RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years: Check For After 2, 3, 10, 20 Years

RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years: Dear Aspirants! Here we have come up with exclusive content regarding the RBI Assistant  Salary After 5 Years. As we all know the Reserve Bank of India released the RBI Assistant notification on 13th September to fill the candidates for a total of 450 vacancies in its various branches across India. Candidates who are going to apply for the exam shall utilize this article to know the complete details regarding the RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years, RBI Assistant Salary After 10 Years, RBI Assistant Salary After 2 Years, RBI Assistant Salary After 3 Years, RBI Assistant Salary After 20 Years, RBI Assistant Salary After 7th pay commission, RBI Assistant Salary after 12th bipartite settlement. All the candidates have dreamed of getting placed in the RBI as assistants. The RBI Assistant’s Salary will be eye-catching. RBI Assistant is one of the important exams among candidates who want to be placed in the most prestigious bank in india. So candidates must prepare effectively for the exam as the completion is so high. Candidates can get motivated by knowing the RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years. We have provided the RBI Assistant Salary After 5 years based on the current trend. Candidates can go through this article to know the RBI Assistant Salary After 5 years, RBI Assistant Salary After 10 years, RBI Assistant Salary After 2 years, RBI Assistant Salary After 3 years. RBI Assistant Salary After 7th Pay Commission, etc.,


Take RBI Assistant Mock Test

Check RBI Assistant Previous Year Cut Off



RBI Assistant Salary 2023

Here we have given the RBI Assistant salary structure 2023. These details regarding the RBI Assistant Salary is given based on the official notification. The candidates will get the starting basic pay of Rs,20,700/- per month in the scale of Rs.20700 – 1200 (3) – 24300 – 1440 (4) – 30060 – 1920 (6) – 41580 – 2080 (2) – 45740 – 2370 (3) – 52850 – 2850 – 55700 (20 years).  Other admissible allowances as per rules shall be payable. Total emoluments at the minimum of the scale will be inclusive of House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance, wherever admissible depending upon the classification of the city. It will be approximately Rs. 45050/- (approximately).

  • The initial Monthly Gross Emoluments (without HRA) for the Assistant will be approximately ₹47,849/-. at present.


RBI Assistant Vacancy 2023

RBI Assistant Previous Year Paper

RBI Assistant Handwritten Declaration 2023


RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years

Candidates should the all the details regarding the RBI Assistant Salary and RBI Assistant Salary After 5 years, RBI Assistant Salary After 10 years, etc. Knowing the RBI Assistant salary after 5 Years will be helpful for the candidate to accelerate their preparation. after getting selected, the candidates will have more responsibilities as it is a central government post. Candidates can utilize this article to learn more details related to the RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years. ten years, 20 years, following wage revision, the 12th bipartite, the seventh pay commission, etc. Here you can check the RBI Assistant salary after 5 Years for your reference.

  • RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years (Basic Pay) – Rs. 25740


RBI Assistant Salary


RBI Assistant Salary After 10 Years

Candidates who want to know the RBI Assistant Salary After 10 Years can get it here. We have given the RBI Assistant Salary after 10 years in detail. Depending on the term of service, excellence service record, and departmental exams the salary increment can be increased. Here you can check the RBI Assistant salary after 10 years which is provided below for your reference.

  • RBI Assistant Salary After 10 Years (Basic Pay) – Rs. 33900


RBI Assistant Salary After 20 Years

Here we have added the RBI Assistant Salary After 20 Years. Aspirants can check the RBI Assistant Salary After 20 Years which is given below for your reference.

  • RBI Assistant Salary After 10 Years (Basic Pay) – Rs. 55700


RBI Assistant Increment From Basic Pay
Service Years Increment
First 3 years Rs. 1200
Next 4 years Rs. 1440
Next 6 years Rs. 1920
Next 2 years Rs. 2080
Next 3 years Rs. 2370
Next 1 year Rs. 2850
20 years –



RBI Assistant Job Profile

Here we have provided the complete details regarding the RBI Assistant job profile in assistance with the RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years. The work profile of the RBI assistant is the same as the clerical work. Candidates who get selected for the post of RBI Assistant should be familiar with the RBI Assistant job profile, nature of work, etc., The selected candidates will be placed in many regional offices across india mostly in the state’s capital. So the aspirant who has been selected as an assistant post in RBI will have the following responsibilities.

  1. Aspirants working on the RBI Assistant post have to Maintain files which include the collection of receipts, maintaining of Ledger, Balance tally, etc.
  2. Data Entry – Entering day-to-day transactions on a computer.
  3. Replying to and maintaining Email logs
  4. Replying to RTI (Right to Information) Queries
  5. Currency Issue & Circulation
  6. Selected candidates need to verify the Banking Document
  7. Attending to the Government Treasury Work
  8. Coordinating with the higher authorities in terms of work.
  9. RBI provides 5 working days a week with gazetted holidays.



RBI Assistant Salary After 5 Years – FAQs

Here we have given some of the common FAQs related to RBI Assistant Salary after 5 years for the reference of the candidates.


Q. What will be the RBI Assistant Salary after 5 Years?

A. The RBI Assistant Salary after 5 Years is Rs. 25740 (basic pay).


Q. What is the RBI Assistant Salary after 10 Years?

A. The RBI Assistant Salary after 10 Years is Rs. 33900 (basic pay). 

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