RRB ALP 2018 Practice Test Papers | General Science (Day-16)

Dear Aspirants, Here we have given the Important RRB ALP & Technicians Exam 2018 Practice Test Papers. Candidates those who are preparing for RRB ALP 2018 can practice these questions to get more confidence to Crack RRB 2018 Examination.

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1). Name the study of development of animals before birth

  1. Bryology
  2. Ethology
  3. Embryology
  4. Paleontology

2). The S I Unit of Magnetic flux density

  1. volt
  2. tesla
  3. steradian
  4. sievert

3). ________law of thermodynamics makes the notion of temperature possible

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Zeroeth
  4. Third

4). Scientific name of Rabbit is ___________

  1. Bubo virginianus
  2. Oryctolaguscuniculus
  3. Corvussplendens
  4. Psittaculaeupatria

5). A dentist’s mirror is a

  1. Acoustic mirrors
  2. Plane mirror
  3. Concave Mirror
  4. Convex Mirror

6). Which hormone is released by the pituitary gland after a child birth for lactation, which enables female to breast feed?

  1. Cortisol
  2. Serotonin
  3. Prolactin
  4. Progesterone

7). If a material may be flattened into thin sheets by hammering or rolling in called_______

  1. Malleability
  2. Ductility
  3. conduction
  4. Expansion

8). Which enzymes Converts butter fat into fatty acids and glycerol?

  1. Entirokinase
  2. Chymotrypsin
  3. Gastric Lipase
  4. Maltase

9). Which of the following is tallest flying bird?

  1. Giant Squid
  2. Peregrine Falcon
  3. Sarus Crane
  4. Ostrich

10). In the human body, nails are made up of






1). Answer: C

2). Answer: B

The tesla (symbolized T) is the standard unit of magnetic flux density. It is equivalent to one weber per meter squared (1 Wb. m -2 ). Reduced to base units in the International System of Units ( SI ), 1 T represents one kilogram per second squared per ampere (kg).

3). Answer: C

The zeroeth law of thermodynamics makes the notion of temperature possible.

4). Answer: b

5). Answer: C

6). Answer: C

This hormone is released by the pituitary gland after a child birth for lactation, which enables female to breast feed. Levels of prolactin hormone rise during pregnancy i.e. it also plays an important role in fertility by inhibiting follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

7). Answer: A

Malleability is a substance’s ability to deform under pressure (compressive stress). If malleable, a material may be flattened into thin sheets by hammering or rolling. Malleable materials can be flattened into metal leaf. Many metals with high malleability also have high ductility.

8). Answer: C

Gastric Lipase – Converts butter fat into fatty acids and glycerol

9). Answer: C

The sarus crane (Antigone antigone) is a large non-migratory crane found in parts of the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Australia. The tallest of the flying birds, standing at a height of up to 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in), they are conspicuous and iconic species of open wetlands.

10). Answer: B

Nails are similar to claws in other animals. Fingernails and toenails are made of a tough protective protein called alpha-keratin. This protein is also found in the hooves and horns of different animals.

RRB ALP 2018 – “All in One” Study Materials and Practice Sets

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