SBI Clerk Mains English (Day-01)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk Mains 2020 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Triple Fillers

Direction (1-5): Each question below contains a statement with three blanks followed by four options. Choose the option that can fill the three blanks and mark it as your answer.

1) This is a very _______effect. Even if one believes that math, reading and IQ tests aren’t good measures of cognitive ability, abrupt decreases in these scores _______that something is hurting children’s brains. This is the kind of thing that a _______civilization should be trying to prevent.

A) abrogation, hiatus, breather

B) substantial, indicate, breather

C) substantial, indicate, functional

D) abrogation, hiatus, functional

E) None of these

2) States like Tamil Nadu and even Andhra Pradesh have _______with total prohibition in the past only to _______the policy later. N T Rama Rao is said to have won an assembly election in the 1990s by championing prohibition but his son-in-law, Chandrababu Naidu, lifted it, citing _______losses.

A) travesty, sham, revenue

B) experimented, withdraw, obeisance

C) travesty, sham, obeisance

D) experimented, withdraw, revenue

E) None of these

3) And then there was the region’s _______of educational institutions. Jefferson admired those as well—even if he did not always agree with what was being taught there. The hard work of democracy, including well-ordered community _______making, required an educated populace. That is why he waged a campaign for a system of publicly supported education in Virginia for many years. In the late 1770s, while serving in the Virginia General Assembly, Jefferson proposed a bill that would provide at least a _______level of education to all the children in the state—white children, of course.

A) profusion, decision, rudimentary

B) veneration, retain, behest

C) profusion, decision, behest

D) veneration, retain, rudimentary

E) None of these

4) There is a certain kind of liberally _______writer who sees Donald Trump’s America as a nation in crisis. At every turn, in every tweet, she is confronted by the signs of an ongoing _______, from which it may be too late to escape. An ugly, vicious intolerance spread on social media; the collapse of norms once considered sacred; a crass narrow-mindedness surreally celebrated by some of this country’s most powerful institutions—these are all elements in the _______storm of a new, distinctly American fascism.

A) petition, trounce, gathering

B) inclined, catastrophe, gathering

C) petition, trounce, jeopardize

D) inclined, catastrophe, jeopardize

E) None of these

5) The Jagan government _______ on a populist path ever since it won assembly elections in May. It began by cancelling _______and projects citing corruption. Now, it has picked up the temperance argument to _______prohibition.

A) has been, tenders, compelling

B) have, get along, compelling

C) have, get along, impose

D) has been, tenders, impose

E) None of these

Match the Column

Direction (6-10): In the following questions two columns are given containing three Sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of these” as your answer.


A) A-D, B-F

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these


A) A-D, B-E

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these


A) A-D, B-F

B) B-E, C-D

C) A-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these


A) A-D, B-E

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these


A) A-D, B-E

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-D, C-F

D) A-F, B-E

E) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: (c)

In the given sentence, only ‘substantial, indicate, functional’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because abrogation means the repeal or abolition of a law, right, or agreement which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as breather means a brief pause for rest.

Option C): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘substantial, indicate, functional’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option D): is incorrect as hiatus does not fit here contextually

2) Answer: (d)

In the given sentence, only ‘experimented, withdraw, revenue’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because travesty means a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as obeisance means deferential respect which does not make any sense here.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘sham’ does not fit here.

Option D): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘experimented, withdraw, revenue’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

3) Answer: (a)

In the given sentence, only ‘profusion, decision, rudimentary’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘profusion, decision, rudimentary’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option B): is incorrect as veneration means great respect; reverence which does not make any sense here.

Option C): is incorrect as behest means a person’s orders or command which does not make any sense here.

Option D): is incorrect as retain does not fit here contextually

4) Answer: (b)

In the given sentence, only ‘inclined, catastrophe, gathering’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect as ‘petition’ does not make any sense here.

Option B): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘inclined, catastrophe, gathering’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option C): is incorrect as trounce means defeat heavily in a contest which does not fit here.

Option D): is incorrect as ‘jeopardize’ does not make any sense here.

5) Answer: (d)

In the given sentence, only ‘has been, tenders, impose’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because compelling does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as ‘have’ does not make any sense here.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘get along’ does not fit here.

Option D): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘has been, tenders, impose’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: (c)

From the given options only B-E, C-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-E): Last week, the Union cabinet approved the Labour Code on Industrial Relations, 2019, which will allow companies to hire workers on fixed-term contracts across all sectors, to provide more flexibility to industry while ensuring equitable treatment to workers on social security benefits.

(C-F): This Code, which will have to be approved by Parliament, marks the merging of provisions of the Industrial Relations Act, the Trade Union Act and the Industrial Employment Act, the third of a set of four codes the government has proposed as part of a broader labour reforms push early on in its second term.

7) Answer: (d)

From the given options only A-F, B-D is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(A-F): In the face of rising conflict and crises, unfortunately, a growing number of governments is preventing their citizens from receiving objective information about human rights.

(B-D): I’m convinced that the independent, impartial and comprehensive information free media deliver will help people form their own opinions about the world and let them take the right decisions.

8) Answer: (a)

From the given options only A-D, B-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(A-D): The democratic rights to freedom of speech and expression, backed by the Constitution of India, are the prerequisite for the dynamic Indian media landscape.

(B-F): With nearly 900 TV channels and hundreds of 24-hour news channels in several languages, it offers vast opportunities and challenges for journalism and of course, also for advertising.

9) Answer: (b)

From the given options only B-F, C-D is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-F): As I’ve been reading over my correspondence with Nap since his death last month at the age of 81, I find myself perversely, selfishly grateful for the complete failure of the AAA’s leadership.

(C-D): If the AAA had bothered — like other scientific societies — to listen to scholars who checked the evidence, including people like the historians M. Susan Lindee, Robert Cox, Diane Paul, and John Beatty, then they might never have bungled the task so badly.

10) Answer: (c)

From the given options only B-D, C-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-D): Improving Virginia’s system of education, Jefferson believed, was the foundation upon which progress would be built, and the foundation had to be laid properly.

(C-F): In Thomas Jefferson’s Education, Alan Taylor—the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Professor of History at the University of Virginia—probes that ambitious mission in clear prose and with great insight and erudition.

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