RRB Group-D

RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria : Age Limit & Educational Requirements

RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria is an important aspect to understand before applying for the various posts under Group D. RRB had earlier released a notification for the different posts under various units of Indian Railways. RRB had released a total of 1,03,769 vacancies for all the zones that come under Indian Railways. Below are the details of various posts for your reference:                                  RRB Group D eligibility CriteriaRRB Group D eligibility Criteria

RRB has recently released a tentative date for the various exams which has come as a great relief for the candidates eagerly waiting for the commencement of the exams. The tentative dates for the RRB exams are 15 December 2020. Candidates must start their preparation so that they can complete the syllabus before time and start attempting the mock tests.

You can attempt the exam level mock tests for RRB Group D exams

Before applying for various posts candidates must carefully check the RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria for all the posts. In this article, we will take you through all the RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria which you can refer.

The RRB Group D eligibility criteria can be divided into four parts:-

  • Age limit
  • Educational Qualification
  • Medical Standards
  • Nationality

Let’s take a look at each of the above RRB Group D eligibility criteria one by one.

RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria: Age Limit

Candidates appearing for the exam must fall in the age limit bracket to be able to apply for the RRB Group D exam. RRB has a set an upper age limit and lower age limit to be eligible for the posts.

The age limit for the unreserved category students are as follows:-

Lower Age Limit 18 years
Upper Age Limit 33 years

The age limit of candidates appearing for RRB Group D examination is to be calculated from 1st July 2019.

The candidates belonging to the reserved categories have certain age relaxations prescribed by the Railway Recruitment Board. Candidates belonging to the reserved category must also check for the age relaxations.

Age relaxations for various categories are given below:

S. No. Category Upper Age Limit Relaxation (As on 1st July 2019)
1 Other Backward Classes (OBC) 3 years
2 Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe 5 years
3 Ex-Servicemen candidates who have put in more than 6 months service after attestation General 33 Years of age plus Number of years of service rendered in Defence plus 3 years
OBC 36 Years of age plus Number of years of service rendered in Defence plus 3 years
SC/ST 38 Years of age plus Number of years of service rendered in Defence plus 3 years
4 Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) General 10 years
OBC 13 years
SC/ST 15 years
5 Candidates who have ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 General 38 Years of age
OBC 41 Years of age
SC/ST 43 Years of age
6 Candidates who are serving Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Railway Staff, Casual Labour and Substitutes and put in a minimum of 3 years service (continuous or in broken spells) General 40 Years of age
OBC 43 Years of age
SC/ST 45 Years of age
7 Candidates who are working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens, Co-operative Societies and Institutes General 33 Years of age plus length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower.
OBC 36 Years of age plus length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower.
SC/ST 38 Years of age plus length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower.
8 Women candidates, who are widowed, divorced or judicially separated from husband but not remarried General 35 Years of age
OBC 38 Years of age
SC/ST 40 Years of age
9 Course Completed Act Apprentices applying for the posts for which minimum qualification is ITI/ Course Completed Act Apprenticeship General 33 years of age plus the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice Act 1961 subject to maximum  of three years.
OBC 36 years of age plus the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice Act 1961 subject to maximum  of three years
SC/ ST 38 years of age plus the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice Act 1961 subject to maximum  of three years
10 Candidates who have commenced Act

Apprenticeship under the Apprenticeship Act before attaining the age of 25 years

General 35 Yrs of age
OBC 38 Yrs of age
SC/ ST 40 Yrs of age

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RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria: Educational Qualification

The RRB has set up a minimum required education qualification to be eligible for applying for RRB Group D.

