Dear Readers,
Railway recruitment board (RRB) Examinations is the easiest exam comparing to other competitive examinations because there is no English language section and mode of examination is in English (default) and 14 other languages.
RRB examinations like ALP, JE, and NTPC consists of four major parts i.e. Mathematics, Logical reasoning, General awareness and General science. The general science section comprises of 30 marks in CBT 1 and 15 marks in Physics & Chemistry in CBT2 which plays a vital role in boosting up the score for both CBT 1 and CBT 2. So here by we are providing the new pattern questions for improving your marks in both the stages of RRB examinations with detail explanation.
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1) Instrument used for measuring the colour intensity of sky is known as
a) Coulombmeter
b) Aneometer
c) Cyanometer
d) Chronometer
2) The angle between centripetal force and centrifugal force is
a) 45°
b) 0°
c) 90°
d) 180°
3) In desserts day temperature is very high and night temperature is too low because of
a) Low specific heat of sand
b) High specific heat of sand
c) Low conductivity of sand
d) High conductivity of sand
4) The mirage effect occurs due to
a) Refraction of light
b) Total internal reflection
c) Dispersion of light
d) None of the above.
5) The angle of contact for water and silver is
a) 0°
b) 90°
c) 135°
d) 180°
6) A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by connecting a
a) Very high resistance in its series
b) Very low resistance in its series
c) Very high resistance in parallel
d) Shunt
7) ____________ is also known as Blue Vitriol
a) Potassium nitrate
b) Copper sulphate
c) Magnesium hydreoxide
d) Baking soda
8) What is the shape of sulphur tetrafluoride?
a) Trigonal bipyramidal
b) Octahedral
c) Tetrahedral
d) Bi-planar
9) What is the nature of pH of milk?
a) Slightly acidic
b) Highly acidic
c) Slightly basic
d) Highly basic
10) _________ states that the strain produced in a body is directly proportional to the stress applied to it.
a) Kirchoff’s law
b) Hooke’s law
c) Ohm’s law
d) Kepler’s law
Answers :
1) Answer: c
Cyanometer is an instrument used for measuring ‘blueness’ specifically the colour intensity of the sky.
Aneometer measures the wind velocity.
Chronometer is a mechanical time piece that meets certain precision standards.
Coulombmeter measures the electrostatic charge of a material.
2) Answer: d)
Centripetal force is the component of force acting on a body in curvilinear motion towards the center of curvature. Centrifugal force is the apparent force equal and opposite of centripetal force.
So the angle between the centripetal and centrifugal force is 180°.
3) Answer: a)
Since the sand has very low specific heat it absorbs the heat resulting in raise of temperature by a large degree in the day. At night the sand radiates the heat equally readily making the temperature loss. This study comes under Newton’s Law of Cooling.
4) Answer: b)
The phenomena of mirage occurs due to Total internal reflection.
5) Answer: b)
The angle of contact for water and silver is 90°.
Zero for pure water and clean glass.
135° for mercury and glass.
8° for ordinary water and glass.
6) Answer: a)
In order to convert a Galvanometer into voltmeter, a very high resistance known as “series resistance” is connected in series with the galvanometer.
7) Answer: b)
Copper sulphate when anhydrous, is white and when associated with water of crystallisation ( i.e., CuSo4.5H2O), is blue, so it is called Blue Vitriol. It is used to test the presence of water.
8) Answer: a)
Sulphur Tetrafluoride has 10 electrons around the central sulphur atom. This means there are 5 electron pairs arranged in a trigonal bipyramidal shape.
9) Answer: a)
pH of milk is around 6.5-6.7, which makes it slightly acidic.
10) Answer: b)
Hooke’s law states that within the limit of elasticity, the strain produced in a body is directly proportional to the stress applied to it. It is also known as modulus of elasticity.