact of technology on society.
- Passed on
- Passed forward
- Passed away
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
2)The murder of journalist-activist GauriLankesh in Bengaluru has set on a wave of protests across the country; the chill that has set up, is difficult to miss.
- Has set in
- Have set
- Is set up
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
3)It is a fool’s game right now to hazard guesses about the identity of the killers, but the manner in which she is brutally murdered raises extremely worrying questions.
- was brutally murdered
- has been brutally murdered
- were brutally murdered
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
4)The sixth nuclear test by North Korea on Sunday has provoked a predictable chorus of condemnation and hand wringing in capitals in the world.
- Among the world
- Around the world
- At the world
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
5)While experts continue to debate whether North Korea has mastered the technology behind a fusion device or whether the posed picture was of a mock-up, the fact is that under Mr. Kim, the nuclear and missile programmesis accelerated.
- have accelerated
- had accelerated
- is accelerating
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
6)China and Russia have been critical of North Korea’s missile and nuclear tests, proposing that if the U.S. and South Korea were to suspend their joint military exercises, North Korea could agree to suspending its tests, open the way to a dialogue.
- Opened the way
- Is opening the way
- Opening the way
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
7)The collapse of a great wall of garbage in east Delhi’s Ghazipur area, sweeping people and vehicles into a nearby canal, is a stark reminder that India’s neglected waste management crisis can has deadly consequences.
- Is having a deadly consequence.
- Have deadly consequences
- Be having deadly consequence.
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
8)More than a year after the notification of the much-delayed Solid Waste Management Rules, cities and towns are in not position to comply with its stipulations, beginning with the segregation of different kinds of waste at source and their scientific processing.
- Were in no position to comply
- Was not in position to comply
- Are in no position to comply
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
9)Neither are urban nor local governments treating the 62 million tonnes of waste generating annually in the country as a potential resource.
- Waste generate
- Waste generated
- Waste generation
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
10)The Swachh Bharat programme of the Centre has focused too narrowly on individual action to keep streets clean, without concurrent pressure on State and municipal authorities to move close to scientific managementby the deadline of April 2018 set for most places, and arrest the spread of pollution from trash.
- To move closer
- In moving close
- To moving closer
- only A
- only B
- Only C
- A & B
- No correction required.
[WpProQuiz 678]