SBI Clerk

SBI Clerk Mains English (Day-35)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk 2020 Mains so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Double Fillers

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions below, a sentence is given withtwo blanks that indicate that some parts are missing. Identify the correctpair of words that fit in the sentence to make it grammatically andcontextually correct.

1) Justice Stephen Irwin and Justice Elisabeth Laing were told by Mallya’s barrister that Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot’s   in favour of extradition in December 2018 was   and also questioned the admissibility of some witness statements submitted by the Indian government.

A) Adjudgment, invalid

B) indetermination, bark

C) non-declaration, liberally

D) verdict, flawed

E) None of these

2) There is a stark contrast between the PSA against Abdullah and Mufti on the one hand and, on the other, the Narendra Modi administration’s   when its own ministers and MPs make incendiary statements  critics of being terrorists and calling for violence.

A) laxity, impute blame to

B) unanimously, establish

C) complacence, accusing

D) gloating, point the finger at

E) None of these

3) Assuming that actions prejudicial to the of the State constitute far graver offences, three months   should be ample for proceeding to trial.

A) partly enclosed, provision

B) security, detention

C) established, in harmony

D) Perception, precludes

E) None of these

4) Admittedly, successive governments have   the political leaders of J&K, starting with the arrest of Sheikh Abdullah, but after that   period no chief minister has been detained, let alone under the PSA.

A) suspected, fateful

B) frigid,millennium

C) Canaanitic, polar

D) intelligently, divided

E) None of these.

5) The best course may be to get as much   as you possibly can in order to give yourself more scope for tomorrow and the day after. 

A) strategy, cosmopolitan

B) withdraw, name

C) achieved, relaxation

D) omitted, validate

E) None of these

Statement – Inference

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions an inference is given in bold which is then followed by 3 paragraphs. You have to find the paragraph(s) from which it is inferred. Choose the option with the best possible outcome as your choice.

6) The Scottish Government has spent more than one and a half million pounds on social media advertising in the last five years.

I) THE closure of the £1.35bn Queensferry Crossing because of falling lumps of ice has triggered a political row over the competence of the Scottish Government.

II) The main road bridge between the Lothians and Fife was shut in both directions on Monday after vehicles were hit by ice falling from overhead wires amid Storm Ciara.

III) More than £1m was spent on Facebook, while the rest was split on ads with Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn.

A) I and II

B) II and III

C) Only II

D) Only III

E) None of these

7) A plane was inspected at Glasgow Airport after it was believed to have been struck by lightning this morning as Storm Ciara sweeps across Scotland. 

I) The club has now cleared £2m of debt in a three-year period, having paid off money owed to former chairmen John Boyle and Les Hutchison last year.

II) Scotland’s largest city also retained its seventh position as best large city overall and was fourth for businessfriendliness in the European Cities and Regions of the Future 2020/21 report published every two years by Intelligence.

III) British Airways confirmed that they carried out an inspection on an aircraft after they believed the plane was struck, but that their services remained largely uninterrupted as a result of the incident.

A) Only III

B) I and III

C) I, II and III

D) I and II

E) None of these.

8) HUNDREDS of students at the prestigious Royal Conservatoire of Scotland have signed an open letter demanding that senior managers urgently address “serious discrimination and abuse” at the institution.

I) It seems the party has been left in turmoil by the latest scandal which saw Mackay, the high-flying finance minister tipped as a replacement for Nicola Sturgeon, resign from his senior role in disgrace.

II) Along with the budget being largely ignored by the public, despite junior minister Kate Forbes’ sterling delivery and performance in the chamber, allegations that the Scottish Government tried to prohibit publication of a story about the financeminister’s inappropriate messages have done nothing to help its reputation.

III) The party, which has weathered many a severe storm before now, has had a disastrous week which will take nothing short of a miracle to recover from.

A) Only II

B) Only III

C) II and III

D) I and II

E) None of these.

9) Come on you greys – why we should fight for Scotland’s other squirrels.

I) The other day, a wildlife hospital in Leicestershire said a change in the law means it will now have to kill any grey squirrels brought to them to be treated.

II) Animal hospitals used to be able to apply for a license to treat grays.

III) A new regulation says non-native species must be destroyed. If grey squirrels had a vote.

