SBI Clerk 2021 Postponed: The State Bank of India has released an official notice on SBI clerk 2021 postponed news. As per the SBI clerk 2021 notification, the prelims exams were scheduled to happen in June 2021. But due to COVID-19, the aspirants are in confusion regarding SBI Clerk 2021 Postponed or not. Many buzzes have been there regarding “Will SBI clerk 2021 be postponed?”. Now, the official notice is out. Yes, officially, the SBI clerk exam postponed 2021 notice is out. In view of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Preliminary Examination scheduled to be held in June 2021 has been deferred till further notice. So, aspirants visit the official website of the State Bank of India for the regular updates regarding the new SBI Clerk 2021 prelims exam dates. After the official announcement, we will provide the fresh dates for you.
SBI Junior Associate 2021 Exam Postponed Official Notice
The State Bank of India has officially released the SBI Clerk prelims exam postponed notice. Check the steps here to download the SBI Clerk 2021 prelims exam postponement notice.
Aspirants wait till the official notice for the fresh exam dates for the prelims exam. Till then practice with the SBI clerk mock tests series.
Q: When will be the SBI clerk prelims 2021 conducted?
A: The preliminary exam supposed to happen in June 2021 has been postponed. Wait for the official notice to know the fresh exam dates.
Q: When will be the SBI clerk mains 2021 conducted?
A: If situations are better, then as per the official notification, the mains exam can happen on the 31st of July 2021.
This post was last modified on June 1, 2021 10:40 am