Quantitative Aptitude Questions (Time and Work) for NIACL Assistant Mains 2018 Day-200

Dear Readers, NIACL Assistant is conducting Online Examination for the recruitment of Assistant. To enrich your preparation here we have providing new series of Time and Work – Quantitative Aptitude Questions. Candidates those who are appearing in NIACL Assistant Mains Exams can practice these Quantitative Aptitude average questions daily and make your preparation effective.

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1) 25 men can complete a piece of work in 16 days. After 4 days from the start of the work, some men left. If the remaining work was completed by the remaining men in 15 days, then find the men left after 4 days from the start of the work?

a) 3 men

b) 4 men

c) 6 men

d) 5 men

e) None of these

2) 10 women and 6 men can do a work in 5 days. 7 women and 8 men can do a same work in 6 days. How long will 12 women and 3 men can take to do the work?

a) 4 ¾ days

b) 5 ½ days

c) 3 5/6 days

d) 6 ¼ days

e) None of these

3) 20 men can complete a work in 12 days. 6 days after they started the work, 5 men left the job. How many days will it take to complete the remaining work?

a) 10 days

b) 7 days

c) 8 days

d) 6 days

e) None of these

4) A and B undertook to complete a piece of work for Rs. 4500. A can do it in 12 days, B can do it in 16 days and with the help of C, they complete the work in 5 1/3 days. Find the share of C?

a) Rs. 850

b) Rs. 1000

c) Rs. 600

d) Rs. 700

e) None of these

5) If 4 men or 7 women can reap a field in 49 days, then what will be the time taken by 6 men and 14 women to reap the field?

a) 12 days

b) 10 days

c) 16 days

d) 14 days

e) None of these

6) Manohar and Ragu can separately do a piece of work in 15 and 18 days respectively. They worked together for 6 days, after which Ragu was replaced by Ranjith. If the work was finished in next 1 1/3 days, then find the number of days in which Ranjith alone could do the work?

a) 8 ¾ days

b) 9 5/6 days

c) 10 2/5 days

d) 7 ½ days

e) None of these

7) A, B and C together complete the work in 4 32/37 days while B alone can complete the work in 18 days and C alone can complete the same work in 15 days. How many days A can take to complete the work alone?

a) 14 days

b) 13 days

c) 12 days

d) 15 days

e) None of these

8) A can complete three-fifth of the work in 6 days and B can complete the two-seventh of the same work in 4 days. Then in how many days A and B together complete the work?

a) 6 ¾ days

b) 4 7/8 days

c) 5 5/6 days

d) 6 ½ days

e) None of these

9) P can do a piece of work in 21 days. Q is 40 percent more efficient than P. Then in how many days the work gets completed when both are working simultaneously?

a) 10 days

b) 8 ¾ days

c) 9 ½ days

d) 12 days

e) None of these

10) (x-3) person can do a work in x days and (x+3) person can do the same work in (x-5) days. Then in how many days can (x+5) person finish the work?

a) 12 days

b) 9 days

c) 8 days

d) 10 days

e) None of these

Answers :

1). Answer: d)


Total work = men*days

Total units of work = 25*16 = 400 units

Work done in 4 days = 25*4 = 100 units

Remaining work = 400 – 100 = 300 units

Let the number of men left after 4 days be x,

According to the question,

300/15 = 25 – x

20 = 25 – x

X = 5 men

After 4 days from the start of the work, 5 men left the job.

2). Answer: a)


Total work = (men (or) women)*days

Work equal,

(10w + 6m)*5 = (7w + 8m)*6

50w + 30m = 42w + 48m

8w = 18m

4w = 9m = > 1w = (9/4) m

10w + 6m = 10*(9/4) m + 6m = (57/2) m

12w + 5m = 12*(9/4) m + 3 m = 30 m

Women      days

(57/2)                   5

30               ?

(57/2)*5 = 30x

X = (57/2)*(5/30) = 4 9/12 = 4 ¾ days

3). Answer: c)


Total work = men * days

Total work = 20*12 = 240

6 days work = 20*6 = 120

Remaining work = 240 – 120 = 120 work

Now, the total men = 20 – 5 = 15 men

Remaining work can be completed in,

= > 120/15 = 8 days

Remaining work gets completed in 8 days.

4). Answer: b)


1/12 + 1/16 + 1/C = 3/16

1/C = (3/16) – (1/12 + 1/16)

(1/C) = (3/16) – (7/48) = 1/24

C can do it in 24 days.

Efficiency of A, B and C = (1/12) : (1/16) : (1/24) = 4 : 3 : 2

9’s = 4500

1’s = 500

The share of C = Rs. 1000

5). Answer: d)



Men   women        days

4        7                 49

6        14               ?

Required days = (4*7*49)/(56 + 42) = (4*7*49)/98

= > 14 days


4 men = 7 women

1 men = (7/4) women

6 m + 14 w = 6*(7/4) w + 14 w = 49/2 w

Women        days

7                 49

49/2            ?

= > (7*49*2)/49 = 14 days

6). Answer: d)


Manohar and Ragu’s one day work = (1/15) + (1/18) = 11/90

Manohar and Ragu’s 6 day work = (11/90)*6 = 11/15

Remaining work 4/15 done by Manohar and Ranjith

Manohar and Ranjith finished it in 1 1/3 days

(4/15)*(Manohar + Ranjith)’s whole work = (4/3)

(Manohar + Ranjith)’s whole work = (4/3)*(15/4) = 5 days

Ranjith’s one day work = (1/5) – (1/15) = 2/15

Ranjith alone can complete the work in 7 ½ days

7). Answer: c)


A, B and C together complete the work in = 4 32/37 days = 180/37 days

(A + B + C)’s one day work = 37/180

B’s one day work = 1/18

C’s one day work = 1/15

A’s one day work = (37/180) – (1/18 + 1/15)

= > 37/180 – 11/90 = 15/180 = 1/12

A can take to complete the work alone in 12 days

8). Answer: c)


A can complete 3/5th of the work = 6 days

A can complete the whole work in = 6*(5/3) = 10 days

B can complete 2/7th of the work = 4 days

B can complete the whole work in = 4*(7/2) = 14 days

(A + B)’s one day work = (1/10) + (1/14) = 24/(10*14) = 6/35

A and B together can complete the work in, 35/6 = 5 5/6 days

9). Answer: b)


Efficiency ratio = > Q : P = 140 : 100 = 7 : 5

Days ratio = > Q : P = 5 : 7

P can do a piece of work in 21 days

7’s = 21 = > 1’s = 3

So Q can complete the work in 15 days

= > 1/21 + 1/15

= > 36/(21*15) = 4/35

P and Q together can complete the work in 35/4 = 8 ¾ days

10). Answer: b)


(x + 3) person can do the work in = (x – 5)

(x – 3)*x = (x + 3) (x – 5)

X2 – 3x = x2 – 5x + 3x – 15

X = 15

Person        days

12               15

20               ?

(12*15) = 20*y

Y = 180/20 = 9 days

Daily Practice Test Schedule | Good Luck

Topic Daily Publishing Time
Daily News Papers & Editorials 8.00 AM
Current Affairs Quiz 9.00 AM
Quantitative Aptitude “20-20” 11.00 AM
Vocabulary (Based on The Hindu) 12.00 PM
General Awareness “20-20” 1.00 PM
English Language “20-20” 2.00 PM
Reasoning Puzzles & Seating 4.00 PM
Daily Current Affairs Updates 5.00 PM
Data Interpretation / Application Sums (Topic Wise) 6.00 PM
Reasoning Ability “20-20” 7.00 PM
English Language (New Pattern Questions) 8.00 PM

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