RBI English Preparation: Being selected in the RBI is a dream for many aspirants who want to join the banking sector. Reserve Bank of India releases vacancy for RBI Grade- B and Assistant and in both exams, English is a very important section. RBI English preparation needs the right strategy, consistent & regular effort.
The notification for RBI Assistant and RBI Grade-B might be released soon. RBI exams are one of the most competitive and difficult exams of all competitive exams as it releases a limited number of vacancies.
In this article, we will share the complete idea of what strategy should be followed for the RBI English Preparation. Let’s start with the syllabus of the English for RBI.
Page Contents
RBI Grade B Mock Test Series
RBI English Syllabus
The first thing we need to know before starting our study plan of RBI English Preparation is to know what the syllabus of the exam is. The questions asked are in the form of Reading Comprehension, fill-ups, close test, para-jumble, and sentence rearrangement, spotting error, vocabulary & Idioms & Phrases.
- Reading Comprehension
- Para- Jumble
- Close Test
- Spotting Error
- Vocabulary
- Idioms & Phrases
- Fill Ups
RBI English Preparation Strategy Topic-wise
Let’s begin our preparation with the section-wise strategy and tips used to prepare each section.
1. Prepare the Basics of Grammar Rule
The first thing you need to do is to clear all the basic rules of grammar. Noun, Pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunctions, active-passive voice. You need to brush up on all these rules. It will help you in many questions of English Grammar like sentence rearrangement, spotting error, etc.
2. Reading Comprehension
For reading comprehension, we need to start reading an English newspaper. Reading a newspaper will help you in many ways. The questions asked in Reading comprehension is a story based in the assistant exam and Editorial based economics and finance in the grade-B exam.
- Newspaper reading will strong your reading habit, enhance your vocabulary power. This helps you solve the vocabulary question.
- Reading habits help reading RC faster and understanding it.
- Don’t need to read the whole RC, read questions first keep them in mind or write the hint about the question then start reading RC it will help to solve questions in less time.
- Solve Vocabulary questions first.
3. Para-Jumbles
For Para-Jumble questions and Sentence rearrangement question follow the following rules:
- Para jumble and sentence rearrangement Read all the sentences first.
- Find the independent sentence in all sentences that will be your 1st
- Then try to find the connecting sentence from the 1st
- Keep grammar rules in mind while solving the sentence rearrangement like the use of nouns, pronouns, and verbs, etc.
- Find sentences that show result and conclusion mainly representing the purpose of the passage, some words like – this, therefore, hence, however, so, etc. leads to find the end sentence.
- By regular practicing, you will be able to solve Para jumble.
- If you don’t have the time to complete the whole para jumble, need not to worry you can easily find the first and last sentence, solve them you can at least score 2 marks from this section.
4. Close Test/ Fill Ups/ double fillers
For solving close tests or fill-ups you must have a strong grip on the vocabulary part. The close test is either story-based or on economic or financial articles. Here are some tricks you can use while solving a close test.
- First, use the odd one out trick to choose the best word to fill up.
- There are some words that have the same meaning you got confused about which one to use, in that case, use the novel word is the best preference.
- Read the passage carefully, while reading with the flow you will get your answer automatically this will only possible when you have a reading habit.
5. Vocabulary
For preparing the Vocabulary part Reading daily English newspapers is the best way. Read the editorial of the newspaper.
- Note down new vocabulary and learn and revise them regularly.
- A strong vocabulary helps you in many ways clearing English Section. It will help to solve fill-ups, close test, Antonym, and synonyms.
6. Spotting Error
Spotting error questions are based on grammar rules. For solving these questions you have a strong command of the grammar part.
- Learn all the grammar rules thoroughly learn how they are applied in the sentence.
- Practice all the question chapter wise first.
- Solve questions on daily basis through practice quizzes.
- Attempt the Mock test as many as possible.
RBI Assistant Basic Salary and Job Profile
RBI English Preparation Tips
Here we are sharing some common tips for The RBI English preparation, you need to follow in the exam for better score:
- Learn about root words, they will help you understand the English language in a better way.
- Read articles, English Books, News Editorials, while reading, have a glance through the usage of grammar and word arrangement. It will help you in the cloze test in Reading Comprehension Questions.
- Attempt only that part of the question paper in which you are 100% sure as there is negative marking in The RBI Exam.
- Solve those questions first which are your strong areas if you are strong in grammar part solve those questions first.
- Practice questions on every topic separately for better understanding.
- Attempt Mock Test for RBI Exam on regular basis it will help you find your weak and strong areas.
Practice Free Banking English Quizzes
RBI English Preparation Books
Here are some books for your RBI English Preparation.
Word Power Made Simple | Norman Lewis |
Objective General English | S.P. Bakshi |
High School Grammar and Composition | Wren and Martin |
RBI English Preparation FAQs
Q.Is there an interview process in the RBI assistant exam?
A. No, there is no interview in the RBI assistant exam, the candidates are selected on the Prelims and Mains Exam.
Q. Is there negative marking in the RBI exam?
A. Yes, there is negative marking in the RBI exam.
Q. Name Any English Preparation book for the RBI exam?
A. Word power made easy Simple by Norman Lewis, Objective General English for S.P.Bakshi.
Q. When will RBI Assistant Notification 2021 will release?
A. The date of the RBI Assistant Notification is not yet declared.
Q. Is there Sectional timing in the RBI Assistant Exam?
A. No, there is no sectional timing in the RBI assistant.
Q. How many phases are there in the selection process of RBI Assistant recruitment?
A. There are three phases in the RBI Assistant recruitment exam, first Preliminary exam, second Main exams, and Language Proficiency Test (LPT).