Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 2019: Details Regarding Questions Asked in SBI Clerk Prelims 2019 Available Here!!! State Bank of India SBI is now conducting the Clerk Prelims 2019 exam from 22-06-2019 & 23-06-2019. The Prelims exam has been conducting in 4 slots. The 1st slot has conducted from 09.00 Am to 10.00 AM. A lot of candidates have attended the Clerk Prelims exam. Here our experts have provided you the article regarding Memory Based Questions asked in SBI PO Prelims 2019. Candidates those who are going to attend the upcoming batch shall refer to this article. It will be useful for your upcoming exam. So aspirants kindly make use of it and do your exam in a successful manner.
Click here to check the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2019
Memory-Based Questions asked in 22nd June 1st slot:
1) 11, ?, 16, 21, 29, 41
a) 13
b) 12
c) 14
d) 15
e) None of these
Answer: a)
The difference of difference is 1, 2, 3, 4
2) 1800, ?, 60, 15, 5, 2.5
a) 150
b) 300
c) 450
d) 600
e) None of these
Answer: b)
The pattern of the series is ÷6, ÷5, ÷4, ÷3, ÷2
3) 150, 152, 147, 157, ?, 166
a) 125
b) 138
c) 140
d) 150
e) None of these
Answer: c)
The pattern of the series is +2, -5, +10, -17, +26.
The difference is 7, 15, 27, 43
The difference of difference is 8, 12, 16
4) 200, 100, 150, 375, ?, 5906.25
a) 1312.5
b) 1115.5
c) 1227.5
d) 1445.5
e) None of these
Answer: a)
The pattern of the series is ×0.5, ×1.5, ×2.5, ×3.5, ×4.5
5) 4, 3, 4, 9, 32, ?
a) 147
b) 160
c) 155
d) 165
e) None of these
Answer: c)
The pattern of the series is ×1-1, ×2-2, ×3-3, ×4-4, ×5-5
Number Series (Missing Number)
Memory-Based Questions asked in 22nd June 3rd slot:
As per the review from our experts regarding the SBI Clerk Prelims 2019 1st slot the overall difficulty level of the exam will be in Easy Mode. The Maximum attempts will be of approximately 75.