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[WpProQuiz 7561]
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Eight persons live in eight different floors. Each one of them speaks different language Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Sanskrit, Malayalam, Bengali, Urdu and Gujarati. Lowermost floor is numbered 1, above floor is numbered 2, and so on. Topmost floor is numbered 8.
Only two persons live above B. Three persons live between R and the one who speaks Sanskrit. The one who speaks Gujarati lives below the one who speaks Sanskrit. More than two persons live between the one who speaks Telugu and the one who speaks Urdu. Q lives immediately below the one who speaks Hindi. As many persons live below Q lives above P, who lives above Q. Three persons live between P and the one who speaks Hindi. P does not speak Hindi. As many persons live between P and the one who speaks Telugu is same as person live between A and the one who speaks Bengali, who lives above A. Less than two persons live between B and the one who speaks Telugu. A does not speak Urdu. Only one person lives between B and the one who speaks Urdu. C lives immediately below the one who speaks Tamil. S lives above C, who does not speak Malayalam. More than three persons live between D and the one who speaks Malayalam.
1) How many persons live between P and the one who speaks Malayalam?
a) Five
b) Six
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these
2) If A is related to Hindi, S is related to Sanskrit, in the same way C is related to which of the following?
a) Urdu
b) Bengali
c) Telugu
d) Gujarati
e) None of these
3) Which of the following statement is not true?
a) As many persons live above C live below the one who speaks Tamil
b) Three persons live between B and the one who speaks Bengali
c) Less than three persons live below Q
d) The one who speaks Sanskrit lives above C
e) All are true
4) Four of the following five are like in a certain way based on the above arrangement. Find which one does not belongs to the group?
a) Q-Tamil
b) P-Urdu
c) A-Hindi
d) S-Bengali
e) R-Gujarati
5) How many persons live above S?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these
Seating arrangement
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Eight persons are sitting around a circular table faces centre. Each one of them has different mobile Oppo, Vivo, Nokia, Sony, Realme, One plus, HTC and Apple but not necessarily in the same order.
M sits second to the right of the one who has One plus. The one who has Vivo does not sit immediate left of K. The one who has realme sits third to the left of S. M does not have realme. Only one person sits between T and the one who has Sony. T neither have One plus nor have Realme. The one who has Oppo sits immediate left of T. Three persons sit between X and the one who has HTC. V and the one who has Apple are immediate neighbours. X and T are not immediate neighbours. S is an immediate neighbour of neither M nor the one who has One plus. Three persons sit between the one who has Vivo and the one who has Sony. Two persons sit between R and the one who has apple. D has apple. K and T are not immediate neighbours.
6) How many persons sit between K and the one who has Nokia, when counted from right of K?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) None of these
7) If D is related to Oppo, V is related to HTC, in the same way X is related to which of the following?
a) Vivo
b) Real me
c) One plus
d) Sony
e) None of these
8) Four of the following five are like in a certain way based on the above arrangement. Find which one does not belongs to the group?
a) S-Nokia
b) M-One plus
c) D-Oppo
d) V-HTC
e) T-Nokia
9) Which of the following person sits third to the right of fifth to the left of the one who has Nokia?
a) K
b) M
c) The one who has One plus
d) Both (a) and (c)
e) None of these
10) Which of the following statement is true?
a) As many persons sit between T and the one who has Vivo sit between V and the one who has Realme
b) Three persons sit between R and the one who has Sony
c) Only one person sits between S and the one who has apple, when counted right of S
d) X and M are immediate neighbours
e) All are true
Directions (1-5):
Only two persons live above B. Only one person lives between B and the one who speaks Urdu. More than two persons live between the one who speaks Telugu and the one who speaks Urdu. Less than two persons live between B and the one who speaks Telugu.
Q lives immediately below the one who speaks Hindi. As many persons live below Q lives above P, who lives above Q. Three persons live between P and the one who speaks Hindi. P does not speak Hindi. As many persons live between P and the one who speaks Telugu live between A and the one who speaks Bengali, who lives above A. A does not speak Urdu.
Three persons live between R and the one who speaks Sanskrit. The one who speaks Gujarati lives below the one who speaks Sanskrit. C lives immediately below the one who speaks Tamil. S lives above C, who does not speak Malayalam. More than three persons live between D and the one who speaks Malayalam.
Case 1: A will be dropped because more than three persons live between D and the one who speaks Malayalam.
Case 1: B will be dropped because C lives immediately below the one who speaks Tamil.
Case 2: A will be dropped because S lives above C, who does not speak Malayalam.
1) Answer: a
2) Answer: d
3) Answer: e
4) Answer: c
5) Answer: c
Directions (6-10):
M sits second to the right of the one who has One plus. S is an immediate neighbour of neither M nor the one who has One plus. The one who has real me sits third to the left of S. M does not have realme.
Only one person sits between T and the one who has Sony. Three persons sit between the one who has Vivo and the one who has Sony. T neither have One plus nor have Realme. The one who has Oppo sits immediate left of T.
Three persons sit between X and the one who has HTC. V and the one who has Apple are immediate neighbours. X and T are not immediate neighbours. Two persons sit between R and the one who has apple. D has apple. K and T are not immediate neighbours. The one who has Vivo does not sit immediate left of K.
Case 1A and 1B will be dropped because K and T are not immediate neighbours.
Case 2A will be dropped because the one who has Vivo does not sit immediate left of K.
6) Answer: a
7) Answer: d
8) Answer: e
9) Answer: d
10) Answer: e