“20-20” Quantitative Aptitude | Crack SBI Clerk 2018 Day-15

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Direction (Q. 1-5): Study the graphs carefully to answer the questions that follow: Total number of flights in 6 different airlines and the percentage of International Flights in them


  1. The total number of flights in Spice Jet, is approximately what percent of the number of National Flights in Vistara and number of International Flights in Jet Airways together?
  1. 95.23%
  2. 94.60%
  3. 93.64%
  4. 96.87%
  5. 90.45%
  1. What is the average number of National Flights in IndiGo and Jet Airways and International Flights in Vistara and AirAsia together?
  1. 1025
  2. 943.75
  3. 972.50
  4. 912.25
  5. 873.75
  1. What is the respective ratio of the number of International Flights in SpiceJet and GoAir together to the number of National Flights in Vistara and AirAsia together?
  1. 48 : 77
  2. 39 : 56
  3. 49 : 65
  4. 7 : 13
  5. 65 : 49
  1. What is the total percentage of National Flights in Spice Jet and Air Asia together (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
  1. 71.70
  2. 70.50
  3. 73.60
  4. 77.50
  5. 74.90
  1. What is the total number of National Flights in IndiGo, GoAir and Vistara together?
  1. 4095
  2. 3755
  3. 3975
  4. 3645
  5. 3825

Directions (Q. 6-10) : What value will come in place of question mark (?) in the given questions ? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value)

6). 18.05 x 8.99 – 52.02 = ?

  1. 140
  2. 75
  3. 160
  4. 110
  5. 150

7). 149.96 x 3.02 – 114.57 x 1.93 = ?

  1. 170
  2. 220
  3. 310
  4. 190
  5. 260

8). 45.04 ÷ 4.97 = ? ÷ 12.99

  1. 104
  2. 91
  3. 120
  4. 117
  5. 143

9). 135.59 ÷ 7.62 x 2.93 = 75.01% of ?

  1. 80
  2. 60
  3. 40
  4. 20
  5. 68

10). 75.05% of (289.96 + 142.01) = ?2

  1. 10
  2. 16
  3. 14
  4. 18
  5. 12

Directions (Q. 11-15): What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series:

11). 2197 3375 4913 6859  ?  12167

  1. 9361
  2. 10648
  3. 9216
  4. 9261
  5. None of these

12). 27 32 59 91 ? 241 391

  1. 110
  2. 130
  3. 145
  4. 160
  5. 150

13). 17, 16, 30, 87, 344, ?

  1. 1735
  2. 1760
  3. 1660
  4. 1685
  5. 1715

14). 29, 31, 37, 49, 69, ?

  1. 108
  2. 99
  3. 94
  4. 103
  5. 88

15). 13, 13, 20, 37.5, 83, ?

  1. 233
  2. 216
  3. 234
  4. 235
  5. 239
  1. A and B can complete a work in 9 days and 12 days respectively. A begins to do the work and they work alternately one at a time for one day each. The whole work will be completed in how many days?
  1. 10 1/4
  2. 10 2/7
  3. 10 1/3
  4. 10 2/3
  5. None of these
  1. The ratio of present age of Kavitha to that Sunitha is 4:13. Chandra is 15 years older than Sunitha. Chandra’s age after 8 years will be 75 years. What is the present age of kavitha’s mother, who is 30 years older than Kavitha?
  1. 46 years
  2. 43 years
  3. 78 years
  4. 67 years
  5. None of these
  1. A 400m long train crosses a man, standing on a platform of length 120m in 16 seconds. What is the speed of the train?
  1. 117 kmph
  2. 108 kmph
  3. 90 kmph
  4. 120 kmph
  5. None of these
  1. The price of a watch and a book are in the ratio 6:5. If the price of a watch is Rs.170 more than the price of a book, what is the price of the watch?
  1. Rs.850
  2. Rs.900
  3. Rs.950
  4. Rs.1020
  5. None of these
  1. The diameter of a smaller circle and a larger circle are the side of a square and the diagonal of the square respectively. If the side of the square is 4cm, what is the ratio of the areas of the smaller circle and the larger circle?
  1. 2:1
  2. 1:2
  3. 1:√2
  4. √2:1
  5. None of these


Direction (Q. 1-5):  

  1. Answer: a

Total number of flights in SpiceJet = 2000

Number of National Flights in Vistara = 1250 × 60/100 = 750

Number of International Flights in Jet Airways = 3000 × 45/100 = 1350

Total = 750 + 1350 = 2100

Required percentage

= 2000/2100 × 100

= 95.23

  1. Answer b

Number of National Flights in IndiGo = 2500 × 60/100 = 1500

Number of National Flights in Jet Airways = 3000 × 55/100 = 1650

Number of International Flights in Vistara= 1250 × 40/100 = 500

Number of International Flights in AirAsia= 1000 × 12.5/100 = 125

Required average = 1/4 × (1500 + 1650 + 500 + 125)

