Practice Quantitative Aptitude Questions For IBPS 2017 Exams (Missing / Wrong Number Series):
Dear Readers, Important Practice Aptitude Questions for IBPS Exams 2017 was given here with Solutions. Aspirants those who are preparing for the Bank Examination and other Competitive Examination can use this material.
Directions (Q. 1-5): In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
1). 17, 36, 132, 635, 3500, 21750, 153762
The series is (17 + 1^3) × 2, (36 + 2^3) × 3, (132 + 3^3) × 4, (636 + 4^3) × 5
Answer is: a)
2). 17, 20, 46, 147, 599, 3015, 18018
The series is ×1 + 3, ×2 + 6, ×3 + 9, ×4 + 12, ×5 + 15
Answer is: c)
3). 90, 135, 286, 750, 2160, 6405, 19155
The series is (90-45) × 3, (135-40) × 3, (285-35) × 3, (750-30) × 3, (2160-25) × 3,…
Answer is: d)
4). 9, 14, 40, 129, 536, 2705, 16260
The series is ×1 + 5, ×2 + 10, ×3 + 15, ×4 + 20, ×5 + 25
Answer is: b)
5). 8, 18, 64, 272, 1395, 8424, 59045
The series is (8+1) × 2, (18+3) × 3, (63+5) × 4, (272+7) × 5
Answer is: e)
Directions (Q. 6-10): What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series.
6). 1320, 720, 336, 120, 24, ?
Answer is: e)
7). 1, 54, 375, 1372, 3645, ?
Answer is: b)
8). 1, 10, 27 , 52, 85, ?
Answer is: c)
9). 8 , 47, 142, 317 , 596 , ?
Answer is: a)
10). 5 , 26, 165, 1332 , 13335 , ?
Answer is: d)