A candidate appearing for the posts should have:

  • ITI degree or diploma


  • Class 10th pass certificate

Candidates should also note that:-

  • Candidates waiting for final results of prescribed educational qualification should not apply.
  • Diploma/Degree in Engineering will not be accepted in lieu, of course, completed Act Apprenticeship/ ITI. Also, Graduate Act Apprentice will not be accepted in lieu of Course Completed Act Apprenticeship.
  • The vacancies to be filled from among the Course Completed Act Apprentices (CCAAs) trained in Railway Establishments and possessing National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) granted by National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) is separately indicated in the vacancy table.
  • The last date for registration of online application i.e. on or before 12 April 2019 shall be the cut-off date for completion of Apprenticeship. A candidate shall be considered to have completed the Act Apprenticeship training, only if he has appeared in the NCVT examination before the last date for registration of the online application, i.e., on or before 12 April 2019 and result for which might not have been declared.

RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria: Medical Standards

Medical Standard is one important aspect many candidates tend to ignore. Candidates must carefully look at the medical standards for the posts they are applying for. Refer to the table below for medical standards required under various posts:

S. No. Name of the Post Department Medical Standards
1 Assistant (Workshop) Mechanical C1
2 Assistant Bridge Engineering B1
3 Assistant C&W Mechanical B1
4 Assistant Depot (Stores) Stores C1
5 Assistant Loco Shed (Diesel) Mechanical B1
6 Assistant Loco Shed (Electrical) Electrical B1
7 Assistant Operations (Electrical) Electrical B2
8 Assistant Pointsman Traffic A2
9 Assistant Signal & Telecom Signal and Telecommunication (S and T) B1
10 Assistant Track Machine Engineering B1
11 Assistant TL & AC Electrical B1
12 Assistant TL & AC (Workshop) Electrical C1
13 Assistant TRD Electrical B1
14 Assistant Works Engineering B1
15 Assistant Works (Workshop) Engineering C1
16 Hospital Assistant Medical C1
17 Track Maintainer Grade IV Engineering B1

After qualifying the Computer Based Test (CBT) and the Physical Endurance Test (PET) candidates are called for medical examination and the candidates must fulfil these criteria to be eligible for the posts.

The Medical Standards are explained in detail below:

Medical Standard General Fitness Visual Acuity
A-2 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 without glasses (No fogging test)

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 without glasses and

Must pass tests for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Myopic vision etc.

A-3 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 2D).

Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses and Must pass the test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Myopic vision etc

B-1 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D),

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and

Must pass the test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Myopic vision etc.

B-2 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D).

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and must pass the test for Binocular Vision etc.

C-1 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses.

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.

C-2 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/12, Nil with or without glasses.

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6 combined with or without glasses where reading or close work is required.

RRB Group D Eligibility Criteria: Nationality

A candidate must be either:

a) a citizen of India, or

b) a subject of Nepal, or

c) a subject of Bhutan, or

d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or

e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

f) Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.

A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government of India.

Candidates must fulfil all the RRB Group eligibility criteria as prescribed by the organization. Failure to fulfil any of the eligibility criteria may result in cancellation of their candidature.


Q1. What is the age limit for RRB Group D exam? 

Ans. The age limit for the unreserved categories is 18 to 33 years.

Q2. From which date is the age calculated as prescribed in the RRB Group D eligibility criteria?

Ans. The age limit of candidates appearing for RRB Group D examination is to be calculated from 1st July 2019.

Q3. What is the minimum educational qualification in the RRB Group D eligibility criteria?

Ans. The minimum qualification as given in the RRB Group D eligibility criteria is class 10th pass certificate or ITI Degree / Diploma.

Q4. Are there any medical criteria for RRB Group D?

Ans. Yes, there are certain medical standards that you should fulfil before applying for the RRB Group D exam. Details of every post have been mentioned in the article.

Q5. What is A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 etc mentioned in the RRB Group D eligibility criteria?

Ans. These are medical standards. In the table given in the article every medical standard has general fitness and visual acuity column, candidates must refer to these standards to know if they are eligible for the post.

Q6. What is the age relaxation for OBC candidates as given in the RRB Group D eligibility criteria?

Ans. The age relaxation for OBC candidates is 3 years as given in the RRB Group D eligibility criteria. For other categories, candidates can refer to the table given in the article.

This post was last modified on October 20, 2020 6:27 pm