RRB JE Exam Analysis 2019: Railway Recruitment Board is out to fill the vacancies of Junior Engineer posts. The aspirants with the qualification in Diploma and Engineering are going to appear for the RRB JE Exams. So, all the candidates who are applied for the RRB JE Exams and appearing for it can check the RRB JE Exam Analysis to have an idea to appear for RRB JE Exam. Also, the RRB JE Exam Analysis 2019 will provide the questions asked in the RRB JE Exams. Because applicants can expect the questions in the same pattern as asked in the previous slots. Further, the common written exam for the RRB JE Exams is scheduled from 22nd May 2019 to 02nd June 2019. To know further information about the RRB JE Exam Analysis 2019, aspirants can check the information from the below details.
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RRB JE CBT 1 Exam Analysis 2019 – Exam Pattern
The RRB JE CBT 1 Exam is going to check the mental ability of the applicants for checking the ability of desirable applicants. Here, the RRB JE CBT 1 Exam Pattern is given below. The common written exam for the RRB JE will get the questions as per the below-given patten
Subject | Number of Questions | Marks | Duration |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 | 90 Minutes |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | 25 | 25 | |
General Awareness | 15 | 15 | |
General Science | 30 | 30 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
RRB JE CBT 1 Exam Analysis 2019 – Slot 1
List of Topics | Number of Questions |
Time and speed | 3 |
Number System | 3 |
Simplification | 4 |
Time and Work | 4 |
Trigonometry | 2 |
Profit and loss | 2 |
Average | 1 |
Ratio & Proportion | 2 |
Mensuration | 1 |
Miscellaneous | 8 |
Total | 30 |
General Intelligence & Reasoning
List of Topics | Number of Questions |
Analogy | 3 |
Series | 4 |
Aplha series | 2 |
Venn Diagram | 2 |
Statement & Conclusion | 2 |
Puzzle | 2 |
Direction | 1 |
Syllogism | 2 |
Mathematical Operations | 2 |
Odd one out | 2 |
Miscellaneous | 3 |
Total | 25 |
General Awareness
List of Topics | Number of Questions |
Current affairs | 5 |
Economics | 1 |
Static awareness | 4 |
Geography | 2 |
History | 2 |
Polity | 1 |
Total | 15 |
General Science
List of Topics | Number of Questions |
Biology | 8 |
Chemistry | 12 |
Physics | 10 |
Total | 30 |
List Of Questions Asked in RRB JE CBT 1 Exams 2019
1. What is the symbol of sulfur?
2. Name the pollutant which presents in Jet fuel?
3. Which of the bird which lays the smallest egg?
4. The spinal cord is also called as
5. How many chromosomes in the human body?
6. What is the minimum age of the president?
7. Which of the following article defines about right to freedom?
8. Which of the five-year plan that encourages Agriculture?
9. What is the ratio of the weight of the moon that of the earth?
10. What is the formula of plaster of Paris?
RRB JE CBT 1 Exam Analysis 2019 – Slot 2
List of Topics | Number of Questions |
Time and speed | 3 |
Number System | 3 |
Simplification3 | 3 |
Time and Work | 2 |
Trigonometry | 2 |
Profit and loss | 2 |
Average | 1 |
Ratio & Proportion | 2 |
Mensuration | 1 |
SI and CI | 3 |
Percentage | 3 |
Total | 30 |
General Intelligence & Reasoning
List Of Topics | Number of Questions |
Coding and Decoding | 5 |
Mathematical Operations | 3 |
Numerical series | 4 |
Alpha series | 2 |
Sitting arrangement Direction(Circular) | 2 |
Direction | 2 |
Analogy | 2 |
Odd one out | 2 |
Venn Diagram | 2 |
Statement & Conclusion | 1 |
Total | 25 |
General Awareness
List of Topics | Number of Questions |
Current affairs | 6 |
Economics | 0 |
Static awareness | 4 |
Geography | 1 |
History | 2 |
Polity | 2 |
Total | 15 |
General Science
List of Topics | Number of Questions |
Biology | 8 |
Chemistry | 12 |
Physics | 10 |
Total | 30 |
List Of Questions Asked in RRB JE CBT 1 Exams 2019
1. Who has conferred Padma Vibhushan 2019?
2. Which of the following country has held Asian cricket cup 2019?
3. Akbar took the title of Ghazi after fighting which battle
4. Who is the longest-serving prime minister of India?
5. Dandiya is the festival of which state?
6. Which metal is smalled based on size?
7. In which part of the human body, the light of intensity is high?
8. How many electrons are there in the second group in the periodic table?
9. By using which of the following measurement used to measure voltage?
10. Why does the needle floating on the water?
RRB JE CBT 1 Exam Analysis 2019 – Slot 3
List Of Topics | Number of Questions |
General Intelligence & Reasoning
List Of Topics | Number of Questions |
General Science
List Of Topics | Number of Questions |