Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Quantitative Aptitude Questions for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
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[WpProQuiz 7445]Wrong Number Series
Directions (Q. 1 – 3): Find the wrong term in the following number series?
1) 28, 57, 173, 695, 3478, 20879
a) 20879
b) 28
c) 3478
d) 172
e) 695
2) 14, 8, 15, 38, 137, 621.5
a) 15
b) 137
c) 14
d) 621.5
e) 8
3) 453, 563, 693, 851, 1033, 1243
a) 563
b) 851
c) 1243
d) 693
e) 1033
Directions (Q. 4 – 5): what approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?
4) √(21608.99) ÷ 7.12 × 15.21 = ? – 16759 ÷ 9
a) 2850
b) 3435
c) 2180
d) 1965
e) 1350
5) (12.89)2 + 48 % of 708 – (2/7) of 1224 = ? – (6.12)3
a) 370
b) 290
c) 210
d) 330
e) 425
Data Interpretation
Directions (Q. 6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions?
The following pie chart shows the percentage distribution of union budget (In Rs.) allocated for various schemes in 2019.
Total Revenue = 90000 Crore
6) Find the average amount allocated for Agriculture, Railway and Health sector together?
a) 18500 Crore
b) 17100 crore
c) 16800 Crore
d) 15700 Crore
e) None of these
7) Find the difference between the total amount allocated for MSME sector to that of Finance sector?
a) 6800 Crore
b) 5600 Crore
c) 7500 Crore
d) 7200 Crore
e) None of these
8) Find the ratio between the total amount allocated for Agriculture and Infrastructure & transport together to that of total amount allocated for Health and Finance sector together?
a) 13 : 19
b) 5 : 8
c) 11 : 17
d) 22 : 29
e) None of these
9) Total amount allocated for MSME is approximately what percentage more/less than the total amount allocated for Health sector?
a) 15 % more
b) 20 % less
c) 35 % less
d) 20 % more
e) 35 % more
10) In agriculture sector, the ratio between the total amount allocated to different categories namely, agriculture marketing infrastructure, Food processing, Fisheries and Aquaculture and other sources related to agriculture is 8 : 11 : 5 : 3, then find the difference between the total amount allocated to Food processing to that of Fisheries and Aquaculture?
a) 3400 Crore
b) 3000 Crore
c) 2800 Crore
d) 2500 Crore
e) None of these
Answers :
Directions (1-3) :
1) Answer: c)
The correct series is,
28, 57, 172, 695, 3479, 20879
The pattern is, *2 + 1, *3 + 2, *4 + 3, *5 + 4, *6 + 5,…
The wrong term is, 3478
2) Answer: a)
The correct series is,
14, 8, 14, 38, 137, 621.5
The pattern is, *0.5 + 1, *1.5 + 2, *2.5 + 3, *3.5 + 4, *4.5 + 5,…
The wrong term is, 15
3) Answer: d)
The correct series is,
453, 563, 695, 851, 1033, 1243
The pattern is, +112 – 11, +122 – 12, +132 – 13, +142 – 14, +152 – 15,..
The wrong term is, 693
Directions (4-5) :
4) Answer: c)
√(21609) ÷ 7 × 15 = x – 16758 ÷ 9
(147/7) * 15 = x – (16758/9)
315 + 1862 = x
X = 2177 = 2180
5) Answer: a)
132 + 48 % of 700 – (2/7) of 1225 = x – 63
169 + (48/100) * 700 – (2/7) * 1225 + 216 = x
x = 169 + 336 – 350 + 216 = 371
x = 370
Directions (6-10) :
6) Answer: b)
The average amount allocated for Agriculture, Railway and Health sector together
= > [(15 + 24 + 18)/100] * 90000 * (1/3)
= > (57/100) * 30000 = 17100 crore
7) Answer: d)
The total amount allocated for MSME sector
= > 90000 * (12/100)
The total amount allocated for Finance sector
= > 90000 * (20/100)
Required difference = 90000 * [(20 – 12)/100] = 90000 * (8/100) = 7200 Crore
8) Answer: a)
The total amount allocated for Agriculture and Infrastructure & transport together
= > 90000*(26/100)
The total amount allocated for Health and Finance sector together
= > 90000*(38/100)
Required ratio = [90000*(26/100)] : [90000*(38/100)] = 26 : 38 = 13 : 19
9) Answer: c)
Total amount allocated for MSME
= > 90000*(12/100) = 10800 Crore
Total amount allocated for Health sector
= > 90000*(18/100) = 16200 Crore
Required % = [(16200 – 10800)/16200]*100 = 33.33 % = 35 % less
Required % = [(18 – 12) / 18] * 100 = 33.33 % = 35 % less
10) Answer: b)
The ratio between the total amount allocated to different categories namely, agriculture marketing infrastructure, Food processing, Fisheries and Aquaculture and other sources related to agriculture
= > 8 : 11 : 5 : 3
The difference between the total amount allocated to Food processing to that of Fisheries and Aquaculture
= > 90000 * (15/100) * (6/27)
= > 3000 Crore