
RADPFI Released by Ministry of Panchayat Raj

Revised rural area development plan formulation and implementation( RADPFI) released by ministry of panchayat raj

What is the news:

  • Union Minister Shri Giriraj Singh releases revised Rural Area Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (RADPFI) Guidelines
  • While releasing the guidelines minister said ,all Panchayati Raj Institutions should have a vision for respective Panchayat for the next twenty-five years till India’s centenary of Independence in 2047; should embark on formulating a master plan for all-round development and should take all possible efforts to boost local infrastructure, other developmental  requirements, employment opportunities and resource base of Panchayats.
  • RADPFI Guidelines has been unveiled to ensure ease of living in villages and help minimizing migration to big cities by providing all necessary infrastructure and facilities and also resources and opportunities for livelihood in rural areas.
  • It is suggested that the best performing Panchayats, based on the implementation of RADPFI guideline, should also be considered for award on the occasion of National Panchayati Raj Day with an aim to creating an environment of healthy competition among the villages for their all-round development.

About new guidelines:

This new Guideline (2021) is Focused on:-

  • Typology of villages to prepare the spatial development plan (population, agro-climatic zones, Hill areas, disaster occurrence, urban-peri-urban areas and villages, Near to NH/SH, and Resilience strategies as suggested by BIS). One shoe does not fit all.
  • Dealing with different development Land Use standards for different areas, with varied characteristics. To facilitate the planned spatial development of rural areas.
  • Village Town Planning Scheme (VPS) – through community based on Collaborative Planning.
  • Planning for environmental benefit and disaster preparedness.
  • Linking to 15th CFC and respective SFCs.
  • Improving the E-Governance through Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).
  • Integrating/Consolidation of GP Development with RURBAN CLUSTERS/Block/District Plan, as per the 73rd and 74th CAA and GPDP.
  • Most importantly using the SVAMITVA (and other digital tools) for Abadi area (linking to land records).

The new guidelines stated need  for Spatial Area Planning

  • Unplanned spatial development in GPs
  • Extended Urbanisation Area,
  • Emergence of Census Towns,
  • Improve the QoL & Sustainability of Gram Panchayats,
  • Integration of Reforms/programs (SVAMITVA, RURBAN, New changes in State Acts & Amendments, re-emphasis on Disaster, Climate Change, Resilience Codes, etc.)
  • Need to be linked to Agro-Climatic Regions/zones linked to SDGs

The aim was ‘to have planned spatial development for over all integrated development of villages.’


  • Revised methodological framework for preparing GPDP
  • Spatial standards for gram panchayat development, especially for abadi area.
  • norms and standards for providing infrastructure
  • Examining existing statutory framework
  • Recommending institutional framework for operationalizing the guidelines

Salient features of new guidelines:

1.Plan Formulation: – Additions Done- RURBAN MISSION, SVAMITVA, Scenario Building and Vision

  1. 2. Spatial Approach to Rural Planning:- RevisionsCategorization of Villages based on Metro area, urban influence area, Population size, census towns & their functions, Backward Districts, PESA, NH/SH influence, Agro-climatic zones, Vulnerable/Disaster Prone Areas, River Drainage Basin, and Hilly Areas.
  2. Gram Panchayat Spatial Development Plan: Abadi Area/Habitation area, Indicative Land Use Plans (ILUP) at Tehsil Level, Clusters, Plan Hierarchy (vertical and horizontal integration), Citizen science, Latest Mapping Techniques, Data science and its application, plan boundary validation and convergence, Fiscal Analysis, Governance system, Scenario and Projections, Vetting the Plan by the Panchayat, Phasing, Revision of the Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Role of Responsibility of Mapping

5.Rural Infrastructure Planning: Land-Use:- Norms and Standards; physical, social, economic, and environmental infrastructure including common property resources.

  1. Sustainable Development Goals and Disaster Management – Global and National Protocols: – SDGs, Resource Management, Climate change: Mitigation and Adaptation, Resilience Strategy and Plan (BIS), Disaster Plan: including Community based Disaster Management (CBDM).
  2. Simplified Planning Techniques:- New Included:- using Drone survey, Village Information System, Crowdsourcing, Satellite Imagery and Maps, Various Scale of Maps, SVAMITVA Platform, Bhuvan platform, techniques of plan population, scalogram, sectoral analysis and projections, spatial analysis and projections (Landuse, Housing and other areas).
  3. Consolidation of GP:- NEW INTRODUCTION OF VILLAGE PLANNING SCHEME (VPS), Consolidation of Plans, Integrated spatial and sectoral plans at village, block/tehsil level. 11 IV Salient Features of this Guidelines January 20th 2022
  4. Resource Mobilization for Plan Implementation:- 15th CFC, Spatial Budgeting inputs, Linking Budget with Spatial Plans (GPDP-Spatial Plan links), Role of GPs for resource generation.
  5. Institutional Support Mechanisms and Capacity Building:- RURAL ADMIN, GP SPATIAL CHANGES – 73rd CAA, District TP dept., Rural Development Assistants (RDAs), Linking RURBAN with GPs, Convergence, Capacity Building Framework, Infrastructure and Logistics, HRD for sustainable village planning, Grassroot level governance, E-Governance & Citizen Science.
  6. 11. Operationalization of Revised RADPFI guidelines: – Information system, data base, Training, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), and other recommendations.
  7. Participatory: Use of citizen science, vision – value formulation, Scenario building & Engaging the Future.

Benefits by new guidelines:

  • The release of these Guidelines would certainly give direction to the process of planned development in various sectors such as physical and social infrastructure, economic activities, road and transport connectivity, land values and anticipated economic activities and will aid towards a workable solution for conversion of agricultural to non-agricultural purpose for planned development.
  • It is expected that these revised guidelines would provide guidance to the State Town and Country Planning Departments, State Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Departments and a host of other offices located at the district/block level which are responsible for the planned infrastructure development, both physical and social in the villages.


  • Although, many spatial development initiatives have been implemented in India especially in urban areas, there has been no comprehensive exercise for rural spatial planning of panchayats/villages.
  • In recent times, there has been large growth in rural areas but this unplanned growth has led to inefficient utilisation of geospatial potential in rural areas.
  • Thus, spatial planning specially for the villages located in the vicinity of the urban centres and those, along the major road corridors, becomes necessary, as various permissible and non-permissible land-use activities need to be decided for optimum growth.
  • Keeping this in view, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj has revised the Rural Area Development Plan Formulation and Implementation (RADPFI) Guidelines, 2017.