RBI Grade-B Phase-I – Last 10 Days Preparation Tips & Revision Strategy

The RBI Grade B exam is one of the most prominent exams in the banking sector. A lot of candidates have applied for this exam and it brings them to a step closer to the journey of getting their dream job.

The Phase-I exam of RBI Grade-B 2018 is scheduled to be held on 16th August 2018. You have just 10 days left to prepare for the RBI Grade B exam so we recommend you to go through this Last 10 Days Preparation Tips that will help you to enhance your scores.

Expected Exam Pattern:

RBI Grade-B Phase-I: (200 Questions) (Time Duration: 120mins)

Reasoning Ability: (60 Questions)

*The level of each question will be in Moderate-High*

Topic No. of questions
Seating Arrangement 10 (Moderate – Difficult)
Puzzle 15 (Moderate – Difficult)
Input and Output 5 (Easy-Moderate)
Inequalities 5 (Easy)
Syllogism 5 (Easy to Moderate)
Data Sufficiency 5 (Easy to Moderate)
Direction Sense 3/2 (Moderate)
Blood Relation 2/3 (Moderate)
Miscellaneous and Logical reasoning 10 (Moderate – Difficult)
Total 60


  • First try to attend easy topics in reasoning like inequality, syllogism and miscellaneous questions, the time saved in these topics will help to solve puzzle and seating arrangement questions.
  • Next, try to attend other topics like input & output and data sufficiency.
  • Finally, attend the puzzles and seating arrangement questions. If you find any question takes more time, then skip those questions. Don’t waste more time on any particular question.

 Click Here for RBI Grade-B Phase-I Quality Mock Test

Quantitative Aptitude: (30 Questions)

*The level of each question will be in Moderate-High*

Topics No. of Questions
Comparison of two quantities (Quantity I and II) 5 (Moderate)
Data Interpretation 15 (Double Diagram – Difficult Level)

[1 set – Application Oriented, 1 set – Missing DI and 1 set – Case Study]
Miscellaneous 10 (Moderate – Difficult)
Total 30


  • First, try to attend Date Interpretation topic like Tabular and pie chart questions.
  • Next, try to attend quantity comparison questions.
  • Finally, attend the application sums related questions.
  • Note: If you strong in solving application sums, then try to attend it first.

English Language: (30 Questions)

*The level of each question will be in Moderate-High*

Topic No. of questions
Statement Connection 3 (Difficult)
Word Replacement 5 (Difficult)
Sentence Correction (Error Spotting) 4/5 (Moderate – Difficult)
Sentence Completion


2/3 (Moderate – Difficult)
Fill in the blanks (Two Sentences) 3 (Difficult)
Idiom Usage 3 (Moderate – Difficult)
Reading Comprehension 10 (Moderate – Difficult)
Total 30

 Click Here for RBI Grade-B Phase-I Quality Mock Test

  • First try to attend the topics like sentence correction, sentence completion and word replacement.
  • Next, try to attend other topics like phrase replacement, statement connection and fill in the blanks.
  • Finally, attend the reading comprehension questions. (Long paragraph questions takes more time so only try to attend reading comprehension lastly)

General Awareness: (80 Questions)

Topics No. of Questions
Banking Awareness 35 – 40% of questions
Current Affairs 35 – 40% of questions
Static GK 20 – 30% of questions
Total 80

 Click Here for RBI Grade-B Phase-I Quality Mock Test

  • Try to start the exam with this section and attend it in 10 – 15 minutes.

Important points to consider for Phase-I exam:

  • Time management is an essential factor for RBI Grade B Phase-I as the candidates need to allocate their time for all four sections within the total time of 120 minutes.
  • Candidates have to secure minimum marks separately for each section as well as aggregate, as prescribed by the Board.
  • For every wrong answer marked by you, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
  • The maximum time of your preparation should be dedicated to General Awareness topic and you should try to maximize your score here because it covers a major portion of the Phase 1 exam.
  • During the exam, you have to begin with the general awareness section and then English. After that, you have to spend the remaining time between the Quant & Reasoning questions.
  • You have to solve the questions of your stronger areas and then move on to weaker areas.
  • Candidates should not spend more time on any particular question. Skip the time-consuming questions as it is considered to be a smart way of scoring well in the Phase-I exam.
  • Since there are no sectional time limits, taking mock tests will help you determine an exam-attempt strategy that helps you improve your scores.
  • Taking mock tests will also make sure that you know what your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Stay calm and composed before the day of the exam as it is measured to be good to augment your exam performance.

Make use of our RBI Grade-B Mock tests and study materials to manipulate your exam preparation. We wish you a great success in all forthcoming exams.

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