RRB Clerk Prelims Quantitative Aptitude (Day-09)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Quantitative Aptitude Questions for RRB Clerk 2020 Prelims so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Wrong number series

Direction (1-5): Find out the wrong number in the following number series.

1) 32, 52, 92, 172, 332, 650

A) 332

B) 92

C) 650

D) 172

E) 33

2) 19, 99, 219, 353, 535, 759

A) 99

B) 535

C) 759

D) 353

E) 219

3) 256, 240, 218, 179, 130, 66

A) 218

B) 66

C) 179

D) 240

E) 130

4) 32, 39, 56, 63, 80, 99

A) 39

B) 56

C) 99

D) 80

E) 63

5) 24, 47, 78, 117, 164, 220

A) 164

B) 78

C) 220

D) 117

E) 47


Direction (6-10): What approximate value should come in the place of (?) in the following questions.

6) (12.122 Ã· 3.01) * 4.12 = ? * 5.91

A) 28

B) 32

C) 36

D) 40

E) 42

7) (359.911 ÷ 24.15) + 230.04 ÷ 1.91 = ? * √170

A) 8

B) 6




8) 29.84% of 399.68 + 1219.90 = ? * 66.91


B) 25

C) 10

D) 20

E) 30

9) (114.98 + 225.19) ÷ 17.05 = ? ÷ 5.12

A) 100

B) 120

C) 140

D) 170

E) 80

10) 32.052 + 18.912 â€“ 29.912 = ?

A) 492

B) 485

C) 478

D) 456

E) 399


1) Answer: C

32 + 20 = 52

52 + 40 = 92

92 + 80 = 172

172 + 160 = 332

332 + 320 = 652

2) Answer: E

19 + (20 * 4) = 99

99 + (22 * 5) = 209

209 + (24 * 6) = 353

353 + (26 * 7) = 535

535 + (28 * 8) = 759

3) Answer: A

256 – 42 = 240

240 – 52 = 215

215 – 62 = 179

179 – 72 = 130

130 – 82 = 66

4) Answer: B

32 + 7 = 39

39 + 11 = 50

50 + 13 = 63

63 + 17 = 80

80 + 19 = 99

5) Answer: C

52 â€“ 1 = 24

72 â€“ 2 = 47

92 â€“ 3 = 78

112 â€“ 4 = 117

132 â€“ 5 = 164

152 â€“ 6 = 219

6) Answer: B

(12.122 Ã· 3.01) * 4.12 = ? * 5.91

48 * 4 = ? * 6

? = 32

7) Answer: C

(359.911 ÷ 24.15) + 230.04 ÷ 1.91 = ? * √170

15 + 115 = ? * 13

? = 10

8) Answer: D

29.84% of 399.68 + 1219.90 = ? * 66.91

120 + 1220 = ? * 67

? = 20

9) Answer: A

(114.98 + 225.19) ÷ 17.05 = ? ÷ 5.12

20 * 5 = ?

? = 100

10) Answer: B

32.052 + 18.912 â€“ 29.912 = ?

1024 + 361 – 900 = ?

? = 485

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