Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Reasoning Questions for SBI PO 2020 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
[WpProQuiz 7578]
Seating arrangement
Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Ten persons are sitting in ten seats in two parallel rows containing five people each, in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row 1: F, G, H, I and J are seated and all of them are facing in south direction, and in row 2: A, B, C, D and E are sitting and all of them are facing in north direction. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row.
F is sitting 2nd to the left of the one who faces the one who is sitting 2nd to the left of C. The number of persons sitting between G and J is two less than the number of persons sitting between A and E. C faces G who is an immediate neighbour of H and F. A sits 3rd to the left D. The person who is facing E is sitting to the left of I. B is not sitting at the middle of the row. E is sitting at one of the extreme ends.
1) Who faces H?
a) B
b) The person who sits third to the left of D
c) E
d) C
e) D
2) How many persons are sitting between B and E?
a) One
b) Three
c) Two
d) One
e) No one
3) If persons in row 2 are sitting in reverse alphabetical order from right to left then who will face H?
a) D
b) E
c) A
d) B
e) C
4) Find the odd one out?
a) GJ
b) CA
c) IG
d) BF
e) EC
5) Which of the following is incorrect?
a) A and E are sitting at the corners
b) B and F are sitting diagonal to each other
c) G faces the one who is sitting 2nd to the right of the one who faces H
d) F is sitting opposite to D
e) At least one person is sitting between I and J
Direction (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Seven persons namely, Kunal, Manisha, Somya, Sujeet, Bhupesh, Prakash and Vikash are living in a building that consists ofeight floors. The ground floor was numbered as 1 and immediate above one was numbered as 2 and so on. One of the floor is vacant.
Vikash lives on the floor which is above the floor where Kunal lives. At least one floor is there between Prakash and Sujeet. Sujeet lives on the floor which is just below the topmost floor. Manisha neither lives on the topmost floor nor on the floor which is adjacent to the vacant floor. Two persons are living between the floors where Sujeet and Somya live. Bhupesh lives on even prime numbered floor. Prakash lives either below the vacant floor or above the vacant floor. The vacant floor number is a prime factor of 15.
6) Who lives on the 6th floor?
a) Kunal
b) Somya
c) Kunal
d) Vikash
e) Manisha
7) Somya lives on which floor?
a) 3rd
b) 7th
c) 8th
d) 4th
e) 1st
8) If all of them are living in alphabetical order from the top floor to the ground floor then how many of them are living on the same floor as previous? (Keep the vacant floor as it is)
a) One
b) Three
c) Two
d) More than three
e) No one
9) How many persons are living between the floor where Kunal lives and the vacant floor?
a) Three
b) Two
c) One
d) More than three
e) No one
10) Which among the following will live two floors above the floor which is vacant?
a) Kunal
b) Somya
c) Prakash
d) Sujeet
e) Manisha
Directions (1-5):
1) A sits 3rd to the left D.
2) E is sitting at one of the extreme ends.
3) B is not sitting at the middle of the row.
4) C faces G who is an immediate neighbour of H and F.
Case 1
Case 2
5) The number of persons sitting between G and J is two less than the number of persons sitting between A and E.
6) The person who is facing E is sitting to the left of I.
Using statement 4, Case 2 will be eliminated.
Using statement two cases are possible.
Case 1.A
Case 1.B
7) F is sitting 2nd to the left of the one who faces the one who is sitting 2nd to the left of C.
Using this statement, Case 1.B will be eliminated.
Case 1.A
1) Answer: A
2) Answer: C
3) Answer: E
4) Answer: D
5) Answer: C
Directions (6-10):
1) The vacant floor number is a prime factor of 15.
2) Bhupesh lives on even prime numbered floor.
The prime factor of 15 is 5 and 3.So, the vacant floor is either 3 or 5.
Case 1
Case 2
3) Prakash lives either below the vacant floor or above the vacant floor.
4) Sujeet lives on the floor which is just below the topmost floor.
Case 1
Case 2.A
Case 2.B
5) At least one floor is there between Prakash and Sujeet.
6) Two persons are living between the floors where Sujeet and Somya live.
Using statements 5, Case 2.B will be eliminated.
Using statement 6, Case 1 will be eliminated.
Case 2.A
7) Manisha neither lives on the topmost floor nor on the floor which is adjacent to the vacant floor.
8) Vikash lives on the floor which is above the floor where Kunal lives.
Case 2.A
6) Answer: C
Kunal lives on the 6th floor.
Hence, the correct answer is Kunal.
7) Answer: A
Somya lives on the 3rdfloor.
Hence, the correct answer is 3rd.
8) Answer: C
Prakash and Somya will live on the same floor as previous after the rearrangement in alphabetical order from the top floor to the ground floor.
Hence, the correct answer is Two.
9) Answer: E
Kunal lives on the 6th floor and the 5th floor is vacant. Then there is no gap of the floor where anyone can live.
Hence, the correct answer is No one.
10) Answer: D
The 5th floor is vacant. Sujeet is living two floors above the 5th floor.
Hence, the correct answer is Sujeet.