= 1/4 × 3775

= 943.75

  1. Answer : c

Number of International Flights in SpiceJet = 2000 × 27.5/100 = 550

Number of International Flights in GoAir = 2250 × 30/100 = 675

Total = 1225

Number of National Flights in Vistara = 1250 × 60/100 = 750

Number of National Flights in AirAsia = 1000 × 87.5/100 = 875

Total = 1625

Required ratio = 1225 : 1625

= 49 : 65

  1. Answer: d

Number of National Flights in Spice Jet = 2000 × 72.5/100

= 1450

Number of National Flights in AirAsia = 1000 × 87.5/100

= 875

Total = (1450 + 875) = 2325

Required percentage = 2325/3000 ×100

= 77.5

  1. Answer: e

Number of National Flights in IndiGo = 2500 × 60/100

= 1500

Number of National Flights in GoAir = 2250 × 70/100

= 1575

Number of National Flights in Vistara = 1250 × 60/100

= 750

Total = 1500 + 1575 + 750

= 3825

Directions (Q. 6-10) :

  1. Answer: d

18.05 x 8.99 – 52.02 = ?

18 x9 – 52 = ? 1

62 -52 = ?

? = 110

7). Answer :b

149.96 x 3.02 – 114.57 x 1.93 = ?

150 x3 -115 x2 = ?

450 – 230 = ?

? = 220

8). Answer :d

45.04 ÷ 4.97 = ? ÷ 12.99

45 /5 = ?/13

9 x 13 = ?

? = 117

9). Answer: e

135.594 ÷ 7.62 x 2.93 = 75.01% of ?

(136/8) x 3 = (75/100) × ?

17 x3 = (3/4) x ?

? = 68

10). Answer: d

75.05% of (289.96 + 142.01) = ?2

75/100 x (290 + 142 ) = ?2

3/4 x432 = ?2

3 x 108 = ?2

324 = ?2

? = √324

? =18

Directions (Q. 11-15):

11). Answer: d

The series is: (13)^3, (15)^3, (17)^3, (19)^3, …

12). Answer: e

The series is: 27 + 32 = 59; 32 + 59 = 91; 59 + 91 = 150; 91 + 150 = 241; 150 + 241 = 391

13). Answer :e

The sequence of series is as follows.

17 × 1− 1 = 16

16 × 2 − 2 = 30

30 × 3 − 3 = 87

87 × 4 − 4 = 344

344 × 5 − 5 = 1715

14). Answer :b

The sequence of series is as follows

29 + 2 × 1 = 31, 31+ 3 × 2 = 37

37 + 4 × 3 = 49, 49 + 5 × 4 = 69

69 + 6 × 5 = 99


Difference of series is = 2, 6, 12, 20, 30

Difference of difference = 4, 6, 8, 10

15). Answer: b

The sequence of series is as follows

13 * 1/2 + 6.5 = 13, 13 × 1+ 7 = 20

20 * 3/2 + 7.5 = 37.5, 37.5 × 2 + 8 = 83

83 * 5/2 + 8.5 = 216

  1. Answer: a

(A+B)’s two days work = 1/9 + 1/12 = 7/36

(A+B)’s ten days work = 7/36 × 5 = 35 /36

∴ Remaining work = 1/36

A’s one day work = 1/9

∴ 1/36 work is done by A in 9×1/36 = 1/4 day

Hence, the whole work completed in 10 ¼ days.

  1. Answer: a

According to the question,

Chandra’s present age = 75 – 8 = 67 years

Hence, Sunitha’s age = 67 – 15 = 52 years

∴ The age of Kavitha = 4/13 × 52 = 16 years

Hence, Kavitha’s mother’s age = 16 + 30 = 46 years.

  1. Answer: c

Speed of the train = 400/16 × 18/5 kmph

= 90 kmph

  1. Answer: d

Let the price of book be ‘X’

Hence, the price of watch = X + 170

(X+170) / X = 6/5

5X + 850 = 6X

X = 850

∴ The price of watch = 850 + 170 = Rs.1020

  1. Answer: b

The radius of the smaller circle (r) = side of the square

Hence, d = 4; r = 2

The radius of the larger circle (R) = diagonal of the square

Hence, R = √2 × 2

Area of smaller circle: Area of larger circle

= (2) ^2: (√2 × 2) ^2

= 4: 8

= 1:2

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