SBI Clerk

SBI Clerk Mains English (Day-37)

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Synonyms – Antonyms

Directions (1-5): In the following questions, four words are given, choose the most suitable alternative reflecting the combination of the words which are either synonyms or antonyms of each other. If no such pair is formed, mark option (e) i.e., “none of these” your answer choice.

1) (i) Vain

(ii) Luscious

(iii) Abrupt

(iv) Modest

A) Only (i)-(iv)

B) Only (i)-(iii)

C) Only (ii)-(iv)

D) Only (ii)-(iv)

E) None of these

2) (i) Bliss

(ii) Bridled

(iii) Uncontrolled

(iv) Courteous

A) Only (i)-(ii)

B) Only (iii)-(iv)

C) Only (ii)-(iii)

D) Only (i)-(iv)

E) None of these

3) (i) Atone

(ii) Sue

(iii) Malice

(iv) Disproportion

A) Only (i)-(iv)

B) Only (ii)-(iii)

C) Only (i)-(iii)

D) Only (ii)-(iv)

E) None of these

4) (i) Vitriolic

(ii) Foster

(iii) Rectify

(iv) Acrimonious

A) Only (ii)-(iii)

B) Only (i)-(iv)

C) Only (iii)-(iv)

D) Only (ii)-(iii)

E) None of these

5) (i) Pernicious

(ii) Acquit

(iii) Accuse

(iv) Zenith

A) Only (iii)-(iv)

B) Only (i)-(iii)

C) Only (ii)-(iii)

D) Only (i)-(iv)

E) None of these

Words Replacement

Direction(6-10): In each of the question below, a sentence has been broken into parts with one word highlighted in bold in each fragment. From the given options, identify the word which expresses similar meaning to the given sentences with the highlighted word replaced by a word of the similar meaning.

6) On the way down I accidentally touched the dwarf woman and she screeched/‘don’t touch me’ as if I had molested her, when I got downstairs, /I saw that there were around 30 people in the raiding/ party andtheir first purpose seemed to be to intimidate me.

A) Encourage

B) Squealed

C) Terrify

D) Assaulted

E) All are correct

7) The liberation of Paris was both joyous and chaotic, /it was faster and easier for the Allies than their/protracted battle through Normandy/ and its gun-filled hedgerows.

A) Disorganise

B) Simple

C) Extended

D) Systematic

E) None of these

8) Iran’s foreign minister flew into the French resort hosting/a G7 summit on August 25, an unexpected twist to a /meeting already troubled by differences between U.S. President Donald Trump /and Western allies over a raft of issues, including Iran.

A) Crumple

B) Satisfied

C) Organising

D) Disquiet

E) None of these

9) The drones crashed amid heightened tensions between neighbouring/ Israel and Iran, which backs Hezbollah, and shortly after Israeli warplanes attacked/ targets near the Syrian capital, Damascus, Israeli aircraft buzzed over Beirut on /Sunday, hours after the drones crashed, raising fears of a wider conflict.

A) Tipsy

B) Lambasted

C) Harmonious

D) Strike

E) None of these

10) The U.S. and the Taliban met in Doha on Saturday, an American source/ close to the negotiations/ said, resuming potentially decisive talks to allow/ Washington to drawdown militarily in Afghanistan.

A) Insignificant

B) Reduction

C) Purposeful

D) Conference

E) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: (a)

Vain means having or showing an excessively high opinion one’s appearance, abilities or worth.

Luscious means having a pleasingly rich, sweet taste.

Abrupt means sudden and unexpected.

Modest means ‘unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements’.

Therefore (i) and (iv) are antonyms.

So, Option A is correct.

2) Answer: (c)

Bliss means great joy.

Bridled means control.

Uncontrolled means ‘unlimited’.

Courteous means respectful.

Therefore, (ii) and (iii) are antonyms.

Hence Option C is correct.

3) Answer: (a)

‘Atone’ means to make amends or reparation.

Sue means taking legal action.

Malice means the desire to harm someone, ill will.

Disproportion means an instance being out of proportion with something else.

Therefore, (i) and (iv) are antonyms.

Hence, Option A is correct.

4) Answer: (b)

Vitriolic means filled with bitter criticism.

Foster means encourage the development of something.

Rectify means correct.

Acrimonious means angry and bitter.

Therefore (ii) and (iii) are synonyms.

Hence, option B is correct

5) Answer: (c)

Pernicious means having a harmful effect.

Acquit means free someone from a criminal charge

Accuse means charge someone with an offence or crime.

Zenith means top most point

Therefore, (ii) and (iii) are synonyms.

Hence, Option C is correct.

Directioms (6-10) :

6) Answer: (a)

New sentence-On the way down I accidentally touched the dwarf woman and she screeched ‘don’t touch me’ as if I had molested her. When I got downstairs, I saw that there were around 30 people in the raiding party. Their first purpose seemed to be to encourage me.

In all other options except (A), the word given in the options are synonyms of those bold ones, only “encourage” (give support or confidence) is the one that is opposite of “intimidate” which means ‘frighten or overawe’.

Hence option (A) is correct.

7) Answer: (d)

New sentence- The liberation of Paris was both joyous and systematic, it was faster and easier for the Allies than their protracted battle through Normandy and its gun-filled hedgerows.

In all other options except (D), the word given in the options are synonyms of those bold ones, only “systematic”is the one that is opposite of “chaotic” which means ‘in a state of complete confusion and disorder’.

Hence option (D) is correct.

8) Answer: (b)

New sentence-Iran’s foreign minister flew into the French resort hosting a G7 summit on August 25, an unexpected twist to a meeting already satisfied by differences between U.S. President Donald Trump and Western allies over a raft of issues, including Iran.

In all other options except (B), the word given in the options are synonyms of those bold ones, only “satisfied”(contented, pleased)  is the one that is opposite of “troubled” , which means ‘difficulties or problems’.

Hence option B is correct.

9) Answer: (c)

New sentence- The drones crashed amid heightened tensions between neighboring Israel and Iran, which backs Hezbollah, and shortly after Israeli warplanes attacked targets near the Syrian capital, Damascus, Israeli aircraft buzzed over Beirut on Sunday, hours after the drones crashed, raising fears of a wider harmonious.

In all other options except (C), the word given in the options are synonyms of those bold ones, only “harmonious” (marked by agreement in feeling, attitude or action) is the one that is opposite of “conflict” which means ‘a serious disagreement or argument’.

Hence option C is correct.

10) Answer: (a)

New sentence- The U.S. and the Taliban met in Doha on Saturday, an American source close to the negotiations said, resuming potentially insignificant talks to allow Washington to drawdown militarily in Afghanistan.

In all other options except (A), the word given in the options are synonyms of those bold ones, only “insignificant” (too small or unimportant to be worth consideration) is the one that is opposite of “decisive” which means ‘producing a definite result’.

Hence option A is correct.

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This post was last modified on August 25, 2020 7:45 pm