Railways RRB General Awareness 2020: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released a tentative schedule for national-level entry recruitment of candidates for different posts. Railway RRB General Awareness section comprises questions from current affairs and static general knowledge.
In this article, we will discuss the Railway RRB general awareness section in detail for the upcoming examinations.
Check the Railways RRB Exam Dates 2020
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Railway RRB Exams 2020
The railway is one of the largest sectors providing employment opportunities to thousands of people.
Every year RRB conducts the following four type of examinations:
- RRB NTPC: It is conducted to hire candidates for posts like Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Station Master, etc.
- Assistant Loco Pilots are recruited through the RRB ALP exam.
- RRB JE: It is for the selection of candidates with a technical engineering background.
- RRB Group-D: Through this one candidate is recruited for posts like Helper/Assistant, Track Maintainer Grade-IV, and Assistant Pointsman.
Check the Details About Upcoming RRB Railway Exams 2020
Railway RRB General Awareness 2020
RRB General Awareness Syllabus 2020
The below table enlists the syllabus for Railway RRB General Awareness and their details:
UN and Other Important World Organizations | Current Events of National and International Importance | Monuments and Places of India |
Indian Literature | Common Abbreviations | Indian Economy |
Art & Culture of India | Famous Personalities of India & World | Flora and Fauna of India |
Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World | General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE) | Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at Large |
Flagship Government Programs | Basics of Computers and Computer Applications | Games and Sports |
Important Government and Public Sector Organizations of India | History of India and Freedom Struggle | Transport Systems in India |
Indian Polity and Governance- constitution and political system | General Scientific and Technological Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India |
Stay Updated with Current Affairs through our youtube channel:
Railway RRB General Awareness Topic Wise Weightage
Given below is a list of topics asked in the Railway RRB general awareness section and corresponding to it is the number of questions per topic.
Topics | Weightage |
History | 7 |
Geography | 6 |
Polity | 4 |
Economics | 1 |
Biology | 4 |
Physics | 2 |
Chemistry | 2 |
Static GK | 3 |
Books & Authors | 1 |
Imp Organisation | 1 |
Days & Dates | 1 |
Space/defence | 1 |
Inventions & Discoveries | 1 |
Computer knowledge | 1 |
Current Affairs | 4 |
Sports | 1 |
Others | 1 |
Exam Dates Out for RRB Group-D 2020
RRB General Awareness – Preparation Tips
The Railway RRB General Awareness section in railway examination is one of the highest-scoring sections comprising current affairs and static GK topics.
Follow some useful tips by experts to improve your performance:
- Develop a habit of reading the newspaper every day.
- Aspirants should keep track of national and international events.
- Make short notes for static general knowledge.
- Prepare current affairs for the last six months.
- As general awareness is a vast subject revision is a key to boost your score. Revise Current affairs content specially curated by Guidely experts to save your time.
- Practicing the latest mocks is a MUST to analyze your performance. This will enhance your overall score.
Railway RRB General Awareness – Study Material
- Study Material by Guidely Experts
- General Knowledge and Awareness 2020 for RRB Railway Recruitment Exams (NTPC/ ALP/ ASM/Technical) by Disha Experts
- The Mega Yearbook 2020: Current affairs and General Knowledge for Competitive Exams by Disha Experts
- General Knowledge by Lucent
- S Chand Advanced Objective General Knowledge by RS Aggarwal
- General Knowledge by Prabhat Prakashan
Railway RRB FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q. How many questions will be asked in the RRB NTPC General Awareness section?
Ans: In NTPC, there are two stages:
Stage I: 40 Questions
Stage II: 50 Questions
Q. Which course is best for the preparation of railway exams?
Ans: Follow the Express video course designed specifically for railway exams by our experts.
Q. Is there negative marking in the RRB JE exam?
Ans: Yes, for every wrong answer 1/3rd of the total marks per question are deducted.
Q. What is the required educational qualification for railway exams?
Ans: The educational requirement differs in every exam
For NTPC: Degree from a recognized institute or university is required.
For JE: Bachelors or equivalent from a recognized institute or university is necessary
Diploma/ degree equivalence in electrical/ electronics/ automobile/ similar branches is required for RRB ALP
For RRB Group D: Class 10th passing certificate/ ITI degree or diploma is required