RRB Clerk Prelims Reasoning (Day-05)

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Input output

Direction (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

A number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them by following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: 67 32 51 11 5 48 96 55

Step I: 5 67 32 51 11 48 55 15

Step II: 0 5 32 51 48 55 15 13

Step III: 1 0 5 51 48 15 13 10

Step IV: 4 1 0 5 15 13 10 6

Step IV is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, and find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: 45 78 19 23 56 35 62 84

1) Which of the following would be the difference between the numbers which is 2nd from the right end in step IV and 3rd from the left end in Step II?

A) 32

B) 44

C) 37

D) 40

E) None of these

2) Which of the following will be 2nd to the left of the element which is 4th from the right end in step III?

A) 2

B) 56

C) 1

D) 8

E) None of these

3) Which of the following is true regarding the position of 35 in step II?           

A) 4th from the right end

B) 3rd from the left end

C) 6th from the left end

D) 5th from the right end

E) None of these

4) What will be the addition of the numbers which is 4th from the right end in step II and 4th from the right end in step IV?

A) 32

B) 46

C) 47

D) 55

E) None of these

5) What is the sum of the numbers present in step IV?

A) 56

B) 57

C) 58

D) 55

E) None of these


6) Which of the following groups of alphabets should replace the blank spaces so that the group of alphabets given in bold follows a logical pattern from the preceding and the following group of alphabets?

a b _ y   a b c _ x w   a b c d e v _

A) x, d, v

B) z, d, u

C) z, e, u

D) x, d, u

E) None of these

Alphabet series

Direction (7-10): Following the questions are based on five words given below.


(The new words formed after performing the mentioned operations may or may not necessarily be meaningful English words).

7) If in each of the words, all the letters are arranged in alphabetical order within the word, then how many words will not begin with vowels?

A) None

B) One

C) Two

D) Three

E) More than three

8) How many letters are there in alphabetical series between the second letter of second word from the right end and third letter of third word from the left end of the given words?

A) One

B) Two

C) Three

D) Four

E) More than four

9) If in each of the given words, all consonants are changed to the previous letter and all the vowels are changed to the next letter in English alphabetical series, in how many words thus formed with no vowels?

A) None

B) One

C) Two

D) Three

E) More than three

10) If the last alphabet in each of the words is changed to the next alphabet in the English alphabetical order, how many words having two vowels (same or different vowels) will be formed?

A) None

B) One

C) Two

D) Three

E) More than three

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

Two numbers are arranged in each step from both the end such as the lowest number is arranged from left end and the highest number is arranged from the right end in step I. Similarly second-lowest number is arranged from the left end while the second-highest number is arranged from the right end and so on. Also while arranging the number each of the numbers which are arranged from the left end is replaced by the number which is the difference of the digits of that number and each of the numbers which are arranged from the right end is replaced by the number which is the addition of the digits of that number.

Input: 45 78 19 23 56 35 62 84

Step I: 8 45 78 23 56 35 62 12

Step II: 1 8 45 56 35 62 12 15

Step III: 2 1 8 45 56 12 15 8

Step IV: 1 2 1 8 12 15 8 11

1) Answer: C

Clearly, the difference of the numbers which is 2nd from the right end in step IV and 3rd from the left end in Step II is 45-8=37

Hence C is the correct choice.

2) Answer: D

Clearly, 4+2 = 6th element from the right end in step III.

Hence D is the correct choice.

3) Answer: A

Clearly, 35 is 4th from the right end in step II.

Hence A is the correct choice.

4) Answer: C

Clearly,The addition of the numbers which is 4th from the right end in step II and 4th from the right end in step IV is 35+12=47

Hence C is the correct choice.

5) Answer: C

Clearly,the sum of numbers in Step IV is 1+2+1+8+12+15+8+11=58

Hence C is the correct choice.

6) Answer:  B

a b _ y   a b c _ x w   a b c d e v _

The format is, a b z y   a b c d x w    a b c d e v u.

Directions (7-10) :

7) Answer:  B


After rearrangement: ITW ABR NRU EFL OPT

8) Answer:  A

There is only one letter in between and L inEnglish alphabetical order.

9) Answer:  C


After rearrangement: VJS ABQ VQM FKE SPO there is 2 words are no vowels appeared.

10) Answer:  C


After rearrangement: WIU BAS URO ELG TOQ there is 2 words are having 2 vowels.

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