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Direction (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a circular table in such a way that equal distance from each other. Some of them are facing centre of the table and some of them are facing away from the centre of the table. They all are like different fruits viz., Apple, Banana, Cherry, Guava, Mango, Orange, Papaya and Peach but not necessary in the same order. Not more than two adjacent persons are facing the same direction.
The one who likes Orange sits third to the right of A. F likes Peach and sits second to the right of G. H sits third to the left of the one who likes Papaya and both of them are facing the same direction. The one who likes Cherry sits immediate left of H. Only two persons are sitting between C and the one likes Cherry. The immediate neighbours of C faces the same direction. A sits second to the left of C. Both F and G are facing the same direction. G does not like Cherry. As many persons sitting between the one who likes Guava and B is same as sitting between D and the one who likes Mango. The one who likes Mango and the one who likes Orange are facing the same direction. E does not facing centre of the table. The one who likes Banana is not an immediate neighbour of B. The one who likes Guava sits third to the right of D and both of them are facing the same direction.
1) H likes which of the following fruits?
a) Guava
b) Orange
c) Apple
d) Cherry
e) Banana
2) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the following that does not belong to the group?
a) F
b) G
c) B
d) A
e) H
3) How many persons are sitting between D and the one who likes Peach, when counted from right of D?
a) One
b) None
c) Two
d) Three
e) More than three
4) Which of the following statements is true?
a) G faces the same direction as the one who likes Cherry
b) E is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes Banana
c) Only two persons are sitting between C and the one who likes Peach
d) F and the one who likes Apple are facing the same direction
e) None is true
5) If G is related to Orange and A is related to Guava in a certain way. Then, F is related to which of the following?
a) Peach
b) Papaya
c) Apple
d) Cherry
e) Mango
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the question below:
Numbers given in the figure considered as their positions.
Eight persons Roshan, Gowri, Seema, Hari, Sahul, Nisha, Angel and Mona are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing centre and some of them are facing away from the centre.
Two persons sit between Gowri and Hari. Sahul sits second to the right of Hari. Sahul faces away from the centre. Roshan sits immediate left of Sahul. Mona and Sahul faces opposite direction. Angel sits second to the left of Mona. Angel and Nisha are immediate neighbours and they faces opposite direction. Seema sits second to the left of Nisha, who faces same direction as Hari. Immediate neighbours of Angel faces opposite direction. Gowri and Roshan face same direction which is opposite to Seema.
Now they start playing cards game. They shuffled a pack of cards. Each person draws one card and changes his/her place according to the given conditions. Conditions are given below.
1. If card drawn is heart, person remains on the same position facing same direction.
2. If the card drawn is diamond, person remains on the same position facing opposite direction of current direction.
3. If the card drawn is spade, the person who draws first moves to position 2 facing opposite direction of current direction, then the second person who also draw spade moves to position 4, similarly 6 and 8.
4. If card drawn is club, the person who draws first moves to corner 1 facing same direction, then the second person, who also draw club moves to corner 3, similarly 5 and 7.
1. Angel draws queen of Club
2. Gowri draws 4 of Spade
3. Hari draws 7 of Diamond
4. Mona draws Ace of Heart
5. Nisha draws 9 of heart
6. Roshan draws Jack of Club
7. Sahul draws 3 of Spade
8. Seema draws a King of Diamond
Note- All the person draws card in a serial way as given above.
(ex- First Angel draws then Gowri draws …… on…..)
6) After all persons changed their places based on the above conditions, who among the following is sitting at the corner 4 of the square?
a) Angel
b) Gowri
c) Sahul
d) Roshan
e) None of these
7) After all persons changed their places based on the above conditions, then who sits immediate right of Hari?
a) Seema
b) Nisha
c) Mina
d) Angel
e) None of these
8) How many persons face opposite to the centre before the conditions were applied?
a) Two
b) One
c) Three
d) More than Four
e) None of these
9) After all persons changed their places based on the above conditions, then how many persons facing away from the centre?
a) Five
b) One
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these
10) After all persons changed their places based on the above conditions, how many person remains in the square facing the centre?
a) One
b) None
c) Two
d) Three
e) None of these
Direction (1-5):
H sits third to the left of the one who likes Papaya and both of them are facing the same direction. The one who likes Cherry sits immediate left of H.
Only two persons are sitting between C and the one likes Cherry. The immediate neighbours of C faces the same direction. A sits second to the left of C.
The one who likes Orange sits third to the right of A. F likes Peach and sits second to the right of G. Both F and G are facing the same direction. G does not like Cherry.
So, Case-2(a) will be dropped.
The one who likes Guava sits third to the right of D and both of them are facing the same direction. As many persons sitting between the one who likes Guava and B is same as sitting between D and the one who likes Mango.
The one who likes Mango and the one who likes Orange are facing the same direction.
So, Case-1(b) will be dropped.
E does not facing centre of the table. The one who likes Banana is not an immediate neighbour of B.
So, Case-2(b) will be dropped.
1) Answer: c)
2) Answer: c)
3) Answer: a)
4) Answer: d)
5) Answer: b)
Directions (6-10):
Two persons sit between Gowri and Hari. Sahul sits second to the right of Hari. Sahul faces away from the centre. Roshan sits immediate left of Sahul.
Mona and Sahul faces opposite direction. Angel sits second to the left of Mona. Angel and Nisha are immediate neighbours and they faces opposite direction. Seema sits second to the left of Nisha, who faces same direction as Hari. Immediate neighbours of Angel faces opposite direction. Gowri and Roshan faces same direction which is opposite to Seema.
Case 1 will be dropped because Seema sits second to the left of Nisha.
Case 2A and 2B(I) will be dropped because immediate neighbours of Angel faces opposite direction.
After applying the conditions:
6) Answer: c)
7) Answer: b)
8) Answer: d)
9) Answer: c)
10) Answer: d)