RBI Assistant Prelims Free Mock Test: Check Here

RBI Assistant Prelims Free Mock Test:

The RBI assistant prelims exam tentative dates are 14th and 15th of February 2020. The candidates will be preparing for the exam in full swing. We have prepared the RBI assistant prelims mock test for the purpose of your effective preparation and practice.

The RBI assistant apply online process has started on the 23rd of December 2019. It continues till the 16th of January 2020. The total vacancies for the post is 926. Interested and eligible candidates are applying for the exam. As the RBI is the nodal bank of our country, the competition will surely be very high. So you have to practice very hard before the exam. Practice with the RBI assistant prelims free mock test to boost up your confidence level.

Take RBI Assistant Free Mock Test Online

RBI Assistant Selection Process:

The selection process of the RBI assistant involves online prelims and mains exams. The candidates clearing the mains exam will further undergo for the Language Proficiency Test (LPT). As the prelims exam is the first stage, focus on that for clearing the cut-off. With the help of RBI assistant mock test pdf, you can practice more quality questions in the exam point of view. To overcome the huge competition, this hard work is a must.

RBI Assistant Important Dates:

The RBI assistant important dates regarding the recruitment are given below. Candidates use it for quick reference. With more number of days left for the exam, it is the right time to start your practice. So, use the RBI assistant prelims mock test 2020 packages for practice.

Important Dates
Online Application Form Start Date
Online Application Form Last Date
RBI Assistant Preliminary Exam(Tentative)
February 14 & 15, 2020. However, RBI
reserves the right to change the dates of
Result of Prelims
February 2020
RBI Assistant Mains Exam
March 2020. However, RBI reserves the right
to change the dates of the examination.


RBI Assistant Exam Pattern:

The exam pattern is very important for preparation. Only then you can build strategies based upon your strengths and weakness. Here the detailed exam pattern is given for both the prelims and the mains exams. You can practice with RBI assistant mock test pdf for both prelims and mains exams

Prelims Exam Pattern

The prelims exam has 3 sections namely Reasoning, English language and numerical ability. The total marks for the exam is 100 marks. The consolidated time duration of 1 hour is given. So that you can navigate through the sections as per your wish. Candidates should clear both the sectional and overall cut-offs. Also for each wrong answer, you will lose 0.25 marks as a penalty. The RBI assistant prelims mock test online free packages will help for your practice. The mock test will reflect all the factors as in the actual exam pattern. So it will be convenient for your prelims exam preparation.

No. Of Questions
60 minutes
Numerical Ability
English Language
Mains Exam Pattern

The mains exam has five sections. They are reasoning, numerical ability, general awareness, English language, and computer knowledge. Each section has 40 questions and the total marks for the exam is 200. Unlike prelims exam, here there is sectional timing for individual sections. the time duration for each section varies and you can refer the same in the table given. So you cannot swap between the sections as per your wish. Also, 0.25 marks will be deducted as penalty for each wrong answer. The RBI assistant mock test for mains exams are available for preparation. The mock tests are prepared by keeping the level of mains exam in mind.

No. Of Questions
30 Mins
Numerical Ability
30 Mins
General Awareness
25 Mins
30 Mins
Computer Knowledge
20 Mins
135 Mins


Features of RBI Assistant Prelims Mock Test Series:

There are some features of the mock test package that are given below.

  • The tests contain questions as per the latest updated exam pattern and syllabus.
  • High Standard questions are prepared in the exam point of view.
  • You can access the test either by using a mobile app or website.
  • Tests are available at affordable prices.
  • You can take the test in either Hindi or English language as per your wish.

Thus using the RBI assistant prelims mock test 2020 series will give you the real exam experience.

RBI Assistant Mock Test Series Prelims & Mains

Importance of RBI Assistant prelims Free Mock Test 2020 Series:

There are some significances in taking RBI assistant prelims free mock test. They are,

  • It increases your speed up to that of your maximum capacity. So that you can attend more questions in the exam.
  • By repeated practice with the RBI assistant prelims free mock test, you can fine tune your performance. This will happen gradually as you rectify your mistakes one by one. So that you will get a good accuracy rate in the exam.
  • Time management is very important to succeed in any competitive exam. In exams like RBI assistant, you have to manage the time in an efficient manner to attend maximum possible questions. You can attain very good time management skills by regular practice of mock tests.
  • By practicing more exam point of view questions in mock test, in exam you will feel easy to handle difficult problems.
  • As the mock tests are based on the actual exam pattern, syllabus, and timings, you will get a real exam experience every time. So that you will have no exam fear at last minute.

RBI Assistant Prelims Mock Test Series FAQs:

Here some frequently asked questions are presented for you. By referring to these questions candidates can clarify their doubts regarding the RBI assistant prelims mock test series.

Q: How can I contact your customer care for any urgent queries regarding the RBI Assistant Prelims mock test series?

A: You can mail your doubts to the handle support@ibpsguide.com. Also you can contact us with the number 9003722255. Surely you will get satisfied with our customer care response.

Q: Is EMI Payment option available for buying RBI assistant prelims mock test 2020 packages?

A: No. At the first payment, you must settle the full amount.

Q: How can I unlock and attend the RBI Assistant prelims mock test 2020 package?

A: Visit our official page or open our mobile application. In the main menu, you will find the mock test option. By clicking that, payment page will open, if you select any mock test package. after the completion of payment the tests will get unlocked for use.

Q: After the completion of payment, test is not opening. How to solve this issue?

A: You can call our support number or customer handle mail. They will help you to resolve the problem.

Q: Is Offline payment can be done?

A: No. You can pay the fees only through the online means such as debit card, credit card, net banking, etc.

Q: How can I select the mode of payment?

A: After clicking the ‘Buy Now’ option, you can select the payment mode option in the payment gateway page.

Q: From which wallets I can make the payment?

A: You can make payments Amazon pay, free charge, and payzapp mobile wallets.

Q: My money got deducted twice while making payment. How can I get a refund?

A: If your money got deducted twice by mistake, don’t worry. Contact our customer care and tell the details. We will initiate the refund process immediately.

Q: Can I cancel my purchased test package and refund the money back?

A: No. A refund will not be done if you have taken any mock tests. If you have not used that package, then we may consider the refund for valid reasons.

Q: Is offline tests available for the RBI assistant prelims mock test?

A: No. Only online mode of test is available.

Q: IS the pause and resume option available in the RBI assistant prelims mock test series?

A: Yes, you can pause at any time and continue the test as per your convenience.

Q: Mock test is available in which languages?

A: You can attend the test in English or Hindi as per your wish.

Q: Can I re-attempt the test that I have completed already?

A: No. such an option is not available. But you can check the solutions for all the questions for multiple times.

Q: Can I take the RBI assistant prelims mock test through mobile application?

A: You can use either mobile app or website to take the mock test practice.

Q: After the completion of the mock test, can I know the national rank?

A: Yes, you will get your national rank based on your performance in the mock test.

Q: Is solutions available for each question in the mock test?

A: Yes. Detailed solutions are available for all the questions in the mock test.

Q: Can I get the pdf format of the mock test?

A: No, you cannot download any test due to copyright issues.

Q: Is all the tests will be active after the completion of payment?

A: No. As per the schedule, the tests will get unlocked for your practice purpose.

Q: I have completed payment for the RBI assistant prelims mock test 2020 series. But it is still showing the ‘Buy Now’ option?

A: You might have logged on with different email ID. To solve this issue you can call our customer care helpline or mail your issue to the support handle. Surely your problems get resolved.



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