RRB ALP 2018 Practice Test Papers | Arithmetic Questions (Day-49)

Dear Aspirants, Here we have given the Important RRB ALP & Technicians Exam 2018 Practice Test Papers. Candidates those who are preparing for RRB ALP 2018 can practice these Arithmetic Questions to get more confidence to Crack RRB 2018 Examination.

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  1. If 1 man or 2 Women or 3 Children can do a piece of work in 2 days, then the same piece of work will be done by 1 man and 1 woman and 1 child
  1. 16 days
  2. 6/7 days
  3. 12/11 days
  4. 8 days
  1. A man can row a Boat 16 km in 2 hours downstream and returns upstream in 4 hours. The speed of the Stream is
  1. 4 kmph
  2. 2 kmph
  3. 2.5 kmph
  4. 3 kmph
  1. if p,q,r are in Geometric Progression, then which of the following is true?
  1. q = (p+r)/2
  2. p2 =qr
  3. q = √pr
  4. p/r=r/q
  1. If (x – 1)/x = 15, then x2 + 1/x2 is
  1. 225
  2. 222
  3. 227
  4. 220
  1. Find the Value of

tan 5°. tan 44°. tan 46°. tan 85°

  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. 2
  4. 3
  1. The length of the diagonal of a Square is ‘a’cm. Which of the following represents the area of the square?
  1. 2a
  2. a2/2
  3. a/ √2
  4. 4a
  1. 9x2 +25 – 30x can be expressed as the Square of
  1. −3x – 5
  2. 3x + 5
  3. 3x2 – 25
  4. 3x – 5
  1. A 250Meter long train is moving at 10kmph. It will cross a man standing on the platform in
  1. 3 min
  2. 1 min
  3. 1.5 min
  4. 2 mins
  1. Simplify

600 + 45% of 50 – x = 75% of 800 + √169

  1. 8.5
  2. 7.5
  3. 6.5
  4. 5.5
  1. In a vessel contains Milk and water in the ratio of 5:3. How much more water to be added so that the milk and water ratio will be 2:3?
  1. 3
  2. 3.5
  3. 4
  4. 4.5


1.Answer: C

1M = 2W = 3C

1M = 3C

1W = 3/2C

1M+1W+1C = 3C + 3/2C+1C = 11/2 C

3C è 2 Days

11/2 è ?

(3×2×2) / 11 = 12/11 days

2.Answer: B

Downstream speed= 16/2 = 8kmph

Upstream speed=  16/4= 4kmph

Speed of the stream = (x-y)/2 = (8 – 4)/2 = 4/2 = 2 kmph

3.Answer: C

∴ q/p = r/ q

⇒ q2 = pr

⇒ q = √pr

4.Answer: C

5.Answer: A

tan 5°.tan 44°. tan (90° – 44°). tan (90° – 5°)

= tan 5° ⨯tan 44°⨯ cot 44°⨯ cot 5°

= tan 5°⨯cot 5° ⨯ cot 44° ⨯ tan 44° = 1 [tanθ.cotθ = 1]

6.Answer: B

7.Answer: d

9x2 – 30x +25

=9x2 – 15x – 15x + 25

=3x (3x – 5) – 5(3x – 5)

= (3x – 5)2

8.Answer: C

Speed = 10 × 5/18 = 50/18

Time = Distance / speed

= (250 ×18)/50 = 90 sec

= 1.5mins

9.Answer: B

600+22.5 – x = 600+13

622.5 – x= 613

X = 622.5 – 613

X= 9.5

10.Answer: D

5/(3+x) = 2/3

15= 6+2x

2x= 9

X= 4.5


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