Dear Readers,
Railway recruitment board (RRB) Examinations is the easiest exam comparing to other competitive examinations because there is no English language section and mode of examination is in English (default) and 14 other languages.
RRB examinations like ALP, JE, and NTPC consists of four major parts i.e. Mathematics, Logical reasoning, General awareness and General science. The general science section comprises of 30 marks in CBT 1 and 15 marks in Physics & Chemistry in CBT2 which plays a vital role in boosting up the score for both CBT 1 and CBT 2. So here by we are providing the new pattern questions for improving your marks in both the stages of RRB examinations with detail explanation.
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RRB JE Free Daily Quiz
RRB NTPC Free Daily Quiz
Click here to View General Science Questions in Hindi
1) The transfer of pollen by an insect is known as
a) Entomophily
b) Animophyly
c) Zoophily
d) Hydrophily
2) Which hormone controls growth of the plant?
a) Cytokinins
b) Gibberellins
c) Auxin
d) Ethylene
3) Oxygen produced during photosynthesis passes out of tea leaf through
a) Cuticle
b) Stomata
c) Xylem
d) Phloem
4) The outermost whorl consisting of units called sepals is known as
a) Corolla
b) Androecium
c) Gynoecium
d) Calyx
5) The stock of leaf that connects the lamina with the stem or its branch is known as
a) Leaf base
b) Petiole
c) Leaf stalk
d) None of these
6) The vascular plants with leaves, stems and roots, but lack both seeds and flowers come under
a) Thallophyta
b) Angiosperms
c) Bryophytes
d) Pteridophytes
7) Which of the following events occur during the process of photosynthesis?
a) Conversion of light energy to chemical energy
b) Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen
c) Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates
d) All of the above
8) Which hormone helps in the ripening of fruits?
a) Gibberellins
b) Auxin
c) Cytokinin
d) Ethylene
9) The phloem in plants is responsible for
a) Transport of carbon dioxide
b) Transport of mineral salts
c) Transport of water
d) Transport of amino acids.
10) A flat leaf like a real metamorphed stem or branch of many or several nodes and internodes doing the function of leaves is commonly known as
a) Tendril
b) Thorn
c) Phylloclade
d) Bulbils
Answers :
1) Answer: a)
The transfer of pollen from an anther to the female stigma is termed as pollination. Entomophily is the transfer of pollen by an insect.
2) Answer: c)
Auxin controls the growth of the plant. It also prevents separation of leaves.
3) Answer: b)
Oxygen produced during photosynthesis pass out of the leaf through the open the stomata.
4) Answer: d)
The outermost whorl consisting of units called sepals is known as calyx. These are typically green and enclose the rest of the flower in the bud stage, however they can be absent for prominent and petal like in some species.
5) Answer: b)
The stock of leaf that connects the lamina with the stem or branch is known as petiole.
6) Answer: d)
pteridophytes are vascular plants with leaves stems and roots, but lack both seats and flowers. Example funds, hostiles etc.
7) Answer: d)
The following events occur during the process of photosynthesis
Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.Conversion of light energy to chemical energy and splitting up of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.Production of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.
8) Answer: d)
Ethylene helps in the ripening of fruits. It also causes the increase number of female flowers.
9) Answer: d)
Phloem transports food and amino acids between the leaves and other parts of the plants. Whereas, xylum transports water and mineral salts from the roots to other parts of the plant.
10) Answer: c)
Phylloclades is a flat leaf like aerial metamorphed stem or branch of many nodes and internodes doing the function of leaves. Example cactus.