Dear Readers,
Railway recruitment board (RRB) Examinations is the easiest exam comparing to other competitive examinations because there is no English language section and mode of examination is in English (default) and 14 other languages.
RRB examinations like ALP, JE, and NTPC consists of four major parts i.e. Mathematics, Logical reasoning, General awareness and General science. The general science section comprises of 30 marks in CBT 1 and 15 marks in Physics & Chemistry in CBT2 which plays a vital role in boosting up the score for both CBT 1 and CBT 2. So here by we are providing the new pattern questions for improving your marks in both the stages of RRB examinations with detail explanation.
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Click here to View General Science Questions in Hindi
1) Who has performed the first human heart transplant?
a) Edwrd zener
b) G. Dymock
c) Ronaldo Ross
d) Christiaan Barnard
2) Which compound of silver is mainly used in photography?
a) Silver bromide
b) Ferous Oxide
c) Zinc Chloride
d) None of these
3) What is the pH value of milk?
a) 7
b) 4.5 – 5.5
c) 6.5 – 6.7
d) 2.8 – 3.8
4) How many times the Sun bigger than the Earth?
a) 200 times
b) 150 times
c) 250 times
d) 109 times
5) What is smog?
a) Nothing but black smoke
b) Combination of smoke and fog
c) A solid particle
d) A liquid particle
6) Who is known as father of taxonomy?
a) Angler
b) Aristole
c) Carolus Linnaeus
d) Lemark
7) Which device is used for measuring or maintaining orientation and angular velocity?
a) Gyroscope
b) Stroboscope
c) Crescograph
d) Gravymeter
8) What is the lifespan of camels?
a) 60 years
b) 50 years
c) 30 years
d) 40 years
9) What does the term Locavore means?
a) A bacteria
b) An endangered species
c) The consumer who eat only locally grown products
d) A Whale
10) Who given the relation between colour and temperature of a star?
a) Planck’s law
b) Wean’s displacement law
c) Hubble’s law
d) None of these
Answers :
1) Answer: d)
Dr Chris Barnard performs the world’s first human heart transplant. On 3 December 1967, South African doctor, Dr Christiaan (Chris) Barnard, performed the world’s first human to human heart transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town.
2) Answer: a)
Silver chloride, silver bromide (AgBr) and silver iodide (AgI) are the three silver “halide” compounds used in photography.
3) Answer: c)
Milk has a pH of around 6.5 to 6.7, which makes it slightly acidic. Some sources cite milk as being neutral since it is so close to the neutral pH of 7.0. Milk contains lactic acid, which is a hydrogen donor or proton donor.
4) Answer: d)
The Sun is 864,400 miles (1,391,000 kilometers) across. This is about 109 times the diameter of Earth. The Sun weighs about 333,000 times as much as Earth. It is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it.
5) Answer: b)
Smog is harmful to both the respiratory (lungs) and cardiovascular (heart) systems. It aggravates heart problems, bronchitis, asthma, and other lung problems. Smog reduces lung function even in healthy people.
6) Answer: c)
In biology, taxonomy is the science of defining and naming groups of biological organisms on the basis of shared characteristics.
7) Answer: a)
Gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation is free to assume any orientation by it.
8) Answer: d)
camels have been known to survive six or seven months without water. Camels are mostly famous for their humps.A camel’s hump does not hold water at all – it actually stores fat. The camel uses it as nourishment when food is scarce.
9) Answer: c)
Locavore (also sometimes localvore), refers to a person who prefers to eat food which is grown or produced locally. By ‘locally’, a locavore usually means very close to home or within a particular distance of where they live, generally no more than a 100-mile radius.
10) Answer: b)
Wien’s law, also called Wien’s displacement law, relationship between the temperature of a blackbody (an ideal substance that emits and absorbs all frequencies of light) and the wavelength at which it emits the most light.