A) Only II

B) Only I

C) I, II and III

D) II and III

E) None of these

10) Rangers hit out at ‘media, journalists and pundits’ they claim trivialized ‘racist abuse’ against Morelos.

I) Police Scotland confirmed a schoolboy was reported over an alleged incident during Rangers’ trip to CelticPark on Sunday, December 29. Morelos was allegedly targeted for abuse and the club leapt to his defense.

II) The Met Office said Storm Dennis “would not be as severe” as Storm Ciara, but more strong winds and heavy rain are expected over Saturday and Sunday.

III) Richard Leonard has written to the First Minister demanding to know why she opted to let Mr Mackay resign from her cabinet, rather than immediately dismissing him.

A) Only II

B) Only III

C) Only I

D) I, II and III

E) None of these

Answers :

1) Answer: (d)

In the given sentence, only ‘verdict, flawed’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because ‘adjudgment’ means to determine by a judge; to pass on and decide judicially which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as indetermination, bark’ does not fit here contextually and grammatically.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘non-declaration, liberally’ does not fit here contextually and grammatically.

Option D): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘verdict’ means a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest and ‘flawed’ means having or characterized by a fundamental weakness or imperfection both of which fit here both grammatically and contextually.

2) Answer: (c)

In the given sentence, only ‘complacence, accusing’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because ‘laxity’ means lack of strictness or care which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as unanimously, establish’ does not fit here contextually and grammatically.

Option C): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘complacence’ means a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements and ‘unanimously’ means indicating a belief in someone’s guilt or culpability both of which fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option D): is incorrect as ‘bring into being’ means dwelling on one’s own success or another’s misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure which does not make any sense here.

3) Answer: (b)

In the given sentence, only ‘security, detention’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because ‘partly enclosed, provision’ which does not fit here.

Option B): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘security’ means the state of being free from danger or threat and ‘detention’ means the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody which fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘established’ means having existed or done something for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted which does not fit here contextually and grammatically.

Option D): is incorrect as ‘Perception, precludes’ which does not fit here contextually.

4) Answer: (a)

In the given sentence, only ‘suspected, fateful’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is correct because ‘suspected’ have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof and ‘fateful’ means having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications which fit here contextually and grammatically.

Option B): is incorrect as‘frigid’ means very cold in temperature which does not fit here contextually and grammatically.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘Canaanitic’ which does not fit here contextually and grammatically.

Option D): is the incorrect as ‘intelligently’ means in a knowledgeable and insightful way which does not fit here grammatically and contextually.

5) Answer: (c)

In the given sentence, only ‘achieved, relaxation’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because ‘strategy’ which does not fit here grammatically.

Option B): is incorrect as ‘withdraw’ means remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position which does not make any sense here.

Option C): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘achieved, relaxation’ both of which fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option D): is incorrect as‘omitted’ means eave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully which does not fit here contextually and grammatically.

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: (d)

Paragraph III reflects the paragraph with respect to the inference given; its talks about the Scottish Government have spent more than one and a half million pounds on social media advertising in the last five years.

Hence option D is the suitable choice.

7) Answer: (a)

Paragraph III reflects the paragraph with respect to the inference given; its talks about A plane was inspected at Glasgow Airport after it was believed to have been struck by lightning this morning as Storm Ciara sweeps across Scotland.

Hence option A is the suitable choice.

8) Answer: (e)

None of this option fit in this content. All option talks about DEREK Mackay’s schoolboy error may just be the straw that broke the camel’s back for the SNP.

Hence option E is the suitable choice.

9) Answer: (c)

Paragraph I, II and III reflects the paragraph with respect to the inference given; its talks I’m watching the squirrel in my garden. He’s hanging upside down on a branch so he can get at the bird feeder. Suddenly, he does a forward flip, lands on the branch above, and turns a hazelnut round and round in his paws like a ball. He is an acrobat, and a gymnast, and a basketball player. And now he’s off. He is a sprinter too.

Hence option C is the suitable choice.

10) Answer: (c)

Paragraph I reflect the paragraph with respect to the inference given; its talks About Rangers have aimed a swipe at ‘journalists, pundits and the media’ who they claim have trivialized ‘racist abuse’ allegedly suffered by striker Alfredo Morelos.

Hence option C is the suitable choice.

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This post was last modified on August 25, 2020 7:46 pm